[crypticl-cvs] CVS crypticl/src

tskogan tskogan at common-lisp.net
Tue Jan 16 00:53:33 UTC 2007

Update of /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv4297

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Log Message:
Initial version of CLOS api. Needs clean up and more test cases including
SHAVS and semantics of border cases.

--- /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src/sha256.lisp	2007/01/07 15:55:17	1.4
+++ /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src/sha256.lisp	2007/01/16 00:53:33	1.5
@@ -191,24 +191,243 @@
 		(sigma-0 (aref w (- i 15)))
 		(aref w (- i 16)))))    
-(defun sha-256-on-string (string)
-  "Return SHA-256 hash of string"
-  (sha-256-encode
-   (make-buffer-filler
-    (make-string-reader-function string))))
+;;; Low-level function API
 (defun sha-256-on-octet-vector (octet-vector)
   "Return SHA-256 hash of byte array/octect vector"
     (make-byte-array-reader-function octet-vector))))
+(defun sha-256-on-string (string)
+  "Return SHA-256 hash of a string.
+NB! With this function the hash value depends on the encoding of string
+and implementation specific details of the Common Lisp distribution you
+are using (see make-string-reader-function and its' use of char-code
+for more details). For more control, decode the string to a byte array
+yourself and use the byte array interface sha-256-on-octet-vector instead.
+  (sha-256-encode
+   (make-buffer-filler
+    (make-string-reader-function string))))
+;;; CLOS internals
+(defclass SHA-256 (Hash)
+  ((octet-count :accessor octet-count	;octets processed so far
+		:initform 0)
+   (leftover-octets :accessor leftover-octets ;unprocessed octets
+		    :initform (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+   (leftover-count :accessor leftover-count ;number of unprocessed octets
+		   :initform 0)
+   (fresh :accessor fresh :initform t)
+   ;; True if we have called hash and need to reset the object state.
+   (called-hash :accessor called-hash :initform nil)
+   ;; SHA-256 state: 8 32 bits words.
+   (a :accessor a)
+   (b :accessor b)
+   (c :accessor c)
+   (d :accessor d)
+   (e :accessor e)
+   (f :accessor f)
+   (g :accessor g)
+   (h :accessor h)))
+(defmethod store-leftover ((obj SHA-256) octet-vector offset end octet-count)
+  "Store leftover bytes between calls to update"
+  (let ((leftover-offset (leftover-count obj))
+	(octets-left (- end offset)))
+    ;; We know there are less than 64 octets left so they all fit
+    ;; in the leftover-octets array in obj.
+    (dotimes (i octets-left) 
+      (setf (aref (leftover-octets obj) (+ leftover-offset i)) 
+	(aref octet-vector (+ offset i))))
+    (setf (octet-count obj) octet-count)
+    (setf (leftover-count obj) (+ leftover-offset octets-left))))
+(defmethod sha-256-add-octet-vector ((obj SHA-256) octet-vector start end)
+  "Compute intermediate hash value, and store leftover bytes.
+Consume a multiple of 512 bits (64 bytes) blocks and compute the
+intermediate hash value. Store any leftover bytes while waiting
+for more data (cannot pad at this point).
+  (let ((vec (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
+	(input-size (- end start))
+	(offset start))	 
+    ;; First consume leftover bytes from previous rounds.
+    ;; We consume 64 bytes (512 bits; the size of the message schedule)
+    ;; each round until there is less than left. Store leftovers.
+    (do ((left (+ (leftover-count obj) input-size) (- left 64))
+	 (oct-count (octet-count obj) (+ 64 oct-count)))
+	((< left 64) (store-leftover obj octet-vector offset end oct-count))
+      (setf offset (fill-vector obj vec octet-vector offset))
+      (sha-256-encode-block obj vec))))
+(defmethod sha-256-final ((obj SHA-256))
+  (let ((vec (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
+	(buffer-filler 
+	 (make-buffer-filler
+	  (make-byte-array-reader-function 
+	   (leftover-octets obj) (leftover-count obj))
+	  (octet-count obj))))
+    ;; Loops at most two times.
+    (while (funcall buffer-filler vec)
+      (sha-256-encode-block obj vec))
+    ;; Return hash.
+    (sha-256-make-octet-vector (a obj) (b obj) (c obj) (d obj) 
+			       (e obj) (f obj) (g obj) (h obj))))
+(defmethod sha-256-encode-block ((obj SHA-256) mb)
+  "Encode a single 512 bits block and add the state to the object."
+  (multiple-value-bind (aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh)
+      (do-sha-256-message-block (a obj) (b obj) (c obj) (d obj)
+				(e obj) (f obj) (g obj) (h obj)	mb)
+    (setf (a obj) (32-add (a obj) aa)
+	  (b obj) (32-add (b obj) bb)
+	  (c obj) (32-add (c obj) cc)
+	  (d obj) (32-add (d obj) dd)
+	  (e obj) (32-add (e obj) ee)
