[Ecls-list] Ecl crashes on binarytrees benchmark

Marko Kocić marko.kocic at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 11:49:45 UTC 2008

I tried to run slightly modified sbcl binarytrees benchmark from
http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ (see attachment)
When I try to run it compiled it crashes with illegal memory write dialog box.

Here are commands to compile and run it.

ecl -norc -compile "binary-trees.lisp"
ecl -norc -shell binary-trees.fas -eval "(time (main 16))"

When running without compilation it doesn't crash, but is slower 10 times.

My system id mingw32 with gcc-4.3.1.
Ecl is latest from git configured with:
./configure --prefix=/c/lisp/app/ecl --enable-threads --enable-unicode
--enable-smallcons --enable-asmapply --enable-gengc --with-profile

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