[drakma-devel] Surprising jump in time when sending binary

Tayssir John Gabbour tjg at pentaside.org
Tue Dec 16 16:27:35 UTC 2008


If I send a certain amount of bytes (20344), it takes .3 seconds. But if 
I send one that's just a single byte bigger than that, it takes over 5 

Aside from that unexpected jump, it otherwise looks linear with the 
number of bytes sent.

I hunted down the problem, and discovered that if I slept for .1 seconds 
before drakma:HTTP-REQUEST calls FINISH-OUTPUT, the problem goes away. 
(Until, I suppose, I send something much bigger.)

Any ideas? Maybe this is a Lispworks problem?

(Lispworks 5.0.0, WinXP, Drakma 0.11.5)


PS: My test --

   cl-user> (let* ((num-octets 20345)
                   (octets (coerce (loop repeat num-octets
                                         collect (code-char 50))
              (time (drakma:http-request "http://..."
                                         :content-length num-octets
                                         :want-stream nil
                                         :method :post
                                         :content octets)))

User time    =        0.000
System time  =        0.010
Elapsed time =        5.225
Allocation   = 37612 bytes

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