[Git][cmucl/cmucl][master] 2 commits: Fix #175: Simplify branching in x86 float compare vops

Raymond Toy (@rtoy) gitlab at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 12 19:05:51 UTC 2023

Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl

d51eb4b8 by Raymond Toy at 2023-03-12T19:05:39+00:00
Fix #175: Simplify branching in x86 float compare vops

- - - - -
a7237e1d by Raymond Toy at 2023-03-12T19:05:39+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-175-simplify-float-compare-vops' into 'master'

Fix #175: Simplify branching in x86 float compare vops

Closes #175

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!129
- - - - -

2 changed files:

- src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp
- + tests/nan.lisp


@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@
   (frob double ucomisd))
-    ((frob (op size inst yep nope)
+    ((frob (op size inst)
        (let ((ea (ecase size
@@ -953,28 +953,52 @@
 	     (name (symbolicate op "/" size "-FLOAT"))
 	     (sc-type (symbolicate size "-REG"))
-	     (inherit (symbolicate size "-FLOAT-COMPARE")))
+	     (inherit (symbolicate size "-FLOAT-COMPARE"))
+	     (reverse-args-p (eq op '<)))
 	 `(define-vop (,name ,inherit)
+	    ;; The compare instructions take a reg argument for the
+	    ;; first arg and reg or mem argument for the second.  When
+	    ;; inverting the arguments we must also invert which of
+	    ;; the argument can be a mem argument.
+	    (:args (x :scs (,sc-type ,@(when reverse-args-p 'descriptor-reg)))
+		   (y :scs (,sc-type ,@(unless reverse-args-p 'descriptor-reg))))
 	    (:translate ,op)
 	    (:info target not-p)
 	    (:generator 3
-	      (sc-case y
-		(,sc-type
-		 (inst ,inst x y))
-		(descriptor-reg
-		 (inst ,inst x (,ea y))))
-	      (cond (not-p
-		     (inst jmp :p target)
-		     (inst jmp ,nope target))
-		    (t
-		     (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-		       (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-		       (inst jmp ,yep target)
-		       (emit-label not-lab)))))))))
-  (frob < single comiss :b :nb)
-  (frob > single comiss :a :na)
-  (frob < double comisd :b :nb)
-  (frob > double comisd :a :na))
+	      ;; Note: x < y is the same as y > x.  We reverse the
+	      ;; args to reduce the number of jump instructions
+	      ;; needed.
+	      ,(if reverse-args-p
+		   `(sc-case x
+		      (,sc-type
+		       (inst ,inst y x))
+		      (descriptor-reg
+		       (inst ,inst y (,ea x))))
+		   `(sc-case y
+		      (,sc-type
+		       (inst ,inst x y))
+		      (descriptor-reg
+		       (inst ,inst x (,ea y)))))
+	      ;; Consider the case of x > y.
+	      ;;
+	      ;; When a NaN occurs, comis sets ZF, PF, and CF = 1.  In
+	      ;; the normal case (not-p false), we want to jump to the
+	      ;; target when x > y.  This happens when CF = 0.  Hence,
+	      ;; we won't jump to the target when there's a NaN, as
+	      ;; desired.
+	      ;;
+	      ;; For the not-p case, we want to jump to target when x
+	      ;; <= y.  This means CF = 1 or ZF = 1.  But NaN sets
+	      ;; these bits too, so we jump to the target for NaN or x
+	      ;; <= y, as desired.
+	      ;;
+	      ;; For the case of x < y, we can use the equivalent y >
+	      ;; x.  Thus if we swap the args, the same logic applies.
+	      (inst jmp (if (not not-p) :a :be) target))))))
+  (frob > single comiss)
+  (frob > double comisd)
+  (frob < single comiss)
+  (frob < double comisd))
 ;;;; Conversion:

