[Ecls-list] Using Femlisp with ECL / Bug reports

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll lisp at arrakis.es
Fri Aug 5 07:33:37 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-05 at 16:17 +0200, Nicolas Neuss wrote:
> Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll <lisp at arrakis.es> writes:
> > the anonymous repository and it built and tested successfully. See
> > Redhat 8.0 in http://ecls.sourceforge.net/status.html
> Indeed, I was too fast checking out and have got the patch only now.  Do
> you know how large this anonymous cvs delay is?

Well, it was supposed to be zero after the CVS infrastructure was moved
to different servers. But in practice seems to be around 5 hours.

> Now, I am stuck when performing "(asdf:operate 'asdf::load-op 'femlisp)",
> which may indicate a bug in your ASDF port.  I get
> The variable *COMPILE-PRINT* is unbound.
> [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE]
> Loading single files apparently works.  I will try to go through that.

I would be very grateful if you could track this bug. I am rather busy
and, though I can probably solve problems once spotted and well
delimited, I have not much time for debugging.

> One thing that showed up is the following LOOP construct:
> (let ((list (list 1 2 3))
>       (result ()))
>    (loop for i = (pop list) while i
>          for k = (* i i) do (push k result)
>          finally (return result)))
> Is this construct really non-ANSI?  It worked in Allegro, CMUCL, SBCL.

It is not standard. If you read the Hyperspec you will find the syntax
	loop [name-clause] {variable-clause}* {main-clause}* => result*
WHILE belongs to main-clause while FOR belongs to variable-clause.
The fact that something works on an implementation does not mean it is
correct :-)



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