[cxml-devel] roundtripping vcard-4.0 RNG schema

Cyrus Harmon ch-lisp at bobobeach.com
Thu Apr 28 18:55:53 UTC 2011

Well, David fixed the bug (in git HEAD) by making sure that the ref label is a string. But that leads to the next problem... Why are there so many refs when parsing this schema in the first place? When I try to serialize this back out, I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ref name="ANONYMOUS3160"/>
  <define name="ANONYMOUS3160">
      <name ns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0">
                                                                                            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3084"/>
                                                                                            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3090"/>
                                                                                          <ref name="ANONYMOUS3091"/>
                                                                                        <ref name="ANONYMOUS3107"/>
                                                                                      <ref name="ANONYMOUS3108"/>
                                                                                    <ref name="ANONYMOUS3116"/>
                                                                                  <ref name="ANONYMOUS3117"/>
                                                                                <ref name="ANONYMOUS3118"/>
                                                                              <ref name="ANONYMOUS3119"/>
                                                                            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3120"/>
                                                                          <ref name="ANONYMOUS3121"/>
                                                                        <ref name="ANONYMOUS3122"/>
                                                                      <ref name="ANONYMOUS3123"/>
                                                                    <ref name="ANONYMOUS3124"/>
                                                                  <ref name="ANONYMOUS3125"/>
                                                                <ref name="ANONYMOUS3140"/>
                                                              <ref name="ANONYMOUS3141"/>
                                                            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3142"/>
                                                          <ref name="ANONYMOUS3146"/>
                                                        <ref name="ANONYMOUS3150"/>
                                                      <ref name="ANONYMOUS3155"/>
                                                    <ref name="ANONYMOUS3156"/>
                                                  <ref name="ANONYMOUS3157"/>
                                                <ref name="ANONYMOUS3158"/>
                                              <ref name="ANONYMOUS3077"/>
                                            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3078"/>
                                          <ref name="ANONYMOUS3083"/>
                                        <ref name="ANONYMOUS3089"/>
                                      <ref name="ANONYMOUS3092"/>
                                    <ref name="ANONYMOUS3093"/>
                                  <ref name="ANONYMOUS3094"/>
                                <ref name="ANONYMOUS3095"/>
                              <ref name="ANONYMOUS3096"/>
                            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3097"/>
                          <ref name="ANONYMOUS3126"/>
                        <ref name="ANONYMOUS3143"/>
                      <ref name="ANONYMOUS3144"/>
                    <ref name="ANONYMOUS3145"/>
                  <ref name="ANONYMOUS3147"/>
                <ref name="ANONYMOUS3149"/>
              <ref name="ANONYMOUS3154"/>
            <ref name="ANONYMOUS3159"/>

And all of these anonymous refs seem to only be used (well, many of them anyway). Couldn't they just be replaced with the definition?



On Apr 27, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Cyrus Harmon wrote:

