[Ecls-list] FULL SUCCESS! Re: [fricas-devel] Re: aldor interface with ecl

Martin Rubey martin.rubey at univie.ac.at
Tue Aug 12 09:23:23 UTC 2008

Ralf Hemmecke <ralf at hemmecke.de> writes:

> I don't know what you did, but it sounds great.

apply the set of patches I sent previously.  (as I indicated already, loading
foam_l is *not* necessary)

configure --with-lisp=path/to/ecl --enable-aldor


make install

to run combinat, you have to make VARIANTSTOBUILD=axiom, then 

cd combinat/src
)re ../lib/combinat.input

)co everly .lsp file


> It also seems that you were able to run fricas on top of ecl. Is that true?
> Wasn't there any problem?

No problem. ecl 09l.

> What is the fixnum size of ecl on a 32 bit machine/on a 64 bit machine?

64 bit I don't know. 32 bit has the same as sbcl, i.e., max()$SINT = 2^29 - 1.
(I guess I was a little confused: *bitsize* of fixnum is 30 bit, in both sbcl
and ecl...)


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