[cxml-cvs] CVS closure-common

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Sat Dec 22 15:19:25 UTC 2007

Update of /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv1529

Modified Files:
	closure-common.asd encodings.lisp xstream.lisp ystream.lisp 
Log Message:
Use 21 bit characters on Lisp offering them.

--- /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/closure-common.asd	2007/10/21 17:07:38	1.3
+++ /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/closure-common.asd	2007/12/22 15:19:25	1.4
@@ -15,19 +15,31 @@
     (let (#+sbcl (*compile-print* nil))
-#-(or rune-is-character rune-is-integer)
   (format t "~&;;; Checking for wide character support...")
-  (pushnew (dotimes (x 65536
-                      (progn
-                        (format t " ok, characters have at least 16 bits.~%")
-                        :rune-is-character))
-             (unless (or (<= #xD800 x #xDFFF)
-			 (and (< x char-code-limit) (code-char x)))
-               (format t " no, reverting to octet strings.~%")
-               (return :rune-is-integer)))
-           *features*))
+  (flet ((test (code)
+	   (and (< code char-code-limit) (code-char code))))
+    (cond
+      ((not (test 50000))
+       (format t " no, reverting to octet strings.~%")
+       #+rune-is-character
+       (error "conflicting unicode configuration.  Please recompile.")
+       (pushnew :rune-is-integer *features*))
+      ((code-char 70000)
+       (when (test #xD800)
+	 (format t " WARNING: Lisp implementation doesn't use UTF-16, ~
+                     but accepts surrogate code points.~%"))
+       (format t " yes, using code points.~%")
+       #+(or rune-is-integer rune-is-utf-16)
+       (error "conflicting unicode configuration.  Please recompile.")
+       (pushnew :rune-is-character *features*))
+      (t
+       (format t " yes, using UTF-16.~%")
+       #+(or rune-is-integer (and rune-is-character (not rune-is-utf-16)))
+       (error "conflicting unicode configuration.  Please recompile.")
+       (pushnew :rune-is-utf-16 *features*)
+       (pushnew :rune-is-character *features*)))))
 (format t "~&;;; Building Closure with (UNSIGNED-BYTE 16) RUNES~%")
--- /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/encodings.lisp	2007/07/22 19:59:26	1.7
+++ /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/encodings.lisp	2007/12/22 15:19:25	1.8
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 (in-package :runes-encoding)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter +buffer-byte+
+    #+rune-is-utf-16 '(unsigned-byte 16)
+    #-rune-is-utf-16 '(unsigned-byte 32)))
 (define-condition encoding-error (simple-error) ())
 (defun xerror (fmt &rest args)
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
 (defun make-simple-8-bit-encoding (&key charset)
   (make-instance 'simple-8-bit-encoding
-    :table (coerce (to-unicode-table charset) '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (256)))))
+    :table (coerce (to-unicode-table charset) '(simple-array #.+buffer-byte+ (256)))))
@@ -150,16 +155,30 @@
       (when (>= (%+ rptr 1) in-end)
-      (let ((hi (aref in rptr))
-            (lo (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))))
+      (let* ((hi (aref in rptr))
+	     (lo (aref in (%+ 1 rptr)))
+	     (x (logior (ash hi 8) lo)))
+        (when (or (eql x #xFFFE) (eql x #xFFFF))
+	  (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
+	(when (<= #xDC00 x #xDFFF)
+	  (xerror "unexpected high surrogate: #x~X" x))
+	(when (<= #xD800 x #xDBFF)
+	  ;; seen low surrogate, look for high surrogate now
+	  (when (>= (%+ rptr 3) in-end)
+	    (return))
+	  (let* ((hi2 (aref in (%+ 2 rptr)))
+		 (lo2 (aref in (%+ 3 rptr)))
+		 (y (logior (ash hi2 8) lo2)))
+	    (unless (<= #xDC00 x #xDFFF)
+	      (xerror "expected a high surrogate but found: #x~X" x))
+	    #-rune-is-utf-16
+	    (progn
+	      (setf x (logior (ash (%- x #xd7c0) 10) (%and y #x3FF)))
+	      (setf rptr (%+ 2 rptr))))
+	  ;; end of surrogate handling
+	  )
+	(setf (aref out wptr) x)
         (setf rptr (%+ 2 rptr))
-	;; FIXME: Wenn wir hier ein Surrogate sehen, muessen wir das naechste
-	;; Zeichen abwarten und nachgucken, dass nicht etwa die andere
-	;; Haelfte fehlt!
-        (let ((x (logior (ash hi 8) lo)))
-	  (when (or (eql x #xFFFE) (eql x #xFFFF))
-	    (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
-	  (setf (aref out wptr) x))
         (setf wptr (%+ 1 wptr))))
     (values wptr rptr)))
@@ -173,16 +192,30 @@
       (when (>= (%+ rptr 1) in-end)
-      (let ((lo (aref in (%+ 0 rptr)))
-            (hi (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))))
+      (let* ((lo (aref in rptr))
+	     (hi (aref in (%+ 1 rptr)))
+	     (x (logior (ash hi 8) lo)))
+        (when (or (eql x #xFFFE) (eql x #xFFFF))
+	  (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
+	(when (<= #xDC00 x #xDFFF)
+	  (xerror "unexpected high surrogate: #x~X" x))
+	(when (<= #xD800 x #xDBFF)
+	  ;; seen low surrogate, look for high surrogate now
+	  (when (>= (%+ rptr 3) in-end)
+	    (return))
+	  (let* ((lo2 (aref in (%+ 2 rptr)))
+		 (hi2 (aref in (%+ 3 rptr)))
