[Ecls-list] trouble with si:load-foreign-module

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 17:13:30 UTC 2007


While trying to bring CFFI's ECL backend up to date, I stumbled across a
crash caused by trying to place the result si:load-foreign-module in a
CLOS slot.

  > (defclass foo () ((x :initarg :x)))
  > (make-instance 'foo :x (si:load-foreign-module "/usr/lib/libz.so"))

  Internal or unrecoverable error in:
  not a lisp data object

Doing the same thing with, e.g., a struct works fine but whenever I try
to put a "codeblock" object in a CLOS slot, ECL gets upset.  This
happens with latest CVS, running on linux/x86-64.  HTH.

Luís Oliveira

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