[Ecls-list] Restarting the ECL engine within the same process?

Goffioul Michael goffioul at imec.be
Fri Oct 1 04:37:01 UTC 2004


I discovered ECL and found it very interesting for our internal
purpose, which is to embed a LISP engine within a MEX file for
MATLAB. I didn't try it completely yet, but I have a question
regarding the possibility to restart the ECL engine within the
same process.

I wrote the little test program:

#include <ecl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )
·   cl_object s1;
·   char* my_args[ 1 ] = { "ecl" };

·   cl_boot( 1, my_args );
·   s1 = make_simple_string( "~&This is my string." );
·   cl_format( 2, Ct, s1 );
·   cl_shutdown();

·   printf( "I'm here!!\n" );

·   argv[ 0 ] = "ecl";
·   cl_boot( 1, my_args );
·   s1 = make_simple_string( "~&This is my other string." );
·   cl_format( 2, Ct, s1 );
·   cl_shutdown();

·   return 0;

The problem is that this creates a segmentation fault when booting
for the second time, which is detected by ECL and I'm redirected
to the debugger.

Is there a way to cleanly shutdown and restart the LISP engine?
Note: this is what would happen for an embedded ECL into a MEX file
when the MEX file is cleared and reloaded in the MATLAB session.


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