[Git][cmucl/cmucl][issue-170-clean-up-x86-float-compare] 10 commits: Fix #168: Use positive forms for conditional jmp.

Raymond Toy (@rtoy) gitlab at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 28 18:25:58 UTC 2023

Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-170-clean-up-x86-float-compare at cmucl / cmucl

404e4b28 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-27T20:18:24+00:00
Fix #168: Use positive forms for conditional jmp.

- - - - -
27979066 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-27T20:18:27+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-168-no-negated-forms-for-jmp' into 'master'

Fix #168: Use positive forms for conditional jmp.

Closes #168

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!119
- - - - -
be6a7f01 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T14:39:15+00:00
Fix #169: pprint define-vop neatly

- - - - -
797e2e17 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T14:39:17+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-169-pprint-define-vop' into 'master'

Fix #169: pprint define-vop neatly

Closes #169

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!120
- - - - -
eb943b50 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T15:50:59+00:00
Fix #167: double-float-exponent off by one

- - - - -
6ba270b2 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T15:51:05+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-167-exponent-bounds-off-by-one' into 'master'

Fix #167: double-float-exponent off by one

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!121
- - - - -
9a767f26 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T09:55:59-08:00
Macroize single-float-compare/double-float-compare

Use a macro to reduce duplicate code in `single-float-compare` and
`double-float-compare`.  Modeled after sparc and ppc code for the

- - - - -
2f4d8408 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T09:57:17-08:00
Merge branch 'master' into issue-170-clean-up-x86-float-compare

- - - - -
7c4cecb9 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T10:11:09-08:00
Use comis instead of ucomis for float compares

Made a typo when macroizing float compares.  I checked; we
consistently use comis, so let's use comis instead of ucomis.

- - - - -
a9178e00 by Raymond Toy at 2023-02-28T10:14:49-08:00
Remove commented-out code that was macroized

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- + src/bootfiles/21d/boot-2021-07-2.lisp
- src/code/pprint.lisp
- src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
- src/compiler/x86/float-sse2.lisp
- src/compiler/x86/insts.lisp
- tests/issues.lisp


@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   download_url: "https://common-lisp.net/project/cmucl/downloads/snapshots/2021/07"
   version: "2021-07-x86"
-  bootstrap: "-B boot-2021-07-1"
+  bootstrap: "-B boot-2021-07-1 -B boot-2021-07-2"
   - install

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+;; Bootstrap file for x86 to choose the non-negated forms of the
+;; condition flag for conditional jumps.
+;; Use bin/build.sh -B boot-2021-07-2 to build this.
+(in-package :x86)
+  (handler-bind
+      ((error
+	 (lambda (c)
+	   (declare (ignore c))
+	   (invoke-restart 'continue))))
+    (defconstant conditions
+      '((:o . 0)
+	(:no . 1)
+	(:b . 2) (:nae . 2) (:c . 2)
+	(:ae . 3) (:nb . 3) (:nc . 3)
+	(:e . 4) (:eq . 4) (:z . 4)
+	(:ne . 5) (:nz . 5)
+	(:be . 6) (:na . 6)
+	(:a . 7) (:nbe . 7)
+	(:s . 8)
+	(:ns . 9)
+	(:p . 10) (:pe . 10)
+	(:np . 11) (:po . 11)
+	(:l . 12) (:nge . 12)
+	(:ge . 13) (:nl . 13)
+	(:le . 14) (:ng . 14)
+	(:g . 15) (:nle . 15)))))

