[Ecls-list] ECL an Mac OS X

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll jlr at mpq.mpg.de
Fri Jun 10 08:21:06 UTC 2005

Hi Pascal,

> Switching to gcc 3.3 helps, so that's a good thing. However, the  
> current cvs version still calls texi2html, and so indeed hangs. What  
> can I do to avoid this?

Either wait, because SourceForge's CVS has something like a 5 hours 
delay, or put the attached file at src/doc/Makefile.in It would be also 
nice if you could run the tests (make test) and send me a tarball with 
them (directories tests and ansi-tests), so that I can compare with what 
my iBook produces.

If texi2html is still invoked, and makeinfo does not work for you, just 
interrupt execution, do a
    touch build/doc/developers_maual
    touch build/doc/users_manual
    make install

Please report any further issues -- I no longer remember whether 
makeinfo comes with Xcode or it got installed via 
fink/darwinports/texshop in my laptop.


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