[Ecls-list] Conflicting init_ functions when building libraries

Bernd Kiefer kiefer at dfki.de
Thu Mar 16 06:37:01 UTC 2006

> Try to change the variable si::*init-function-prefix* before compiling
> those modules. See the file build/compile.lsp for an example.
> Michael.

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried that and it partly solved my
problem, but only in exchange for another one.

When i compile the system, i produce fasl and object files in parallel,
which i have to do with two compile-file calls, because i can not
inhibit the deletion of the intermediate object file (why?).

I then load the fasl files immediately to have a lisp image that
reflects the state of the already compiled/loaded files. The dynamic
lib that is produced this way does exactly the right thing, namely what
the interpreter would do when all the fasl files were loaded in the
right order.

Setting si::*init-function-prefix* forces me to produce only the object
files since this variable does not seem to be considered when building
fasls, which results in an error when loading them. But the library
that results from this computation behaves differently (wrongly) from
the one that subsequently loads the fasls.

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


Bernd Kiefer                                            Am Blauberg 16
kiefer at dfki.de                                      66119 Saarbruecken
+49-681/302-5301 (office)                      +49-681/3904507  (home)

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