[drakma-devel] Sending content without loading it all in memory?

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Wed Sep 10 16:06:09 UTC 2008

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:11:15 -0400, Zach Beane <xach at xach.com> wrote:

> Or rather, you're right, but not chunking is only half the
> battle. I'd like to avoid loading the whole content into memory
> too...

>From a brief look it seems to me that some of the tests in the Drakma
code are unnecessary and could be removed so that what you want can
actually be achieved.  I don't have the time to look at it right now,
though.  (Actually, one of the many half-finished things I'm working
on is a test suite for Drakma and Hunchentoot and I'd rather finish
the test suite first before I modify the internals.  RSN...)

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