[Ecls-list] RE: [Maxima] Problems with ECL and Maxima

Goffioul Michael goffioul at imec.be
Tue May 3 07:49:17 UTC 2005

>     Goffioul> 2) Maxima sometimes uses variables whose name 
> starts with a dot (for
>     Goffioul> example in
>     Goffioul> macro lambda-lists): (defmacro defmfun 
> (function &body rest &aux .n.)
>     Goffioul> ...)
>     Goffioul> ECL doesn't like that neither and I had to 
> change those variables name.
> Isn't this a bug in ECL?

It's still not clear why this happens.

>     Goffioul> 3) Maxima uses (namestring ...) on streams: the 
> input stream (which is a
>     Goffioul> synonym-stream
>     Goffioul> to terminal-io) and also on concatenated 
> streams. This fails in ECL, but
> Can you point out where this fails?

In get-instream function (src/nparse.lisp).


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