revised patch - Re: [cxml-devel] patch - cxml.asd - *.lisp on 'runes' component pathnames

Sean Champ gimmal at
Wed Aug 16 18:12:38 UTC 2006


The patch that I had presented on cxml.asd, in the prior message on this
thread, that patch was incomplete.

I had made the patch, before I had compiled the cxml-dom system. Once
trying to compile that system, then the matters of the pathnames-without-
pathname-type became apparent, at that system.

The patch attached to this message would serve to obsolete the prior patch
made along this thread.

Now, as with the patch, all :pathname values for typed pathnames in cxml.asd
will have pathname-type values.

As typically,

Sean Champ

On 08-16-06, Sean Champ wrote:
> Hello,
> I was trying to build CXML, when I encountered an error from ASDF -- something
> to the effect of "NIL is not of type REAL" -- that indicating a problem in
> regards to a component's pathname, within a system definition.
> Upon looking into the matter, it became apparent that the problem was in
> regards to the component-pathname for the 'runes' component in the cxml-runes
> system. The pathname-name is explicitly established for the component, with no
> corresponding pathname-type.
> Going by the ASDF release versioned 1.93, from the CCLAN repository :
> When ASDF tries to determine a component's pathname, then when that component
> has a :pathname explicitly set for it, ASDF will use that explicit
> pathname, merged onto  the pathname  for the component's containing
> module. When the explicit pathname has no pathname-type, then the resulting
> component-pathname will have no pathname-type.
> Without the pathname-type being set on the 'runes' pathname in the cxml-runes
> system, it appears it will be impossible to operate on the cxml-runes system,
> in some configurations. I'm using ASDF 1.93 from CCLAN and SBCL 0.9.14,
> here.
> I'm not sure how cxml has been built in other systems. On my own host, the
> patch attached to this message is necessary for that the cxml-runes system may
> be compiled by way of ASDF. In the patch, the pathname-type "lisp"  is added
> to the respective pathnames.
> That aside, I'd like to voice a word of appreciation for that CXML is
> available. Thank you.
> --
> Sean Champ
-------------- next part --------------
Index: cxml.asd
RCS file: /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml/cxml.asd,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -p -u -r1.11 cxml.asd
--- cxml.asd	24 Jan 2006 19:35:58 -0000	1.11
+++ cxml.asd	16 Aug 2006 17:47:51 -0000
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (format t "~&;;; Building cxml with (UNSIGNED-BYTE 16) RUNES~%")
-(format t "~&;;; Building cxml with CHARACTER RUNES~%") 
+(format t "~&;;; Building cxml with CHARACTER RUNES~%")
 (defsystem :cxml-runes
     :default-component-class closure-source-file
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
      (:file "definline")
      (:file runes
-             #-rune-is-character "runes"
-             #+rune-is-character "characters")
+             #-rune-is-character "runes.lisp"
+             #+rune-is-character "characters.lisp")
      #+rune-is-integer (:file "utf8")
      (:file "syntax")
      (:file "encodings")
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@
                (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults *load-truename*))
     ((:file "package")
-     (:file rune-impl :pathname "dom-impl" :depends-on ("package"))
-     (:file rune-builder :pathname "dom-builder" :depends-on (rune-impl))
+     (:file rune-impl :pathname "dom-impl.lisp" :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:file rune-builder :pathname "dom-builder.lisp" :depends-on (rune-impl))
-     (utf8dom-file utf8-impl :pathname "dom-impl" :depends-on ("package"))
+     (utf8dom-file utf8-impl :pathname "dom-impl.lisp" :depends-on ("package"))
-     (utf8dom-file utf8-builder :pathname "dom-builder" :depends-on (utf8-impl))
+     (utf8dom-file utf8-builder :pathname "dom-builder.lisp" :depends-on (utf8-impl))
      (:file "dom-sax"         :depends-on ("package")))
     :depends-on (:cxml-xml))

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