[crypticl-cvs] CVS crypticl/src

tskogan tskogan at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 7 00:45:34 UTC 2007

Update of /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv10746

Modified Files:
	utilities.lisp sha256.lisp 
Log Message:
Initial SHA-256 implementation. Test vectors runs ok.  Cleanup and more testing

--- /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src/utilities.lisp	2004/11/25 21:56:53	1.3
+++ /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src/utilities.lisp	2007/01/07 00:45:33	1.4
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@
 (defun hex (ov)
   (octet-vector-to-hex-string ov))
+(defun hex-int32 (i)
+  (hex-prepad-zero (integer-to-octet-vector i) 4))
 (defun octet-vector-to-hex-string (bv)
   "Returns a hex string representation of a byte vector. Does not ignore leading zeros."
   (let ((hex-string ""))
@@ -76,8 +79,20 @@
       (setf hex-string 
 	(concatenate 'string hex-string (format nil "~2,'0X" (aref bv i)))))))
+(defun pp-hex (ov)
+  "Pretty-print byte array in hex with 8 hex digits per block."
+  (with-output-to-string (str)
+    (let ((count 0))
+      (dolist (x (map 'list (lambda (x) x) ov))
+	(when (and (> count 0) (= (mod count 4) 0))
+	  (write-string " " str))
+	(write-string (format nil "~2,'0X" x) str)
+	(incf count)))))
-(defun hex-prepad-zero (ov size)
+(defun  hex-prepad-zero (ov size)
   "Size is minimum length in octets. NB! One octet = 2 hex litterals."
   (let* ((out (hex ov))
 	 (prefix-length (- size (/ (length out)  2))))
@@ -152,6 +167,11 @@
    ((every #'vectorp args) (apply #'concatenate (cons 'vector args)))
    (t (error "Invalid types ~A" args))))
+(defun make-str (lst)
+  "Construct a string from a list of string"
+  (with-output-to-string (str)
+    (dolist (s lst)
+      (write-string s str))))
 ;;; String utilities (from CLOCC)
--- /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src/sha256.lisp	2007/01/06 13:46:37	1.2
+++ /project/crypticl/cvsroot/crypticl/src/sha256.lisp	2007/01/07 00:45:33	1.3
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 (in-package crypticl)
-;;; SHA-256 Constants
-;;; SHA-256 uses a sequence of sixty-four constant 32-bit words
-(defvar *sha256-constants*
+;;; SHA-256 uses a sequence of 64 32-bit word constants. They
+;;; are referred to as K0,...,K63.
+(defvar *sha-256-constants*
     (make-array 64
 		:element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)
@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@
 		  #x748f82ee #x78a5636f #x84c87814 #x8cc70208 
 		  #x90befffa #xa4506ceb #xbef9a3f7 #xc67178f2)))
+(defun sha-256-constant (i)
+  (aref *sha-256-constants* i))
-(defmacro initial-sha256-hash-value (a b c d e f g h)
+(defmacro initial-sha-256-hash-value (a b c d e f g h)
   "Initializes the state of the hash algorithm"
   `(setf ,a #x6a09e667
 	 ,b #xbb67ae85
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
 ;;; words, which are represented as x, y, and z. The result of each function 
 ;;; is a new 32-bit word.
-;;; Note on notation in the docstrings:
+;;; Note on the notation in the docstrings:
 ;;; not is a bitwise not operation, also referred to as the complement
 ;;; operation.
 (defun ch-256 (x y z)
@@ -86,19 +88,137 @@
 (defun sigma-1 (x)
   "ROTR 17(x) xor ROTR 19(x) xor SHR 10(x)"
   (logxor (right-rot-32 x 17) 
-	  (right-rot-32 x 17)
+	  (right-rot-32 x 19)
 	  (ash x -10)))
-;;;(defun sha256-message-schedule (m)
-;;;  "Expand input array m with 512 bits = 16 32 bits words to array of 64
-;;;32 bits words"
-;;;  (let ((w (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
-;;;    (dotimes (i 16 t)
-;;;      (setf (aref w i) (aref m i)  ) )
-;;;    (dotimes (i 48 t)
-;;;      (setf (aref w (+ i 16)) 
-;;;	(left-rot-32 ( (aref w (- i 2)) (aref w (+ i 8)) 
-;;;			     (aref w (+ i 2)) (aref w (+ i ))) 1) ))
-;;;    w))
\ No newline at end of file
+(defun sha-256-encode (buffer-filler)
+  "Main non-CLOS function. Encodes 512 bits blocks until done."
