[Ecls-list] C compiler errors during compile-file

Dustin Long dlong at stevens.edu
Wed May 9 03:03:19 UTC 2007

Just one more, then I'm done.

When I try to compile-file the following:

(defvar *ls* nil)

(let ((*ls* '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
  (let ((the-list (cons nil *ls*)))
    (let ((prev the-list))
      (flet ((cut () (let (kill)
               (setf kill (cdr prev)
                     (cdr prev) (cdr kill)
                     prev (cons nil prev))))))
      (format t the-list))))

I get the following compiler errors on the .c

;;; cl  -MD -EHsc -DGC_DLL -nologo -DECL_THREADS  -O2 
-I"d:/home/dev/lang/ecl/" -w -c "D:/home/dev/code/x.c" 

D:/home/dev/code/x.c(35) : error C2065: 'lex0' : undeclared identifier
D:/home/dev/code/x.c(35) : error C2109: subscript requires array or 
pointer type
D:/home/dev/code/x.c(35) : error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value

Similar errors appear on linux.


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