[Ecls-list] new ECL list member/ ECL project

Goffioul Michael goffioul at imec.be
Wed Jan 25 01:20:01 UTC 2006

> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for that. My app doesn't crash now.
> How do you setup a gray stream ?
> I'd love to be able to echo errors and general standard 
> output goodness to the screen.
> In the FAQ, it points to xchat, but I couldn't find the 
> implementation of gray streams there.

Here are parts of my implementation (not fully functional, but you
probably get the idea). lisp.d defines the MEX interface and the
routines to redirect ECL outputs to MATLAB window. It also defines a
temporary output stream as a string-stream used during the
process. Finally, it loads minit.lsp (compiled in the MEX file, loaded
through the init_MINIT call), which setup the gray streams.


static cl_object out_stream = Cnil;

@(defun "matlab_invoke_debugger" (condition old_debugger_hook)
        /* Flush any initialization message */
        if ( !Null( out_stream ) )
                mexPrintf( "%s", cl_get_output_stream_string( out_stream
)->string.self );

        cl_object err_str = cl_format( 4, Cnil, make_constant_string(
"LISP error => ~A~C" ), condition, CODE_CHAR('\0') );
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "LISP:error", (char*)err_str->string.self );
        @( return Cnil )

@(defun "matlab_quit" ()
        mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt("LISP:quit", "QUIT function is disabled in
LISP, use the 'quit' function from MATLAB instead.");
        @(return Cnil)

#define MEX_BUFFER_LEN 128
static char mex_buffer[ MEX_BUFFER_LEN ];
static int mex_buffer_index = 0;

static cl_object matlab_mex_flush()
        mex_buffer[ mex_buffer_index ] = '\0';
        mexPrintf( "%s", mex_buffer );
        mex_buffer_index = 0;
        @( return Cnil );

static cl_object matlab_mex_write_char( cl_object c )
        assert_type_character( c );
        mex_buffer[ mex_buffer_index++ ] = CHAR_CODE( c );
        if ( mex_buffer_index == ( MEX_BUFFER_LEN-1 ) || CHAR_CODE(c) ==
                /* time to flush buffer */
        @( return c )

void lisp_matlab_init()
        /* Install temporary I/O streams to catch messages during
initialization */
        out_stream = cl_make_string_output_stream( 0 );
        ECL_SET( @'*terminal-io*', cl_make_two_way_stream(
cl_make_string_input_stream( 1, make_constant_string( "" ) ),
                                                        out_stream ) );
        ECL_SET( @'*error-output*', out_stream );

        /* Catch errors through invoke-debugger; redefine "quit" */
        cl_object mdbg_sym = c_string_to_object("MATLAB-DEBUGGER-HOOK");
        cl_def_c_function_va(mdbg_sym, (void*)matlab_invoke_debugger);
        ECL_SET( @'*debugger-hook*', mdbg_sym);
        cl_def_c_function_va(@'ext::quit', ( void* )matlab_quit);

        /* Create "MATLAB" package */
        cl_object mpack = make_package( make_constant_string( "MATLAB"
), Cnil, cl_list( 1, make_constant_string( "COMMON-LISP" ) ) );
        cl_def_c_function( _intern( "MEX-WRITE-CHAR", mpack ), ( void*
)matlab_mex_write_char, 1 );
        cl_def_c_function( _intern( "MEX-FLUSH", mpack ), ( void*
)matlab_mex_flush, 0 );

        /* Load initialization file */
        cl_object user_pack =
        read_VV(OBJNULL, init_MINIT);

        /* Undefine temporary output stream, as it should have been
redefined in "minit.lsp" */
        out_stream = Cnil;


(defclass matlab-stream (ext::fundamental-character-output-stream)

(defun matlab-debug (fmt &rest args)
  (with-open-file (f "debug.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :append
:if-does-not-exist :create)
    (apply #'format (append (list f fmt) args))))

(defmethod ext::stream-write-char ((stream matlab-stream) c)
  ;(matlab-debug "Writing char: [~A] ~A~%" (char-code c) c)
  (matlab::mex-write-char c))

(defmethod ext::stream-force-output ((stream matlab-stream))
  ;(matlab-debug "stream-force-output called~%")

(let ((old-io *terminal-io*))
  (setq *terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "")
(make-instance 'matlab-stream)))
  (setq *error-output* (two-way-stream-output-stream *terminal-io*))
  ; Flush any pending message
  (and (typep old-io 'two-way-stream) (typep
(two-way-stream-output-stream old-io) 'string-stream)
       (format t "~A" (get-output-stream-string
(two-way-stream-output-stream old-io)))))

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