[drakma-devel] eof error

Frank Schorr franks-muc at web.de
Thu Apr 3 22:33:02 UTC 2008

> Is that a local server?  Are you sure it can cope with parallel
> requests?  Are the different threads using the same session?  Could
> that be the problem?

It is a public server in the www which has many simultaneous users.
I believe my session handling is correct, but it is not heavily tested.
What makes me confident is that my program is 
sometimes successful. I'm always doing the same requests 
(apart from the session information) with 3 threads and about 20 requests in total.
The eofs occur at random.

My program has done some 10.000 requests from this site when run from the ide in the past.

Do you believe the server could generate the error ? Wouldn't drakma handle it then ?

May be this is a way to kick out a robot ? (They are using captchas at some places (which are not
accessed by me)). 

I'm also not aware of using destructive operations...

> > I will try to find a simple test case.
> That'd be the best.

I noticed that this is not easy.  It appears that I will need some more time for this.

Bis 50 MB Dateianhänge? Kein Problem!

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