[Ecls-list] Compiler tries to compile C::|compiler preprocess|

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Thu Jun 9 11:13:43 UTC 2005

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll wrote:

> Goffioul Michael wrote:
>>> I wanted to try out the documentation system ALBERT 
>>> (http://albert.sourceforge.net).
>>> When compiling the file apispec/xml-base.lisp, the compiler failed 
>>> with a strange message:
>> Looking more deeply, I found a way to reproduce it:
>>> compile nil (lambda (x) (loop for c of-type character = (schar x 0))))
> Also this triggers the error:
> (compile nil '(lambda (x)
>  (LET ((C NIL))
>    (SETQ C (SCHAR X 0))
>    (print c))))
> I do not know what I should do. Maybe relax the type of the variables 
> whose declarations are plain wrong?

As a quick fix, I changed the LOOP macro to produce better 
initialization values, so that now C is initialized with a dummy 
character #\0. Your code should  work now:

jlr at mpq3p32:~/src/ecls-new> ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 0.9g
Copyright (C) 1984 Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya
Copyright (C) 1993 Giuseppe Attardi
Copyright (C) 2000 Juan J. Garcia-Ripoll
    ECL is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see file 'Copyright' for details.
Type :h for Help.  Top level.
 > (compile nil (lambda (x) (loop for c of-type character = (schar x 0))))
;;; Loading #P"/home/jlr/lib/ecl/cmp.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/home/jlr/lib/ecl/sysfun.lsp"
;;; End of Pass 1. 
;;; Invoking external command: gcc  -I../include -g -O2 -fPIC 
-fstrict-aliasing -Dlinux -O "-I/home/jlr/lib/ecl//h" -w -c 
"/tmp/ECL001H7bTp8.c" -o "/tmp/ECL001H7bTp8.o"
;;; Invoking external command: gcc -o "/tmp/ECL001H7bTp8.fas" 
-L"/home/jlr/lib/ecl/" "/tmp/ECL001H7bTp8.o"  
-Wl,--rpath,/home/jlr/lib/ecl/ -shared   -lecl -ldl  -lm  -lgmp
;;; Calling the C compiler...
;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=2, Space=0, Speed=3
#<compiled-function 08099af8>

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