> Forgot the schema:
> default namespace = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0"
> # Value types
> \text = element text { text }
> text-list = \text+
> uri = element uri { xsd:anyURI }
> date =
>  element date {
>    xsd:string { pattern = "\d{8}|\d{4}-\d\d|--\d\d(\d\d)?|---\d\d" }
>  }
> time =
>  element time {
>    xsd:string { pattern =
>            "(\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?|-\d\d(\d\d?)|--\d\d)"
>          ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }
>  }
> date-time =
>  element date-time {
>    xsd:string { pattern =
>            "(\d{8}|--\d{4}|---\d\d)T\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?"
>          ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }
>  }
> date-and-or-time = date | date-time | time
> timestamp =
>  element timestamp {
>    xsd:string { pattern = "\d{8}T\d{6}(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }
>  }
> boolean = element boolean { xsd:boolean }
> integer = element integer { xsd:integer }
> float = element float { xsd:float }
> binary = element binary { xsd:base64Binary }
> language-tag =
>  element language-tag {
>    xsd:string { pattern =
>            "([a-z]{2,3}((-[a-z]{3}){0,3})?|[a-z]{4,8})"
>          ~ "(-[a-z]{4})?(-([a-z]{2}|\d{3}))?"
>          ~ "(-([0-9a-z]{5,8}|\d[0-9a-z]{3}))*"
>          ~ "(-[0-9a-wyz](-[0-9a-z]{2,8})+)*(-x(-[0-9a-z]{1,8})+)?|"
>          ~ "x(-[0-9a-z]{1,8})+|[a-z]{1,3}(-[0-9a-z]{2,8}){1,2}" }
>  }
> data =
>  (element type {
>     xsd:string { pattern = "[A-Za-z\d!#$&.+\-^_]{1,127}/"
>                          ~ "[A-Za-z\d!#$&.+\-^_]{1,127}" }
>   },
>   binary)
>  | uri
> # Parameters
> language = element language { language-tag }?
> pref =
>  element pref {
>    xsd:integer { minInclusive = "1" maxInclusive = "100" }
>  }?
> pid =
>  element pid {
>    xsd:string { pattern = "\d+(\.\d+)?" }
>  }?
> # Properties
> source = element source { pid, pref, uri }
> name = element name { \text }
> kind =
>  element kind {
>    element individual { empty }
>    | element group { empty }
>    | element org { empty }
>    | element location { empty }
>  }
> fn = element fn { language, pid, pref, \text }
> n =
>  element n {
>    language,
>    element surname { text-list },
>    element given { text-list },
>  element prefix { text-list },
>    element suffix { text-list }
>  }
> nickname = element nickname { language, pid, pref, text-list }
> photo = element photo { pid, pref, data }
> bday = element bday { date-and-or-time | \text }
> dday = element dday { date-and-or-time | \text }
> birth = element birth { language, \text }
> death = element death { language, \text }
> anniversary = element anniversary { date-and-or-time | \text }
> sex = element sex { "0" | "1" | "2" | "9" }
> adr =
>  element adr {
>    language,
>    element geo { uri }?,
>    element tz { \text | uri }?,
>    pid,
>    pref,
>    element pobox { text-list },
>    element ext { text-list },
>    element street { text-list },
>    element locality { text-list },
>    element region { text-list },
>    element code { text-list },
>    element country { text-list }
>  }
> label = element label { language, pid, pref, \text }
> tel =
>  element tel {
>    element type {
>      element text { empty }?,
>      element voice { empty }?,
>      element fax { empty }?,
>      element cell { empty }?,
>      element video { empty }?,
>      element pager { empty }?
>    }?,
>    pid,
>    pref,
>    uri
>  }
> email = element email { pid, pref, \text }
> impp = element impp { pid, pref, uri }
> lang = element lang { pid, pref, language-tag }
> tz = element tz { pid, pref, (\text | uri) }
> geo = element geo { pid, pref, uri }
> title = element title { language, pid, pref, \text }
> role = element role { language, pid, pref, \text }
> logo = element logo { language, pid, pref, data }
> org = element org { language, pid, pref, text-list }
> member = element member { pid, pref, uri }
> related =
>  element related {
>    element type {
>      element parent { empty }
>      | element child { empty }
>      | element sibling { empty }
>      | element spouse { empty }
>      | element family { empty }
>      | element friend { empty }
>      | element supervisor { empty }
>      | element supervisee { empty }
>      | element assistant { empty }
>      | element colleague { empty }
>      | element agent { empty }
>      | element emergency { empty }
>    }?,
>    pid,
>    pref,
>    (uri | \text)
>  }
> categories = element categories { pid, pref, \text }
> note = element note { language, pid, pref, \text }
> prodid = element prodid { \text }
> rev = element rev { timestamp }
> sort-string = element sort-string { \text }
> sound = element sound { language, pid, pref, data }
> uid = element uid { uri }
> clientpidmap =
>  element clientpidmap {
>    element sourceid { xsd:positiveInteger },
>    uri
>  }
> url = element url { pid, pref, uri }
> class =
>  element class {
>    element PUBLIC { empty }
>    | element PRIVATE { empty }
>    | element CONFIDENTIAL { empty }
>  }
> key = element key { pid, pref, data }
> fburl = element fburl { pid, pref, uri }
> caladruri = element caladruri { pid, pref, uri }
> caluri = element caluri { pid, pref, uri }
> # Top-level grammar
> group-property = fn | nickname | photo | adr | label | tel | email |
>  impp | lang | tz | geo | title | role | logo | org | related |
>  categories | note | sound | url | key | fburl | caladruri | caluri
> any-property = group-property | source | name | kind | n | bday |
>  dday | birth | death | anniversary | sex | member | prodid |
>  rev | sort-string | uid | clientpidmap | class
> start = element vcard {
>    (any-property
>     | element group {
>         attribute name { text },
>         group-property*
>       })*
>  }
> <vcard-4_0.rng>

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