@@ -1837,6 +1837,89 @@ When annotations are present, invoke them at the right positions."
   (funcall (formatter "~:<~W~^~3I ~:_~W~I~@:_~@{ ~W~^~_~}~:>")
 	   stream list))
+(defun pprint-define-vop (stream list &rest noise)
+  (declare (ignore noise))
+  (pprint-logical-block (stream list :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+    ;; Output "define-vop"
+    (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+    (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+    (write-char #\space stream)
+    ;; Output vop name
+    (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+    (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+    (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+    (pprint-indent :block 0 stream)
+    ;; Print out each option starting on a new line
+    (loop
+      (write-char #\space stream)
+      (let ((vop-option (pprint-pop)))
+	;; Figure out what option we have and print it neatly
+	(case (car vop-option)
+	  ((:args :results)
+	   ;; :args and :results print out each arg/result indented neatly
+	   (pprint-logical-block (stream vop-option :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+	     ;; Output :args/:results
+	     (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	     (write-char #\space stream)
+	     (pprint-indent :current 0 stream)
+	     ;; Print each value indented the same amount so the line
+	     ;; up neatly.
+	     (loop
+	       (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	       (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	       (pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))
+	  ((:generator)
+	   (pprint-logical-block (stream vop-option :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+	     ;; Output :generator
+	     (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	     (write-char #\space stream)
+	     ;; Output cost
+	     (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	     ;; Newline and then the body of the generator
+	     (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+	     (write-char #\space stream)
+	     (pprint-indent :current 0 stream)
+	     (loop
+	       (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	       (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	       (pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))
+	  (t
+	   ;; Everything else just get printed as usual.
+	   (output-object vop-option stream))))
+      (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+      (pprint-newline :linear stream))))
+(defun pprint-sc-case (stream list &rest noise)
+  (declare (ignore noise))
+  (pprint-logical-block (stream list :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+    ;; Output "sc-case"
+    (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+    (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+    (write-char #\space stream)
+    ;; Output variable name
+    (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+    (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+    ;; Start the cases on a new line, indented.
+    (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+    (pprint-indent :block 0 stream)
+    ;; Print out each case.
+    (loop
+      (write-char #\space stream)
+      (pprint-logical-block (stream (pprint-pop) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+	;; Output the case item
+	(output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+	;; Output everything else, starting on a new line.
+	(loop
+	  (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+	  (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	  (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)))
+      (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+      (pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))
 ;;;; Interface seen by regular (ugly) printer and initialization routines.
@@ -1952,7 +2035,9 @@ When annotations are present, invoke them at the right positions."
     (vm::with-fixed-allocation pprint-with-like)
     (kernel::number-dispatch pprint-with-like)
     (stream::with-stream-class pprint-with-like)
-    (lisp::with-array-data pprint-with-like)))
+    (lisp::with-array-data pprint-with-like)
+    (c:define-vop pprint-define-vop)
+    (c:sc-case pprint-sc-case)))
 (defun pprint-init ()
   (setf *initial-pprint-dispatch* (make-pprint-dispatch-table))

@@ -347,25 +347,25 @@
 (deftype single-float-exponent ()
-  `(integer ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min vm:single-float-bias
-		vm:single-float-digits)
+  `(integer (,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min vm:single-float-bias
+		 vm:single-float-digits))
 	    ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-max vm:single-float-bias)))
 (deftype double-float-exponent ()
-  `(integer ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min vm:double-float-bias
-		vm:double-float-digits)
+  `(integer (,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min vm:double-float-bias
+		 vm:double-float-digits))
 	    ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-max vm:double-float-bias)))
 (deftype single-float-int-exponent ()
-  `(integer ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min vm:single-float-bias
-		(* vm:single-float-digits 2))
+  `(integer (,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min vm:single-float-bias
+		 (* vm:single-float-digits 2)))
 	    ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-max vm:single-float-bias
 (deftype double-float-int-exponent ()
-  `(integer ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min vm:double-float-bias
-		(* vm:double-float-digits 2))
+  `(integer (,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min vm:double-float-bias
+		 (* vm:double-float-digits 2)))
 	    ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-max vm:double-float-bias

