[Ecls-list] Now, xmls...

Robin Lee Powell rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org
Fri Aug 8 01:37:07 UTC 2008

Trying to asdf-install xmls.  This part is almost certainly
something that needs porting, rather than anything like an actual
problem with ECL, but I've never used PROCLAIM at all, so if anyone
has advice, I'd appreciate it.

Full context follows, but the important bit is:

    ;;; Error:
    ;;; The form (PROCLAIM '(FTYPE FUNCTION ELEMENT)) was not evaluated successfully.
    ;;; You are recommended to compile again.

> (asdf-install:install 'xmls)
Install where?
1) System-wide install:
   System in /usr/local/asdf-install/site-systems/
   Files in /usr/local/asdf-install/site/
2) Personal installation:
   System in C:/.asdf-install-dir/systems/
   Files in C:/.asdf-install-dir/site/
0) Abort installation.
 --> 1
;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Downloading 58339 bytes from http://common-lisp.net/project/xm
ls/xmls-1.2.tar.gz to /asdf-install-0.asdf-install-tmp ...
;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Downloading 189 bytes from http://common-lisp.net/project/xmls
/xmls-1.2.tar.gz.asc to /asdf-install-1.asdf-install-tmp ...
'gpg' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

"NIL" Call to GPG failed. Perhaps GPG is not installed or not in the path.
Broken at SI:BYTECODES.Available restarts:
1. (INSTALL-ANYWAYS) Don't check GPG signature for this package
2. (RETRY-GPG-CHECK) Retry GPG check (e.g., after downloading the key)
>> :r1
;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Installing XMLS in /usr/local/asdf-install/site/, /usr/local/a
;;; ASDF-INSTALL: Found system definition: C:/usr/local/asdf-install/site/xmls-1
; loading system definition from
; C:/usr/local/asdf-install/site/xmls-1.2/xmls.asd into #<ASDF0 package>
;;; Loading "C:/usr/local/asdf-install/site/xmls-1.2/xmls.asd"
; registering #<SYSTEM :XMLS 16151344> as XMLS
;;; Compiling C:/usr/local/asdf-install/site/xmls-1.2/xmls.lisp.
;;; Compiling (DEFVAR *STRIP-COMMENTS* ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFVAR *TEST-VERBOSE* ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFVAR *ENTITIES* ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFVAR *WHITESPACE* ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFVAR *CHAR-ESCAPES* ...).
;;; Compiling (IF (NOT #) ...).
;;; Warning: Type declaration was found for not bound variable *ENTITIES*.
;;; Compiling (DEFCLASS XML-PARSE-ERROR ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN MAKE-NODE ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NODE-NAME ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NODE-NS ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN (SETF NODE-NS) ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NODE-ATTRS ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN (SETF NODE-ATTRS) ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NODE-CHILDREN ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN (SETF NODE-CHILDREN) ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN WRITE-ESCAPED ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN PUSH-STRING ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN TRANSLATE-RAW-VALUE ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN GENERATE-XML ...).
;;; Note: Replacing variable C by its value #<form VAR F8ED08>
;;; Compiling (DEFUN MAKE-STATE ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN RESOLVE-ENTITY ...).
;;; Note: In function RESOLVE-ENTITY, checking types of arguments ENT.
;;; Compiling (SI:FSET 'RESOLVE-ENTITY ...).
;;; Warning: Type declaration was found for not bound variable *ENTITIES*.
;;; Compiling (DEFUN PEEK-STREAM ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN READ-STREAM ...).
;;; Compiling (SI:PUT-SYSPROP 'NEXT-CHAR ...).
;;; Warning: The variable SI::ENV is not used.
;;; Compiling (SI:PUT-SYSPROP 'NEXT-CHAR ...).
;;; Warning: The variable SI::FORM is not used.
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO EAT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO MATCH ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO MATCH-SEQ ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO MATCH* ...).
;;; Note: Replacing variable SEQUENCE by its value #<form CALL-GLOBAL FA2060>
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO MATCH+ ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO PEEK ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO MUST ...).
;;; Note: Replacing variable BODY by its value #<form CALL-GLOBAL FA8AE0>
;;; Compiling (DEFUN MAKE-ELEMENT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN RESOLVE-NAMESPACE ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO DEFMATCH ...).
;;; Note: Replacing variable BODY by its value #<form CALL-GLOBAL FAE7F8>
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO DEFRULE ...).
;;; Note: Replacing variable BODY by its value #<form CALL-GLOBAL FB1F60>
;;; Compiling (DEFMACRO MATCHFN ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NONE-OR-MORE ...).
;;; Note: In function NONE-OR-MORE, checking types of arguments FUNC S.
;;; Compiling (DEFUN ONE-OR-MORE ...).
;;; Note: In function ONE-OR-MORE, checking types of arguments FUNC S.
;;; Compiling (DEFUN DIGIT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN LETTER ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN WS-CHAR ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NAMECHAR ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NCNAME-CHAR ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN ATTR-TEXT-DQ ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN ATTR-TEXT-SQ ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN CHARDATA ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN COMMENT-CHAR ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NCNAME ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN QNAME ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN ATTR-OR-NSDECL ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN WS ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN NAME ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN WS-ATTR-OR-NSDECL ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN START-TAG ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN END-TAG ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN COMMENT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN COMMENT-OR-CDATA ...).
;;; Compiling (PROCLAIM '(FTYPE FUNCTION ...)).
;;; Error:
;;; The form (PROCLAIM '(FTYPE FUNCTION ELEMENT)) was not evaluated successfully
;;; You are recommended to compile again.
;;; Compiling (DEFUN CONTENT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN ELEMENT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN XMLDECL ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN COMMENT-OR-DOCTYPE ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN MISC ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN DOCUMENT ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN WRITE-XML ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN TOXML ...).
;;; Compiling (DEFUN PARSE ...).
;;; Compiling (SI:FSET 'PARSE ...).
;;; Warning: The variable SI::TEMP is not used.
;;; Compiling (SI:FSET 'PARSE ...).
;;; Warning: The variable SI::TEMP is not used.
;;; Due to errors in the compilation process, no FASL was generated.
;;; Search above for the "Error:" tag to find the error messages.
;;; Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 16203544
> on
#<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "xmls" "xmls" 16168448>.
;;; Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 16203544
> on
#<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "xmls" "xmls" 16168448>.
erred while invoking #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 16203544> on #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "x
mls" "xmls" 16168448>
Broken at SI:BYTECODES.Available restarts:
1. (TRY-RECOMPILING) Try recompiling xmls
2. (RETRY) Retry performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 16203544> on #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-
FILE "xmls" "xmls" 16168448>.
3. (ACCEPT) Continue, treating #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL 16203544> on #<ASDF:CL-SOUR
CE-FILE "xmls" "xmls" 16168448> as having been successful.
4. (RETRY) Retry installation


Lojban Reason #17: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_buffalo
Proud Supporter of the Singularity Institute - http://singinst.org/
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/

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