[cmucl-ticket] [cmucl] #36: file-position broken for utf16 and utf32

cmucl cmucl-devel at common-lisp.net
Fri Aug 13 00:02:55 UTC 2010

#36: file-position broken for utf16 and utf32
  Reporter:  rtoy    |       Owner:  somebody
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  minor   |   Milestone:          
 Component:  Core    |     Version:  2010-01 
Resolution:          |    Keywords:          

Comment(by rtoy):

 One possible solution is to keep track of the number of octets used to
 create each character.  This has a relatively high cost because we need to
 save this for each character, for all inputs, but the data is only used
 for file-position.  This seems really wasteful of MIPS and memory since
 file-position probably occurs much less often than reading characters.

 Another alternative would be to modify string-encode so that the BOM is
 not included.  But that's a bit tricky too.  Either we need a new method
 for each external format (that needs it) or we need to add an extra
 parameter to the external format method to say we don't want a BOM.  Not
 too hard to do, but some work to modify every format for this.

 Or maybe string-encode can take a new argument specifying the ef state.
 But then we would need a new ef function to give us the ef state that will
 guarantee no BOM.

 Or, the most hackish, but workable solution is to look at the output of
 string-encode.  If the first two octets are the BOM, adjust for that.  A
 bit hackish, but seems doable.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.common-lisp.net/cmucl/ticket/36#comment:2>
cmucl <http://common-lisp.net/project/cmucl>

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