@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; Tests for NaN comparisons.
+(defpackage :nan-tests
+  (:use :cl :lisp-unit))
+(in-package :nan-tests)
+(defparameter *single-float-nan*
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid :divide-by-zero)
+    (/ 0d0 0d0)))
+(defparameter *double-float-nan*
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid :divide-by-zero)
+    (/ 0d0 0d0)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (macrolet
+      ((frob (ntype op)
+	 (let* ((name (ext:symbolicate (if (eq ntype 'single-float)
+					   "S"
+					   "D")
+				       "TST-" op))
+		(name3 (ext:symbolicate name "3")))
+	   `(progn
+	      (defun ,name (x y)
+		(declare (,ntype x y))
+		(,op x y))
+	      (defun ,name3 (x y z)
+		(declare (,ntype x y z))
+		(,op x y z))))))
+    (frob single-float <)
+    (frob single-float >)
+    (frob double-float <)
+    (frob double-float >)
+    (frob single-float =)
+    (frob double-float =)))
+(define-test nan-single.<
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular single-floats
+  (assert-true (stst-< 1f0 2f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-< 1f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-< 1f0 0f0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  All comparisons should be false.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst-< *single-float-nan* 1f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-< 1f0 *single-float-nan*))
+    (assert-false (stst-< *single-float-nan* *single-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-double.<
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular single-floats
+  (assert-true (dtst-< 1d0 2d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-< 1d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-< 1d0 0d0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  All comparisons should be false.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (dtst-< *double-float-nan* 1d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst-< 1d0 *double-float-nan*))
+    (assert-false (dtst-< *double-float-nan* *double-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-single.>
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular single-floats
+  (assert-true (stst-> 2f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-> 1f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-> 0f0 1f0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  All comparisons should be false.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst-> *single-float-nan* 1f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-> 1f0 *single-float-nan*))
+    (assert-false (stst-> *single-float-nan* *single-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-double.>
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular single-floats
+  (assert-true (dtst-> 2d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-> 1d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-> 0d0 1d0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  All comparisons should be false.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (dtst-> *double-float-nan* 1d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst-> 1d0 *double-float-nan*))
+    (assert-false (dtst-> *double-float-nan* *double-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-single.<3
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular single-floats
+  (assert-true (stst-<3 1f0 2f0 3f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-<3 1f0 2f0 2f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-<3 1f0 1f0 2f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-<3 1f0 0f0 2f0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  Currently we can only test if there's NaN in the
+  ;; first two args.  When NaN is the last arg, we return the
+  ;; incorrect value because of how multi-compare converts multiple
+  ;; args into paris of comparisons.
+  ;;
+  ;; When that is fixed, we can add additional tests.  Nevertheless,
+  ;; this is useful because it tests the not-p case of the vops.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst-<3 *single-float-nan* 2f0 3f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-<3 1f0 *single-float-nan* 3f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-<3 *single-float-nan* *single-float-nan* 3f0))))
+(define-test nan-double.<3
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular double-floats
+  (assert-true (dtst-<3 1d0 2d0 3d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-<3 1d0 2d0 2d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-<3 1d0 1d0 2d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-<3 1d0 0d0 2d0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  Currently we can only test if there's NaN in the
+  ;; first two args.  When NaN is the last arg, we return the
+  ;; incorrect value because of how multi-compare converts multiple
+  ;; args into paris of comparisons.
+  ;;
+  ;; When that is fixed, we can add additional tests.  Nevertheless,
+  ;; this is useful because it tests the not-p case of the vops.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (dtst-<3 *double-float-nan* 2d0 3d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst-<3 1d0 *double-float-nan* 3d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst-<3 *double-float-nan* *double-float-nan* 3d0))))
+(define-test nan-single.>3
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular single-floats
+  (assert-true (stst->3 3f0 2f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst->3 3f0 1f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst->3 2f0 2f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst->3 0f0 2f0 1f0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  Currently we can only test if there's NaN in the
+  ;; first two args.  When NaN is the last arg, we return the
+  ;; incorrect value because of how multi-compare converts multiple
+  ;; args into paris of comparisons.
+  ;;
+  ;; When that is fixed, we can add additional tests.  Nevertheless,
+  ;; this is useful because it tests the not-p case of the vops.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst->3 *single-float-nan* 2f0 3f0))
+    (assert-false (stst->3 1f0 *single-float-nan* 3f0))
+    (assert-false (stst->3 *single-float-nan* *single-float-nan* 3f0))))
+(define-test nan-double.>3
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; First just make sure it works with regular double-floats
+  (assert-true (dtst->3 3d0 2d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst->3 3d0 1d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst->3 2d0 2d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst->3 0d0 2d0 1d0))
+  ;; Now try NaN.  Currently we can only test if there's NaN in the
+  ;; first two args.  When NaN is the last arg, we return the
+  ;; incorrect value because of how multi-compare converts multiple
+  ;; args into paris of comparisons.
+  ;;
+  ;; When that is fixed, we can add additional tests.  Nevertheless,
+  ;; this is useful because it tests the not-p case of the vops.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (dtst->3 *double-float-nan* 2d0 3d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst->3 1d0 *double-float-nan* 3d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst->3 *double-float-nan* *double-float-nan* 3d0))))
+(define-test nan-single.=
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; Basic tests with regular numbers.
+  (assert-true (stst-= 1f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-= 2f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-= 0f0 1f0))
+  ;; Tests with NaN, where = should fail.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst-= *single-float-nan* 1f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-= 1f0 *single-float-nan*))
+    (assert-false (stst-= *single-float-nan* *single-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-double.=
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; Basic tests with regular numbers.
+  (assert-true (stst-= 1d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (stst-= 2d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (stst-= 0d0 1d0))
+  ;; Tests with NaN, where = should fail.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst-= *double-float-nan* 1d0))
+    (assert-false (stst-= 1d0 *double-float-nan*))
+    (assert-false (stst-= *double-float-nan* *double-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-single.=3
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; Basic tests with regular numbers.
+  (assert-true (stst-=3 1f0 1f0 1f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-=3 1f0 1f0 0f0))
+  (assert-false (stst-=3 0f0 1f0 1f0))
+  ;; Tests with NaN, where = should fail.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (stst-=3 *single-float-nan* 1f0 1f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-=3 1f0 *single-float-nan* 1f0))
+    (assert-false (stst-=3 1f0 1f0 *single-float-nan*))))
+(define-test nan-double.=3
+    (:tag :nan)
+  ;; Basic tests with regular numbers.
+  (assert-true (dtst-=3 1d0 1d0 1d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-=3 1d0 1d0 0d0))
+  (assert-false (dtst-=3 0d0 1d0 1d0))
+  ;; Tests with NaN, where = should fail.
+  (ext:with-float-traps-masked (:invalid)
+    (assert-false (dtst-=3 *double-float-nan* 1d0 1d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst-=3 1d0 *double-float-nan* 1d0))
+    (assert-false (dtst-=3 1d0 1d0 *double-float-nan*))))

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