[Ecls-list] Multithreaded globals

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Mon Nov 7 05:59:02 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 00:43 +1100, Dean O'Connor wrote:
> For example, in the code below, if each of my threads called start(), 
> straight away binding a newly created class object to that dynamic 
> variable, is that threadsafe on a multi-cpu machine ?
> Or do I *need* some mutexing to guarantee no clobbering ?
> (defun start ()
>     (let ((*MyObj* (make-instance 'MyClass)))
>        (setf (field *MyObj*) "stuff")
>        (work)))

As I said before, LET/LET*/DO... bindings are local to each thread. You
need no mutex variables. However, a value set on the toplevel by a
DEFPARAMETER or DEFVAR form will be seen by all threads.


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