[Ecls-list] Question about command-line switches

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll jjgarcia at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Nov 24 16:34:28 UTC 2007

Implemented. But you could have done the same by writing a script yourself.

$ cat foo.lsp
(defun foo (x)
  (print x))

(foo 1)

(ext:quit 0)

$ ecl -s -o foo.o -q -compile foo.lsp
;;; Loading #P"/Users/jjgarcia/lib/ecl/cmp.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/Users/jjgarcia/lib/ecl/sysfun.lsp"
$ ecl -o myprog.exe -q -link foo.o
;;; Loading #P"/Users/jjgarcia/lib/ecl/CMP.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/Users/jjgarcia/lib/ecl/sysfun.lsp"
;;; Warning: File #P"myprog.exe" is of no known file type. Assuming it
is an object file.
;;; Note: Invoking external command:
;;; gcc  -g -O2 -fPIC -fno-common  -fstrict-aliasing -Ddarwin -O
"-I/Users/jjgarcia/include/" -w -c
"/Users/jjgarcia/src/common-lisp.net/ecl/build/ECLINITn2IWJk.c" -o

;;; Note: Invoking external command:
;;; gcc -o "/Users/jjgarcia/src/common-lisp.net/ecl/build/myprog.exe"
"/Users/jjgarcia/src/common-lisp.net/ecl/build/foo.o"     -lecl   -lm

$ ./myprog.exe

1 $

Facultad de Fisicas, Universidad Complutense,
Ciudad Universitaria s/n Madrid 28040 (Spain)

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