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In the interest of supporting NCName validity checking in CXML[1],
I've attached a diff that adds an NCName comparator function,
VALID-NCNAME-P, to CXML's xml-name-rune-p.lisp. Essentially, the
NCName comparator function assumes much of the code used in
VALID-NAME-P albeit not accepting colon "#\:" as a valid
non-colonized name (NCName) character.<br>
In addition, the patch:<br>
* narrows the type declaration for rune-as-code to (UNSIGNED-BYTE
16) namely in the interest of some albeit small, possible math
optimization in the compiler<br>
* adds 'rod' as a type declaration in the rod-as-rod comparator
functions such that will be defined in the global namespace -- such
that hopefully may be of some assistance to the compiler, towards
determining the type of sequence that may be expected for the
'every' function calls<br>
Lastly, in the patch's code formatting, the patch<br>
* trims end-of-line whitespace - cf. Emacs 23.4 'whitespace.el'<br>
* might be transforming space->tabs in a few spots - such that
seems to me as it being oddly difficult to undo, that even when
indent-tabs-mode is nil the changes as such are retained in the
file. So, I hope that won't be a bother.<br>
[1] cf. XSD string data types, also cf. OMG XMI -- in which,
essentially every UML element name should be valid as an NCName, as
would be implicit with regards to XMI serialization of UML models -
cf. Project Lupine[2]<br>
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<a href="https://github.com/GazeboHub/lupine-m2">https://github.com/GazeboHub/lupine-m2</a><br>