[drakma-devel] http-request fails because of puri...

Andrei Stebakov lispercat at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 18:15:51 UTC 2009


I have a link like
(I changed names but the structure is the same)
For me it's a completely legit request as those nested requests create
the right cookie environment for the subsequent calls.
If I paste it in a browser, it'll give me the right page with the
right cookies set.
When I use (http-request link) with the link
puri complains:
Parse error:URI
contains illegal character #\? at position 63.
   [Condition of type PURI:URI-PARSE-ERROR]

I can repro this error with:

Apparently puri doesn't like the "?" in the parameter section of the
first request (before par2). Does it make the whole request invalid?
How can I get around this issue?

Thank you,

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