[Ecls-list] fix for another slight problem using visual c++ toolkit 2003

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Thu Nov 10 00:59:01 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 22:10 -0800, fBechmann at t-online.de wrote:
> the threading sample in ~\examples\threads\import_win32 was not linkable 
> ('cl : Command line error D2003 : missing source filename').
> changing ecl-cc.bat as described below made it work:
>     cl.exe -MD -Zi /link /nodefaultlib:libcmt /nodefaultlib:libc 
> %CMDARGS% ~ecl.lib
>     cl.exe %CMDARGS% -MD -Zi /link /nodefaultlib:libcmt 
> /nodefaultlib:libc ~ecl.lib
> Since ecl-cc.bat auto-generated, the real fix has to go somewhere else - 
> but that's (currently) above my head.

I have updated msvc/Makefile, adding the flag "/nodefaultlib:libc", so
ecl-cc.bat should also get this flag. Could you have a look whether this
is the case? TIA.


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