@@ -901,15 +901,14 @@
 ;;; comiss and comisd can cope with one or other arg in memory: we
 ;;; could (should, indeed) extend these to cope with descriptor args
 ;;; and stack args
-(define-vop (single-float-compare float-compare)
-  (:args (x :scs (single-reg)) (y :scs (single-reg descriptor-reg)))
-  (:conditional)
-  (:arg-types single-float single-float))
-(define-vop (double-float-compare float-compare)
-  (:args (x :scs (double-reg)) (y :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg)))
-  (:conditional)
-  (:arg-types double-float double-float))
+    ((frob (name sc ptype)
+       `(define-vop (,name float-compare)
+	  (:args (x :scs (,sc))
+		 (y :scs (,sc descriptor-reg)))
+	  (:arg-types ,ptype ,ptype))))
+  (frob single-float-compare single-reg single-float)
+  (frob double-float-compare double-reg double-float))
     ((frob (size inst)
@@ -945,50 +944,6 @@
   (frob single ucomiss)
   (frob double ucomisd))
-(define-vop (=/single-float single-float-compare)
-    (:translate =)
-  (:info target not-p)
-  (:vop-var vop)
-  (:generator 3
-    (note-this-location vop :internal-error)
-    (sc-case y
-      (single-reg
-       (inst ucomiss x y))
-      (descriptor-reg
-       (inst ucomiss x (ea-for-sf-desc y))))
-    ;; if PF&CF, there was a NaN involved => not equal
-    ;; otherwise, ZF => equal
-    (cond (not-p
-           (inst jmp :p target)
-           (inst jmp :ne target))
-          (t
-           (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-             (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-             (inst jmp :e target)
-             (emit-label not-lab))))))
-(define-vop (=/double-float double-float-compare)
-    (:translate =)
-  (:info target not-p)
-  (:vop-var vop)
-  (:generator 3
-    (note-this-location vop :internal-error)
-    (sc-case y
-      (double-reg
-       (inst ucomisd x y))
-      (descriptor-reg
-       (inst ucomisd x (ea-for-df-desc y))))
-    (cond (not-p
-           (inst jmp :p target)
-           (inst jmp :ne target))
-          (t
-           (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-             (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-             (inst jmp :e target)
-             (emit-label not-lab))))))
     ((frob (op size inst yep nope)
        (let ((ea (ecase size
@@ -1016,119 +971,10 @@
 		       (inst jmp :p not-lab)
 		       (inst jmp ,yep target)
 		       (emit-label not-lab)))))))))
-  (frob < single ucomiss :b :nb)
-  (frob < double ucomisd :b :nb)
-  (frob > single ucomiss :a :na)
-  (frob > double ucomisd :a :na))
-(defmacro frob-float-compare (op size inst yep nope)
-  (let ((ea (ecase size
-	      (single
-	       'ea-for-sf-desc)
-	      (double
-	       'ea-for-df-desc)))
-	(name (symbolicate op "/" size "-FLOAT"))
-	(sc-type (symbolicate size "-REG"))
-	(inherit (symbolicate size "-FLOAT-COMPARE")))
-    `(define-vop (,name ,inherit)
-       (:translate ,op)
-       (:info target not-p)
-       (:generator 3
-	 (sc-case y
-	   (,sc-type
-	    (inst ,inst x y))
-	   (descriptor-reg
-	    (inst ,inst x (,ea y))))
-	 (cond (not-p
-		(inst jmp :p target)
-		(inst jmp ,nope target))
-	       (t
-		(let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-		  (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-		  (inst jmp ,yep target)
-		  (emit-label not-lab))))))))
-(frob-float-compare < single ucomiss :b :nb)
-(frob-float-compare < double ucomisd :b :nb)
-(define-vop (</double-float double-float-compare)
-  (:translate <)
-  (:info target not-p)
-  (:generator 3
-    (sc-case y
-      (double-reg
-       (inst comisd x y))
-      (descriptor-reg
-       (inst comisd x (ea-for-df-desc y))))
-    (cond (not-p
-           (inst jmp :p target)
-           (inst jmp :nc target))
-          (t
-           (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-             (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-             (inst jmp :c target)
-             (emit-label not-lab))))))
-(define-vop (</single-float single-float-compare)
-  (:translate <)
-  (:info target not-p)
-  (:generator 3
-    (sc-case y
-      (single-reg
-       (inst comiss x y))
-      (descriptor-reg
-       (inst comiss x (ea-for-sf-desc y))))
-    (cond (not-p
-           (inst jmp :p target)
-           (inst jmp :nc target))
-          (t
-           (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-             (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-             (inst jmp :c target)
-             (emit-label not-lab))))))
-(define-vop (>/double-float double-float-compare)
-  (:translate >)
-  (:info target not-p)
-  (:generator 3
-    (sc-case y
-      (double-reg
-       (inst comisd x y))
-      (descriptor-reg
-       (inst comisd x (ea-for-df-desc y))))
-    (cond (not-p
-           (inst jmp :p target)
-           (inst jmp :na target))
-          (t
-           (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-             (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-             (inst jmp :a target)
-             (emit-label not-lab))))))
-(define-vop (>/single-float single-float-compare)
-  (:translate >)
-  (:info target not-p)
-  (:generator 3
-    (sc-case y
-      (single-reg
-       (inst comiss x y))
-      (descriptor-reg
-       (inst comiss x (ea-for-sf-desc y))))
-    (cond (not-p
-           (inst jmp :p target)
-           (inst jmp :na target))
-          (t
-           (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
-             (inst jmp :p not-lab)
-             (inst jmp :a target)
-             (emit-label not-lab))))))
+  (frob < single comiss :b :nb)
+  (frob < double comisd :b :nb)
+  (frob > single comiss :a :na)
+  (frob > double comisd :a :na))
 ;;;; Conversion:

