[Ecls-list] Re: Problem with descendants of STANDARD-CLASS

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Tue Feb 14 04:46:07 UTC 2006

On 13 Feb 2006, at 19:46, Daniel Debertin wrote:

> Pascal Costanza <pc at ...> writes:
>> On 13 Feb 2006, at 06:57, Dan Debertin wrote:
>>> I'm trying out MOP features on various Lisps lately.
>> You might be interested in the Closer Project. See http://common-
>> lisp.net/project/closer/
> I am aware of Closer and think it's a good idea. What I'm looking  
> for, though,
> is a native-executable-compiling (via C is fine) Lisp with good MOP  
> support,
> which means GCL or ECL. Both have problems with the MOP, and aren't  
> supported by
> Closer.

GCL isn't supported yet because it isn't officially ANSI-compliant  
yet. Last time I have checked (abou a year ago, or so) not even my  
package definitions worked out of the box, so I didn't want work  
around such limitations but instead have chosen to wait for 2.7  
(that's when GCL is planned to be ANSI-compliant). As soon as that's  
the case, I will add GCL.

ECL didn't claim to be MOP compliant in the first place, so I didn't  
take it into account. It would be no problem to make the necessary  
changes to the MOP Feature Tests test suite to support ECL so that  
you have a good idea which features are already supported and which  
are missing. Please let me know if you're interested.


Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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