[Ecls-list] build-shared-library and export functions

_ _ swarogich at bk.ru
Fri Sep 7 18:05:37 UTC 2007

>> These calls are executed with no errors and I get libtest.so at the end.
>> But L1get_msg_text is not exported there. Why is that happening?
>(declaim (si::c-export-fname get-msg-text))
>now nm libtest.so should show something like
>0000072c T test_get_msg_text
>test_ is added as a prefix due to the package name.


Thank you, now I can build my shared library with Lisp compiled functions in its place. But still, how do I use it? If I just dlsym test_get_msg_text, it seems to be located correctly (non-NULL pointer), but when I call it, I get segmentation fault.

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