[commonqt-devel] recent commonqt changes

David Lichteblau david at lichteblau.com
Sun Dec 26 14:25:12 UTC 2010

Quoting Ivan Shvedunov (ivan4th at gmail.com):
> I've tried to research problems with Qt Hemlock.
>                     I doubt this problem is directly related to
> CommonQt changes and most likely it's a bug in Qt which

Indeed, it was just an issue with Qt Hemlock.

To my knowledge, the Qt event loop is, in principle, recursive.  But
Hemlock was failing when processing events while in a event handler.
Avoiding such recursive calls seems to have fixed all issues for now.

> gets triggered by current stack state and other random reasons.
> I will research it further in coming days.

Thanks for you work; it seems to be stable now.
I've pushed my changes to hemlock git.


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