[cxml-cvs] CVS update: cxml/xml/xml-parse.lisp

David Lichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Sat Nov 26 23:00:55 UTC 2005

Update of /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml/xml
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18777/xml

Modified Files:
Log Message:
-xmltest/not-wf/sa/160.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Violates the  WFC
-    by using a PE reference within a declaration. ]
-xmltest/not-wf/sa/161.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Violates the  WFC
-    by using a PE reference within a declaration. ]
-xmltest/not-wf/sa/162.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Violates the  WFC
-    by using a PE reference within a declaration. ]
-ibm/not-wf/P29/ibm29n03.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Tests WFC "PEs in Internal Subset". A PE reference occurs inside an   
-    ATTlistDecl in the DTD. 
-  ]
-ibm/not-wf/P29/ibm29n04.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Tests WFC "PEs in Internal Subset". A PE reference occurs inside an   
-    EntityDecl in the DTD. 
-  ]
-ibm/not-wf/P29/ibm29n07.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Tests WFC "PEs in Internal Subset". A PE reference occurs inside a   
-    NotationDecl in the DTD. 
-  ]
-ibm/not-wf/P69/ibm69n06.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Tests PEReference which is against P69 WFC: No Recursion. The 
-    recursive PE reference occurs with the entity declarations for "paaa" and 
-    "bbb" in the DTD. 
-  ]
-ibm/not-wf/P69/ibm69n07.xml [not-wf?] FAILED:
-  well-formedness violation not detected
-    Tests PEReference which is against P69 WFC: No Recursion. The 
-    indirect recursive PE reference occurs with the entity declarations for 
-    "paaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", and "eee" in the DTD.
-  ]

Date: Sun Nov 27 00:00:55 2005
Author: dlichteblau

Index: cxml/xml/xml-parse.lisp
diff -u cxml/xml/xml-parse.lisp:1.9 cxml/xml/xml-parse.lisp:1.10
--- cxml/xml/xml-parse.lisp:1.9	Sat Nov 26 23:21:51 2005
+++ cxml/xml/xml-parse.lisp	Sun Nov 27 00:00:47 2005
@@ -2390,17 +2390,19 @@
   ;; markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl       /* VC: Proper Declaration/PE Nesting */
   ;;              | EntityDecl | NotationDecl
   ;;              | PI | Comment               /* WFC: PEs in Internal Subset */
-  (case (peek-token input)
-    (:|<!ELEMENT|  (p/element-decl input))
-    (:|<!ATTLIST|  (p/attlist-decl input))
-    (:|<!ENTITY|   (p/entity-decl input))
-    (:|<!NOTATION| (p/notation-decl input))
-    (:PI
-      (let ((sem (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
-        (sax:processing-instruction (handler *ctx*) (car sem) (cdr sem))))
-    (:COMMENT      (consume-token input))
-    (otherwise
-     (error "p/markup-decl ~S" (peek-token input)))))
+  (let ((token (peek-token input))
+	(*expand-pe-p* (and *expand-pe-p* *markup-declaration-external-p*)))
+    (case token
+      (:|<!ELEMENT|  (p/element-decl input))
+      (:|<!ATTLIST|  (p/attlist-decl input))
+      (:|<!ENTITY|   (p/entity-decl input))
+      (:|<!NOTATION| (p/notation-decl input))
+      (:PI
+	(let ((sem (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+	  (sax:processing-instruction (handler *ctx*) (car sem) (cdr sem))))
+      (:COMMENT      (consume-token input))
+      (otherwise
+	(error "p/markup-decl ~S" (peek-token input))))))
 (defun setup-encoding (input xml-header)
   (when (xml-header-encoding xml-header)

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