[cxml-devel] the missing-dependency instantiation is invalid

james anderson james.anderson at setf.de
Thu Feb 4 10:55:47 UTC 2010

good morning;

with the current cxml source and asdf @1.502, the :version keyword  
causes an error[1]. to wit:

? (asdf:find-system "cxml" nil)
;Loading #P"/Development/Source/production/Library/asdf-registry/ 
 > Error: :VERSION is an invalid initarg to INITIALIZE-INSTANCE for  
 >        Valid initargs: (:REQUIRES :PARENT :REQUIRED-BY).
 > While executing: CCL::CHECK-INITARGS, in process Listener(6).
 > Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
 > Type :? for other options.
1 >

either the keyword or the type must change.

[1]: http://repo.or.cz/w/cxml.git/blob/ 

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