[Ecls-list] Latest changes

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll jlr at mpq.mpg.de
Tue Jun 28 04:28:11 UTC 2005

Daniel Crettol wrote:

>I just checked the CVS repository and I found that the fix I submitted
>the 06/10/05 has not been applied.
>Is there any reason ?
Sorry, my e-mail program (mozilla), marked it as spam and ended in the 
Junk folder. I had a look at it, though, and it is not so simple.

Just to remaind what the problem is, you pass strings with fill pointers 
to the C world. It is the extra junk after the fill pointer which causes 
your problem, because the C code will see this junk. The FFI interface 
hence cannot simply get a pointer to the data in the string, but should 
create a new copy. However both cases have problems: if we do not make a 
copy, the C code gets junk, if we make a copy, the string that is passed 
to the C world is not the same one and we cannot use this string to get 
data from the C world.

I am still thinking about the right solution.


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