+		 (y (logior (ash hi2 8) lo2)))
+	    (unless (<= #xDC00 x #xDFFF)
+	      (xerror "expected a high surrogate but found: #x~X" x))
+	    #-rune-is-utf-16
+	    (progn
+	      (setf x (logior (ash (%- x #xd7c0) 10) (%and y #x3FF)))
+	      (setf rptr (%+ 2 rptr))))
+	  ;; end of surrogate handling
+	  )
+	(setf (aref out wptr) x)
         (setf rptr (%+ 2 rptr))
-	;; FIXME: Wenn wir hier ein Surrogate sehen, muessen wir das naechste
-	;; Zeichen abwarten und nachgucken, dass nicht etwa die andere
-	;; Haelfte fehlt!
-        (let ((x (logior (ash hi 8) lo)))
-	  (when (or (eql x #xFFFE) (eql x #xFFFF))
-	    (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
-	  (setf (aref out wptr) x))
         (setf wptr (%+ 1 wptr))))
     (values wptr rptr)))
@@ -190,7 +223,8 @@
                             in in-start in-end out out-start out-end eof?)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
            (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) in)
-           (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) out)
+           (type (simple-array #.+buffer-byte+ (*))
+		 out)
            (type fixnum in-start in-end out-start out-end))
   (let ((wptr out-start)
         (rptr in-start)
@@ -204,6 +238,7 @@
 				(eql x #xFFFE)
 				(eql x #xFFFF))
                             (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
+			   #+rune-is-utf-16
 		           ((%> x #xFFFF)
                             (setf (aref out (%+ 0 wptr)) (%+ #xD7C0 (ash x -10))
                                   (aref out (%+ 1 wptr)) (%ior #xDC00 (%and x #x3FF)))
@@ -325,7 +360,7 @@
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
            (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) in)
-           (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) out)
+           (type (simple-array #.+buffer-byte+ (*)) out)
            (type fixnum in-start in-end out-start out-end))
   (let ((wptr out-start)
         (rptr in-start)
@@ -333,7 +368,7 @@
         (table (slot-value encoding 'table))) 
     (declare (type fixnum wptr rptr)
              (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
-             (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) table))
+             (type (simple-array #.+buffer-byte+ (*)) table))
       (when (%= wptr out-end) (return))
       (when (%>= rptr in-end) (return))
@@ -387,7 +422,7 @@
            :name ',name
            ',(make-array 256 
-                         :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
+                         :element-type '#.+buffer-byte+
                          :initial-contents codes)))
--- /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/xstream.lisp	2007/10/14 21:14:08	1.8
+++ /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/xstream.lisp	2007/12/22 15:19:25	1.9
@@ -83,7 +83,10 @@
   `(unsigned-byte ,(integer-length array-total-size-limit)))
 (deftype buffer-byte ()
-  `(unsigned-byte 16))
+  #+rune-is-utf-16
+  `(unsigned-byte 16)
+  #-rune-is-utf-16
+  `(unsigned-byte 32))
 (deftype octet ()
   `(unsigned-byte 8))
--- /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/ystream.lisp	2007/06/16 11:27:19	1.6
+++ /project/cxml/cvsroot/closure-common/ystream.lisp	2007/12/22 15:19:25	1.7
@@ -76,14 +76,17 @@
     (when (plusp ptr)
       (let* ((in (ystream-in-buffer ystream))
 	     (out (ystream-out-buffer ystream))
+	     #+rune-is-utf-16
 	     (surrogatep (<= #xD800 (rune-code (elt in (1- ptr))) #xDBFF))
+	#+rune-is-utf-16
 	(when surrogatep
 	  (decf ptr))
 	(when (plusp ptr)
 	  (setf n (runes-to-utf8 out in ptr))
 	  (ystream-device-write ystream out n)
+	    #+rune-is-utf-16
 	      (setf (elt in 0) (elt in (1- ptr)))
 	      (setf (ystream-in-ptr ystream) 1))
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@
 (macrolet ((define-utf8-writer (name (byte &rest aux) result &body body)
 	     `(defun ,name (out in n)
-		(let ((high-surrogate nil)
+		(let (#+rune-is-utf-16 (high-surrogate nil)
 		      , at aux)
 		      ((write0 (,byte)
@@ -134,13 +137,19 @@
 			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) r))))))
 		       (write2 (r)
+			   #+rune-is-utf-16
 			   ((<= #xD800 r #xDBFF)
 			     (setf high-surrogate r))
+			   #+rune-is-utf-16
 			   ((<= #xDC00 r #xDFFF)
 			     (let ((q (logior (ash (- high-surrogate #xD7C0) 10)
 					      (- r #xDC00))))
 			       (write1 q))
 			     (setf high-surrogate nil))
+			   #-rune-is-utf-16
+			   ((<= #xD800 r #xDFFF)
+			    (error
+			     "surrogates not allowed in this configuration"))
 			     (write1 r)))))
 		    (dotimes (j n)
@@ -259,7 +268,7 @@
 (defun utf8-string-to-rod (str)
   (let* ((bytes (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code str))
-         (buffer (make-array (length bytes) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)))
+         (buffer (make-array (length bytes) :element-type 'buffer-byte))
          (n (runes-encoding:decode-sequence
 	     :utf-8 bytes 0 (length bytes) buffer 0 0 nil))
          (result (make-array n :element-type 'rune)))

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