[Ecls-list] MT linking to C app fails

Goffioul Michael goffioul at imec.be
Tue Oct 11 04:16:42 UTC 2005

> Hello
> With today's CVS copy, I can compile and get all the 
> Multithreaded exe 
> and libs, but when I link it with my C++ app I now get:
> error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__cl_env
> Am initialsing ECL wrongly ??? I didn't change anything from 
> my single 
> threaded approach yet !!
> I see in the elc-threads.def there is no cl_env ... only 
> cl_process_env.
> So I am probably being silly but I can't find the doco on 
> what I should 
> use for MT !!!!

You should compile your C++ app with -DECL_THREADS


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