+  (let ((mb (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
+	a b c d e f g h)		; the 8 working variables.
+    (initial-sha-256-hash-value a b c d e f g h)
+    (while (funcall buffer-filler mb)
+      (multiple-value-bind (aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh)
+	  (do-sha-256-message-block a b c d e f g h mb)
+	(setq a (32-add a aa)
+	      b (32-add b bb)
+	      c (32-add c cc)
+	      d (32-add d dd)
+	      e (32-add e ee)
+    	      f (32-add f ff)
+	      g (32-add g gg)
+	      h (32-add h hh))))
+    ;; Return hash value.
+    (sha-256-make-octet-vector a b c d e f g h)))
+(defmacro sha-256-make-octet-vector (a b c d e f g h)
+  "Make byte-vector from 5 32 bits integers. 
+Note that SHA uses the big-endian convention so the least significant byte
+of an integer is stored in the rightmost position in the byte array. 
+This is the opposite of MD5."
+  (flet ((bytes (num32)
+	   `((ldb (byte 8 24) ,num32)
+	     (ldb (byte 8 16) ,num32)
+	     (ldb (byte 8 8) ,num32)
+	     (ldb (byte 8 0) ,num32))))
+    `(let ((a ,a) (b ,b) (c ,c) (d ,d) (e ,e) (f ,f) (g ,g) (h ,h))
+       (vector ,@(bytes 'a)
+	       ,@(bytes 'b)
+	       ,@(bytes 'c)
+	       ,@(bytes 'd)
+	       ,@(bytes 'e)
+	       ,@(bytes 'f)
+	       ,@(bytes 'g)
+	       ,@(bytes 'h)
+	       ))))
+(defun do-sha-256-message-block (a b c d e f g h mb)
+  "Hash one 512 bits sha-256 message block.
+a b c d e f g h - the current state of the hash function
+mb - the message block, 512 bits of message, possibly padded, in a byte array
+  (let ((ms (sha-256-message-schedule mb)))
+    (dotimes (i 64)
+      (let (T1 T2)
+	(setf 
+	    ;; h + sum-1(e) + ch(e f g) + Kt + Wt
+	    T1 (32-add h 
+		       (sum-1 e)
+		       (ch-256 e f g)	      
+		       (sha-256-constant i)
+		       (aref ms i))	   
+	    ;; sum-0(a) + maj(a b c)
+	    T2 (32-add (sum-0 a) (maj-256 a b c))	    
+	    h g
+	    g f
+	    f e
+	    e (32-add d T1)
+	    d c
+	    c b
+	    b a
+	    a (32-add T1 T2)))
+      ;;(pp-sha-256-state i a b c d e f g h)
+      )
+    (values a b c d e f g h)))
+(defun pp-sha-256-state (iteration &rest r)
+  "pretty-print the 8 state variables for debugging"
+  (format t "iter ~D ~A~%" iteration 
+	  (make-str (map 'list 
+		      (lambda (x) (format nil "~A " (hex-int32 x))) r))))
+(defun sha-256-message-schedule (mb)
+  "Return the message schedule."
+  (let ((w (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
+    (dotimes (i 16)
+      ;; Wt = Mt
+      (setf (aref w i) (aref mb i)))
+    (for (i 16 64)
+      ;; Wt = sigma-1(Wt-2) + Wt-7 + sigma-0(Wt-15) + Wt-16
+      (setf (aref w i) 
+	(32-add (sigma-1 (aref w (- i 2)))
+		(aref w (- i 7))
+		(sigma-0 (aref w (- i 15)))
+		(aref w (- i 16)))))    
+    w))
+(defun sha-256-on-string (string)
+  "Return SHA-256 hash of string"
+  (sha-256-encode
+   (make-buffer-filler
+    (make-string-reader-function string))))
+;;;; tests
+(defun test-sha-256 ()
+  "Test vector 1 and 2 are taken from reference FIPS 180-2."
+  (let ((test-list 
+	 (list
+	  (list "abc" 
+		"ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad")
+	  (list "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"
+		"248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1")
+	  )))
+    (format t "Testing SHA-256.~%")
+    (dolist (x test-list (format t "Short messages OK.~%"))
+      (let ((in (first x))
+	    (ex (second x)))
+	(assert (string= (hex (sha-256-on-string in)) ex)()
+	  "sha-256 test for input string ~A~%" in)
+	)))
+  ;;; Test long message
+  (format t "Testing long messages. This may take some seconds...~%")
+  ;; only "a"s, ascii code of a is 97.
+  (assert (string= (hex (sha-256-on-string 
+			 (make-string 1000000 :initial-element #\a)))
+		   "cdc76e5c9914fb9281a1c7e284d73e67f1809a48a497200e046d39ccc7112cd0") ()
+    "sha-256 test for long test vector 1000000.")
+  (format t "Long messages OK.~%"))
\ No newline at end of file

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