+	  (f obj) (32-add (f obj) ff)
+	  (g obj) (32-add (g obj) gg)
+	  (h obj) (32-add (h obj) hh))))
+;;; TODO identical to SHA1 method i sha.lisp so reuse
+(defmethod fill-vector ((obj SHA-256) return-vector octet-vector start)
+  "Return the next 512 bits for hashing.
+Return a 16 * 32 bit vector filled with leftover octets from previous
+rounds and octets from the input vector. We know that we have at
+least 64 bytes."
+  (let ((offset 0) ;offset in the tmp vevtor v.
+	(used 0) ;Num octets used from input vector.
+	(v (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+    ;; Get leftover octets from previous calls to add.
+    ;; We kown that obj contains < 64 bytes.
+    (dotimes (i (leftover-count obj))
+      (setf (aref v offset) (aref (leftover-octets obj) offset))
+      (incf offset))
+    ;; No leftover octets so we reset the leftover count.
+    (setf (leftover-count obj) 0)
+    ;; How many octets do we need from input vector.
+    (setf used (- 64 offset))
+    ;; Fill the remaining entries.
+    (dotimes (i used)
+      (setf (aref v (+ offset i)) (aref octet-vector (+ start i))))
+    ;; Transfer to new format.
+    (dotimes (word 16)
+      (let ((b3 (aref v (* word 4)))
+	    (b2 (aref v (+ (* word 4) 1)))
+	    (b1 (aref v (+ (* word 4) 2)))
+	    (b0 (aref v (+ (* word 4) 3))))
+	(setf (aref return-vector word)
+	  (dpb b3(byte 8 24)
+	       (dpb b2 (byte 8 16)
+		    (dpb b1 (byte 8 8)
+			 b0))))))
+    ;; Return offset in input vector.
+    (+ start used)))
+(defun make-SHA256 ()
+  "Constructor for the SHA-256 class"
+  (let ((obj (make-instance 'SHA-256 :algorithm "SHA-256")))
+    (reset obj)
+    obj))
+(defmethod reset ((obj SHA-256))
+  (initial-sha-256-hash-value (a obj) (b obj) (c obj) (d obj)
+			      (e obj) (f obj) (g obj) (h obj))
+  (setf (octet-count obj) 0
+	(leftover-count obj) 0
+	(called-hash obj) nil
+	(fresh obj) t))
+(defmethod hash ((obj SHA-256) &optional data (start 0) (end (length data)))
+  "Return SHA-256 hash of all bytes added so far. 
+Note that calling hash on an empty object object makes no sense and we
+return nil.
+XXX Calling it a second time without adding data? The same value as the first
+  (when (and (fresh obj) (not data))
+    ;; Returning a hash value on no data makes no sense.
+    (return-from hash nil))
+  (when (and (not data) (called-hash obj))
+    ;; Return previous hash value when we have one and no data has been
+    ;; added since last call to hash.
+    (return-from hash (sha-256-make-octet-vector (a obj) (b obj) (c obj) (d obj) 
+			       (e obj) (f obj) (g obj) (h obj))))
+  (when data
+    (typecase data
+      (vector (sha-256-add-octet-vector obj data start end))
+      (otherwise 
+       (error "Hash on data type ~A not implemented." (type-of data)))))
+  (setf (called-hash obj) t)
+  (sha-256-final obj))
+(defmethod update ((obj SHA-256) (octet-vector vector) 
+		   &optional (start 0) (end (length octet-vector)))
+  "Add bytes to SHA-256 hash object.
+Will compute the intermediate hash value and not store the input. Useful
+for hashing a large file that doesn't fit in memory or a data stream.
+When all bytes have been added you get the hash value by calling the 
+hash method."
+  ;; Reset object if we have called hash
+  (when (called-hash obj)
+    (reset obj))
+  (sha-256-add-octet-vector obj octet-vector start end)
+  (setf (fresh obj) nil))
+(register-constructor 'SHA256 #'make-SHA256)
-;;;; tests
+;;;; Tests
 (defun test-sha-256 ()
+  (test-sha-256-short)
+  (test-sha-256-long))
+(defun test-sha-256-short ()
   "Test vector 1 and 2 are taken from reference FIPS 180-2."
   (let ((test-list 
@@ -220,12 +439,28 @@
     (format t "Testing SHA-256.~%")
     (dolist (x test-list (format t "Short messages OK.~%"))
       (let ((in (first x))
-	    (ex (second x)))
-	(assert (string= (hex (sha-256-on-string in)) ex)()
+	    (ex (second x))
+	    (obj (make-SHA256)))
+	;; low-level API
+	(assert (string= (hex (sha-256-on-string in)) ex) ()
 	  "sha-256 test for input string ~A~%" in)
-	)))
+	;; Test hash only.
+	(reset obj)
+	(assert (string= (hex (hash obj (string-to-octets in))) ex) ()
+	  "sha-256 CLOS test for input string ~A~%" in)	
+	;; Test update and hash.
+	(reset obj)   
+	(update obj (string-to-octets in))
+	(assert (string= (hex (hash obj)) ex) ()
+	  "sha-256 CLOS update+hash test for input string ~A~%" in)
+	))))
-  ;;; Test long message
+(defun test-sha-256-long ()
+  "Test long message."
   (format t "Testing long messages. This may take some seconds...~%")
   ;; only "a"s, ascii code of a is 97.
   (assert (string= (hex (sha-256-on-string 

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