[Commonqt-devel] Qt Tutorial: Memory Fault

Ivan Shvedunov ivan4th at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 16:23:02 UTC 2014

Unfortunately it seems to be a problem with Mac OS X,
see comments for https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-7393
Seems like the only fix is to run QApplication from the main
thread which doesn't seem to be possible with threaded SBCL.
Not sure whether there are other workarounds :(

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Stas Boukarev <stassats at gmail.com> wrote:
> Frank Gönninger <frank.goenninger at consequor.de> writes:
>> Am 26.04.14 11:20 schrieb "Stas Boukarev" unter <stassats at gmail.com>:
>>>Frank Goenninger <frgo at me.com> writes:
>>>> SBCL error output: http://paste.lisp.org/+31SS
>>>> SBCL backtrace:    http://paste.lisp.org/+31ST
>>>There's no callbacks from threads here. Make sure that libsmoke and
>>>libcommonqt were compiled and are using the same version of Qt.
>> Maybe I'm misinterpreting something, but this line
>> 1: ("foreign function: call_into_lisp")
>> from the backtrace as shown in the lisp paste is a callback from C to Lisp
>> for me. And right in that function hell starts ...
> It is a callback from the signal handler, which was triggered by the
> memory fault.
>> To be honest I haven't looked at the sources of Qt yet (I don't have them
>> installed as my disk space is a scarce resource).
> You don't need the sources of Qt. You just need to have a single
> consistent Qt version for compiling and running smoke and commonqt.
> --
> With best regards, Stas.
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Ivan Shvedunov <ivan4th at gmail.com>
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