[drakma-devel] duplicate cookies problem with proposed patch

Ryan Davis ryan at acceleration.net
Fri Apr 2 22:20:24 UTC 2010

I'm running into a problem with duplicated cookies.  This is due to
misbehaving servers sending back duplicate Set-Cookie headers in the
same response, like this:

 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=foo; Path=/; Secure
 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=bar; Path=/; Secure

Firefox deals with this by picked the last cookie value specified. 
There is no logic in drakma currently to handle that, and so my
cookie-jar is getting two JSESSION cookies, and further requests are
sending both cookies.  I do not control the servers returning me these
duplicate headers.

This patch adds a unique-cookies function that iterates through cookie
objects, keeping only the last one.  This is then called in get-cookies
to ensure no duplicate cookie objects are propagated to the rest of the
system.  I've got my "make it work on a friday afternoon" solution in
the attached patch, but I'm not really happy with it long term, and
wanted some advice.  Problems I see:

    * I think the dolist/find combination is a recipe for performance
      problems with many cookies
    * It seems odd to build up a list of cookies, then rebuild it
    * The most common case of no duplicate cookies has an extra bunch of
      consing to rebuilding up the list
    * I think there should be a user choice of "ignore all but the last
      cookie" vs "ignore all but the first cookie" vs "leave them all in

Some thoughts on how to proceed:

   1. Add a exported *redundant-cookie-strategy* variable, with values
      :keep-all, :keep-first, and :keep-last, defaulting to :keep-all
      (the current behavior).
   2. remove the unique-cookies function and rewrite get-cookies to
      implement the *redundant-cookie-strategy*, making one pass through
   3. leave get-cookies mostly as-is, but add some detection for
      duplicates, and run unique-cookies only if it we need to


PS: I'm still kinda new to contributing on open source projects via
emailed patches, sorry if this is in a bad format.  I read
http://weitz.de/patches.html and created this patch from my working copy
using >diff -u ../drakma-1.1.0/cookies.lisp cookies.lisp
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