[Ecls-list] problem with shared libraries

franco smith 1919 at keromail.com
Sun Jul 7 09:02:12 UTC 2002

while trying to understand what was wrong with perl and ecls, i find out that perl wasn't the mainly problem, but shared libraries were.
here's my test programs with their respective outputs:

// sadone.c ----------------------------------------
#include <ecls/h/ecls.h>
#include <string.h>

void _inita() {
     int argc = 1;
     char * argv[2] = { "/home/bah/perl/ecls/a.out", NULL };
     printf("hello, i start booting\n");
     printf("end boot\n");

int main() {
	return 0;
// end ------------------------------------------

gcc  -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib/ecls/ -I /usr/local/lib sadone.c -lecls  -lclos -llsp -lgmp -lgc  -ldl -lgmp -lm
~/perl/ecls$ ./a.out
hello, i start booting
end boot

works fine :)
now here's my shared library:

//sad.c --------------------------------------------
#include <ecls/h/ecls.h>
#include <string.h>

void _inita() {
	int argc = 1;
	char * argv[2] = { "/home/bah/perl/ecls/a.out", NULL };
        printf("hello, i start booting\n");
        printf("end boot\n");
// end ---------------------------------------------

gcc -I/usr/local/lib -c sad.c
gcc -nostdlib -rdynamic -shared -L/usr/local/lib sad.o -o sad.so -L/usr/local/lib/ecls/ -lecls  -lclos -llsp -lgmp -lgc -ldl -lgmp -lm
cp sad.so libsad.so

first test program for the shared library:
//sadmain.c -----------------------------------------
#include <dlfcn.h>

int main() {
	void *h = dlopen ("/home/bah/perl/ecls/sad.so", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
	void (*boota)() = dlsym(h, "_inita");
	if(!boota) printf("dlsym: %s\n",dlerror());
	dlclose(h);					return 0;
//end -----------------------------------------------

gcc -rdynamic sadmain.c -ldl
~/perl/ecls$ ./a.out
hello, i start booting
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

second test program for the shared library:
// sadmain2.c ---------------------------------------
int main() {
	return 0;
//end ----------------------------------------------

gcc -L. sadmain2.c -lsad
~/perl/ecls$ ./a.out
hello, i start booting
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

this is really annoying as i need to call cl_boot from a .so
i tried to understand where does that core dump come from, but i have some difficulties with handling the cl_boot code :(
especially, i really don't get how the fact i call cl_boot from a .so could change anything
but i'd really like to get this function to work into a shared library, and if you know the reason of that behaviour, or if you know how i could find the reason :) please tell me


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