[Git][cmucl/cmucl][issue-140-stream-element-type-two-way-stream] 7 commits: Fix #149: Call setlocale(3C) on startup

Raymond Toy (@rtoy) gitlab at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 14 22:57:30 UTC 2022

Raymond Toy pushed to branch issue-140-stream-element-type-two-way-stream at cmucl / cmucl

33c760fa by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-03T04:47:09+00:00
Fix #149:  Call setlocale(3C) on startup

- - - - -
317a33f8 by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-03T04:47:10+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-149-add-setlocale' into 'master'

Fix #149:  Call setlocale(3C) on startup

Closes #149

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!105
- - - - -
7bbb4843 by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-08T03:19:19+00:00
Fix #155: Wrap help strings neatly

- - - - -
68f4ec70 by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-08T03:19:21+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-155-wrap-help-strings' into 'master'

Fix #155: Wrap help strings neatly

Closes #155

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!107
- - - - -
23f66902 by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-14T05:09:37+00:00
Fix #141: Use setlocale to handle localization settings

- - - - -
6764053d by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-14T05:09:38+00:00
Merge branch 'issue-141-locale' into 'master'

Fix #141: Use setlocale to handle localization settings

Closes #141, #136, #142, #146, #134, and #132

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!101
- - - - -
4cb049f3 by Raymond Toy at 2022-11-14T14:56:45-08:00
Merge branch 'master' into issue-140-stream-element-type-two-way-stream

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- src/code/commandline.lisp
- src/code/intl.lisp
- src/code/save.lisp
- src/code/unix.lisp
- src/general-info/release-21e.md
- src/i18n/locale/cmucl-unix.pot
- src/lisp/os-common.c


@@ -339,16 +339,54 @@
 (defun help-switch-demon (switch)
   (declare (ignore switch))
   (format t (intl:gettext "~&Usage: ~A <options>~2%") *command-line-utility-name*)
-  (dolist (s (sort *legal-cmd-line-switches* #'string<
-		   :key #'car))
-    (destructuring-bind (name doc arg)
-	s
-      (format t "    -~A ~@[~A~]~%" name (if arg (intl:gettext arg)))
-      ;; Poor man's formatting of the help string
-      (with-input-from-string (stream (intl:gettext doc))
-	(loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
-	   while line
-	   do (format t "~8T~A~%" line)))))
+  (flet
+      ((get-words (s)
+	 (declare (string s))
+	 ;; Return a list of all the words from S.  A word is defined
+	 ;; as any sequence of characters separated from others by
+	 ;; whitespace consisting of space, newline, tab, formfeed, or
+	 ;; carriage return.
+	 (let ((end (length s)))
+	   (loop for left = 0 then (+ right 1)
+		 for right = (or
+			      (position-if #'(lambda (c)
+					       (member c
+						       '(#\space #\newline #\tab #\ff #\cr)))
+					   s
+					   :start left)
+			      end)
+		 ;; Collect the word bounded by left and right in a list.
+		 unless (and (= right left))
+		   collect (subseq s left right) into subseqs
+		 ;; Keep going until we reach the end of the string.
+		 until (>= right end)
+		 finally (return subseqs)))))
+    (dolist (s (sort *legal-cmd-line-switches* #'string<
+		     :key #'car))
+      (destructuring-bind (name doc arg)
+	  s
+	(format t "    -~A ~@[~A~]~%" name (if arg (intl:gettext arg)))
+	;; Poor man's formatting of the help string
+	(let ((*print-right-margin* 80))
+	  ;; Extract all the words from the string and print them out
+	  ;; one by one with a space between each, wrapping the output
+	  ;; if needed.  Each line is indented by 8 spaces.
+	  ;;
+	  ;; "~@<       ~@;"
+	  ;;    per-line prefix of spaces and pass the whole arg list
+	  ;;    to this directive.
+	  ;;
+	  ;; "~{~A~^ ~}"
+	  ;;    loop over each word and print out the word followed by
+	  ;;    a space.
+	  ;;
+	  ;; "~:@>"
+	  ;;    No suffix, and insert conditional newline after each
+	  ;;    group of blanks if needed.
+	  (format t "~@<        ~@;~{~A~^ ~}~:@>"
+		  (get-words (intl:gettext doc))))
+	(terpri))))
 (defswitch "help" #'help-switch-demon

