[Ecls-list] A minor correction to type definition for #'hash-table-count

Dave Roberts dave at vyatta.com
Wed Jan 10 15:18:42 UTC 2007

Ralph Campbell wrote:
> The sysfun.lsp file specifies the parameter and return value types
> of the built in functions.  The definition for #'hash-table-count
> can be more accurate:
> --- src/cmp/sysfun.lsp.old      2007-01-05 20:28:48.000000000 -0800
> +++ src/cmp/sysfun.lsp  2007-01-05 20:29:32.000000000 -0800
> @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
>  (proclaim-function remhash (t t) t)
>  (proclaim-function maphash (t t) t)
>  (proclaim-function clrhash (t) t)
> -(proclaim-function hash-table-count (t) t)
> +(proclaim-function hash-table-count (t) fixnum)
>  (proclaim-function sxhash (t) fixnum)
>  (proclaim-function si:hash-set (*) t)

What if I have a very large hashtable? Practically, it seems like a 
fixnum is all that's required, but according to the spec, this is just 
an integer, which could be a bignum, too, right? How big are ECL's fixnums?

I agree that it could be more specific than T, however.

-- Dave

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