@@ -259,22 +259,39 @@
 ;; the first one is the one that is preferred when printing the
 ;; condition code out.
 (defconstant conditions
-  '((:o . 0)
+  '(
+    ;; OF = 1
+    (:o . 0)
+    ;; OF = 0
     (:no . 1)
+    ;; Unsigned <; CF = 1
     (:b . 2) (:nae . 2) (:c . 2)
-    (:nb . 3) (:ae . 3) (:nc . 3)
+    ;; Unsigned >=; CF = 0
+    (:ae . 3) (:nb . 3) (:nc . 3)
+    ;; Equal; ZF = 1
     (:e . 4) (:eq . 4) (:z . 4)
+    ;; Not equal; ZF = 0
     (:ne . 5) (:nz . 5)
+    ;; Unsigned <=; CF = 1 or ZF = 1
     (:be . 6) (:na . 6)
-    (:nbe . 7) (:a . 7)
+    ;; Unsigned >; CF = 1 and ZF = 0
+    (:a . 7) (:nbe . 7)
+    ;; SF = 1
     (:s . 8)
+    ;; SF = 0
     (:ns . 9)
+    ;; Parity even
     (:p . 10) (:pe . 10)
+    ;; Parity odd
     (:np . 11) (:po . 11)
+    ;; Signed <; SF /= OF
     (:l . 12) (:nge . 12)
-    (:nl . 13) (:ge . 13)
+    ;; Signed >=; SF = OF
+    (:ge . 13) (:nl . 13)
+    ;; Signed <=; ZF = 1 or SF /= OF
     (:le . 14) (:ng . 14)
-    (:nle . 15) (:g . 15)))
+    ;; Signed >; ZF =0 and SF = OF
+    (:g . 15) (:nle . 15)))
 (defun conditional-opcode (condition)
   (cdr (assoc condition conditions :test #'eq))))

@@ -840,3 +840,60 @@
   (let ((f (compile nil #'(lambda ()
 			    (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float least-positive-double-float))))))
     (assert-equal -1126 (funcall f))))
+(define-test issue.167.single
+    (:tag :issues)
+  (let ((df-min-expo (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-single-float)))
+	(df-max-expo (nth-value 1 (decode-float most-positive-single-float))))
+    ;; Verify that the min exponent for kernel:single-float-exponent
+    ;; is the actual min exponent from decode-float.
+    (assert-true (typep df-min-expo 'kernel:single-float-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1+ df-min-expo) 'kernel:single-float-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1- df-min-expo) 'kernel:single-float-exponent))
+    ;; Verify that the max exponent for kernel:single-float-exponent
+    ;; is the actual max exponent from decode-float.
+    (assert-true (typep df-max-expo 'kernel:single-float-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1- df-max-expo) 'kernel:single-float-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1+ df-max-expo) 'kernel:single-float-exponent)))
+  ;; Same as for decode-float, but for integer-decode-float.
+  (let ((idf-min-expo (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float least-positive-single-float)))
+	(idf-max-expo (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float most-positive-single-float))))
+    (assert-true (typep idf-min-expo 'kernel:single-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1+ idf-min-expo) 'kernel:single-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1- idf-min-expo) 'kernel:single-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep idf-max-expo 'kernel:single-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1- idf-max-expo) 'kernel:single-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1+ idf-max-expo) 'kernel:single-float-int-exponent))))
+(define-test issue.167.double
+    (:tag :issues)
+  (let ((df-min-expo (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-double-float)))
+	(df-max-expo (nth-value 1 (decode-float most-positive-double-float))))
+    ;; Verify that the min exponent for kernel:double-float-exponent
+    ;; is the actual min exponent from decode-float.
+    (assert-true (typep df-min-expo 'kernel:double-float-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1+ df-min-expo) 'kernel:double-float-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1- df-min-expo) 'kernel:double-float-exponent))
+    ;; Verify that the max exponent for kernel:double-float-exponent
+    ;; is the actual max exponent from decode-float.
+    (assert-true (typep df-max-expo 'kernel:double-float-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1- df-max-expo) 'kernel:double-float-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1+ df-max-expo) 'kernel:double-float-exponent)))
+  ;; Same as for decode-float, but for integer-decode-float.
+  (let ((idf-min-expo (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float least-positive-double-float)))
+	(idf-max-expo (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float most-positive-double-float))))
+    (assert-true (typep idf-min-expo 'kernel:double-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1+ idf-min-expo) 'kernel:double-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1- idf-min-expo) 'kernel:double-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep idf-max-expo 'kernel:double-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-true (typep (1- idf-max-expo) 'kernel:double-float-int-exponent))
+    (assert-false (typep (1+ idf-max-expo) 'kernel:double-float-int-exponent))))

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