[drakma-devel] Re: [Bug Report] split-string behaves different in Lispworks and SBCL. (Jianshi Huang)
Jianshi Huang
jianshi.huang at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 07:52:54 UTC 2007
> Would you like to ask on the SBCL mailing list?
Yes, I asked this question on #lisp and Andreas Fuchs has helped me
posting it on SBCL. One of the reply said it should be a bug in SBCL
because he gave an example showing the inconsistent behavior. Here's
the example:
Andreas Fuchs posted:
(loop for i in '(1 2 3 a 4 5 6)
if (not (symbolp i))
collect i into collector
do (setf collector nil)
finally (return collector))
does not return (4 5 6), but (1 2 3 4 5 6).
And Alastair Bridgewater said:
Note using (1 2 3 a 4 5 6 b) as input will result in NIL.
> > Here's the function split-string in 0.6.0
> >
> > (10defun split-string (11string &optional (separators " ,-"))
> > "Splits STRING into substrings separated by the characters in the
> > sequence SEPARATORS. Empty substrings aren't collected."
> > (12loop for 13char across 14string
> How did you manage to add those numbers there?
Hmm.... these are all the magic numbers added by copying from paste.lisp.org.
Here's the right one.
(defun split-string (string &optional (separators " ,-"))
"Splits STRING into substrings separated by the characters in the
sequence SEPARATORS. Empty substrings aren't collected."
(loop for char across string
when (find char separators :test #'char=)
when collector
collect (coerce collector 'string) into result
and do (setq collector nil) end
collect char into collector
finally (return (if collector
(append result (list (coerce collector 'string)))
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