@@ -520,10 +520,7 @@
 (defun setlocale (&optional locale)
   (setf *locale* (or locale
-		     (getenv "LANGUAGE")
-		     (getenv "LC_ALL")
-		     (getenv "LC_MESSAGES")
-		     (getenv "LANG")
+		     (unix::unix-get-lc-messages)
 (defmacro textdomain (domain)

@@ -249,6 +249,10 @@
 	     (dolist (f *after-save-initializations*) (funcall f))
+	     ;; Set the runtime locale
+	     (unless (zerop (unix::unix-setlocale))
+	       (warn "os_setlocale failed"))
+	     ;; Set the locale for lisp
 	     (ext::process-command-strings process-command-line)
 	     (setf *editor-lisp-p* nil)

@@ -2893,3 +2893,25 @@
    of the child in the parent if it works, or NIL and an error number if it
    doesn't work."
   (int-syscall ("fork")))
+(defun unix-setlocale ()
+  _N"Call setlocale(3c) with fixed args.  Returns 0 on success."
+  (alien:alien-funcall
+   (alien:extern-alien "os_setlocale"
+		       (function c-call:int))))
+(defun unix-get-lc-messages ()
+  _N"Get LC_MESSAGES from the current locale.  If we can't, return
+  NIL.  A call to UNIX-SETLOCALE must have been done previously before
+  calling this so that the correct locale is returned."
+  (with-alien ((buf (array c-call:char 256)))
+    (let ((result
+	    (alien-funcall
+	     (extern-alien "os_get_lc_messages"
+			   (function c-call:int
+				     (* c-call:char)
+				     c-call:int))
+	     (cast buf (* c-call:char))
+	     256)))
+      (when (zerop result)
+	(cast buf c-call:c-string)))))

@@ -61,8 +61,11 @@ public domain.
     * ~~#136~~ `ensure-directories-exist` should return the given pathspec
     * #139 `*default-external-format*` defaults to `:utf-8`
     * ~~#140~~ External format of `two-way-stream`
+    * ~~#141~~ Disallow locales that are pathnames to a localedef file
     * ~~#142~~ `(random 0)` signals incorrect error
-    * ~~#147~~ `stream-line-column` method missing for `fundamental-character-output-stream` 
+    * ~~#147~~ `stream-line-column` method missing for `fundamental-character-output-stream`
+    * ~~#149~~ Call setlocale(3C) on startup
+    * ~~#155~~ Wrap help strings neatly
   * Other changes:
   * Improvements to the PCL implementation of CLOS:
   * Changes to building procedure:

@@ -1424,3 +1424,14 @@ msgid ""
 "   doesn't work."
 msgstr ""
+#: src/code/unix.lisp
+msgid "Call setlocale(3c) with fixed args.  Returns 0 on success."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/code/unix.lisp
+msgid ""
+"Get LC_MESSAGES from the current locale.  If we can't, return\n"
+"  NIL.  A call to UNIX-SETLOCALE must have been done previously before\n"
+"  calling this so that the correct locale is returned."
+msgstr ""

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <errno.h>
+#include <locale.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <pwd.h>
@@ -773,3 +774,25 @@ exit:
     return result;
+    char *result = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+    /* Return 0 if setlocale suceeded; otherwise -1. */
+    return result != NULL ? 0 : -1;
+os_get_lc_messages(char *buf, int len)
+    char *locale = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, NULL);
+    if (locale) {
+        strncpy(buf, locale, len - 1);
+        buf[len - 1] = '\0';
+    }
+    /* Return -1 if setlocale failed. */
+    return locale ? 0 : -1;

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/compare/4d69dda728c54cba0ab7c9c084b8df8169771af0...4cb049f36ff1eeb1c2081c1800072a48221846e3

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/-/compare/4d69dda728c54cba0ab7c9c084b8df8169771af0...4cb049f36ff1eeb1c2081c1800072a48221846e3
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