[Ecls-list] Using Femlisp with ECL / Bug reports

Goffioul Michael goffioul at imec.be
Fri Aug 5 07:35:02 UTC 2005

> Hmm, I wanted to ask if Matlisp has been ported to ECL, but 
> Michael has
> already answered this.  Indeed, Femlisp once depended on 
> Matlisp, but I
> found that really inconvenient.  If Matlisp was more widely 
> used and would
> provide a more complete interface to BLAS/LAPACK/..., the 
> situation would
> probably be different.

Well, MatLISP provides a good basis for a BLAS/LAPACK interface with
its set of classes and macros. The current interface is far from
complete, but you can still add things quite easily (for our own
purpose, I added support for dggsvd without much effort).


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