[Ecls-list] Using Femlisp with ECL / Bug reports

Nicolas Neuss Nicolas.Neuss at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Oct 24 09:35:53 UTC 2005

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll <lisp at arrakis.es> writes:

> On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 14:44 +0200, Nicolas Neuss wrote: 
>> [...] This part of Femlisp does work now
>> with ECL (even the tests of this part are passing), and I think the hardest
>> part is done.  Nevertheless, there is still a problems: ECL yields a core
>> dump when compiling the file "femlisp/src/algebra/sparse.lisp". 
> I have tried (not very hard because of time constraints) to compile
> femlisp for the last weeks, but I always end up with a core dump, but
> due to the fact that ECL ate all available memory. I suspect there must
> be either some problem in the compiler, or ECL cannot handle so many
> FASL files (are they loaded during compilation?)

I think they are compiled and loaded in chunks - whatever ASDF does...

> Alternatively I change start.lisp to work with the new ASDF automatized
> joint FASL building (i.e. combining all compiled files into a single
> shared library that ECL can easily handle). Basically
> Index: start.lisp
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/femlisp/femlisp/start.lisp,v
> retrieving revision 1.15
> diff -u -r1.15 start.lisp
> --- start.lisp	13 Oct 2005 16:11:09 -0000	1.15
> +++ start.lisp	24 Oct 2005 13:35:06 -0000
> @@ -151,7 +151,10 @@
>  ;;; we want to work generally with double float numbers
>  (setq *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* 'double-float)
> +#-ecl
>  (asdf:operate 'asdf::load-op :femlisp-src)
> +#+ecl
> +(asdf::make-build :femlisp-src :type :fasl)
>  (pushnew :femlisp *features*)

OK, I'll incorporate this.

> But here I found problems with LOOP. Constructs like the ones showed
> below are wrong because you cannot intermingle WHILE and FOR statements
> in a loop. It is not ANSI, even though some lisps seem to swallow it.
> For me it is difficult to correct the statements because I do not know
> what evaluation order you expect in that code. Could you please add the
> previous tweak, maybe rewrite the LOOP statements and give ECL a try?

I'll try to do that in the next days.

Thank you,


P.S.: In the meantime I have succeeded in getting GCL to compile and load
Femlisp without errors which should help the ECL port.  However, up to now
the Femlisp test suite does not run through, partly because there are
operations for which GCL needs much more resources than CMUCL/SBCL/Allegro.
Therefore, I fear that there is some work to be done (including profiling
and special optimizations) until either the ECL or GCL port reaches a
useful state.

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