[Git][cmucl/cmucl][issue-143-ansi-compliance-failure-listen-extra-argument] Fix #143 - grouping multiple forms together

Jon Boone (@jboone) gitlab at common-lisp.net
Wed May 3 21:02:55 UTC 2023

Jon Boone pushed to branch issue-143-ansi-compliance-failure-listen-extra-argument at cmucl / cmucl

bdaed959 by Jon Boone at 2023-05-03T16:01:32-04:00
Fix #143 - grouping multiple forms together

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- src/code/stream.lisp


@@ -612,14 +612,14 @@
       ;; simple-stream
       (stream::%listen stream width)
       ;; lisp-stream
-      (when width-p
-	(error 'kernel:simple-program-error
-	       :function-name 'listen
-	       :format-control (intl:gettext "Invalid number of arguments: ~S")
-	       :format-arguments (list 3)))
-      (or (/= (the fixnum (lisp-stream-in-index stream)) in-buffer-length)
-          ;; Test for t explicitly since misc methods return :eof sometimes.
-          (eq (funcall (lisp-stream-misc stream) stream :listen) t))
+      ((when width-p
+	 (error 'kernel:simple-program-error
+		:function-name 'listen
+		:format-control (intl:gettext "Invalid number of arguments: ~S")
+		:format-arguments (list 3)))
+       (or (/= (the fixnum (lisp-stream-in-index stream)) in-buffer-length)
+           ;; Test for t explicitly since misc methods return :eof sometimes.
+           (eq (funcall (lisp-stream-misc stream) stream :listen) t)))
       ;; fundamental-stream
       (stream-listen stream))))

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/bdaed959dae7fd7dd2f4820f7ec124f1d2e55de4

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/commit/bdaed959dae7fd7dd2f4820f7ec124f1d2e55de4
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