[Git][cmucl/cmucl][master] 2 commits: Complex array accessors are not foldable

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 19 16:50:49 UTC 2018

Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl

e9a598e5 by Raymond Toy at 2018-02-19T08:41:07-08:00
Complex array accessors are not foldable

Fixes #61 and #62.

declared inline and the compiler tries to constant-fold these inlined
functions operating on simple arrays.

Thus don't allow the compiler to constant-fold calls to
`%ARRAY-FILL-POINTER-P`.  This is normally protected by a call to
`ARRAY-HEADER-P`, but when it's inlined, the compiler tries to
constant-fold `%ARRAY-FILL-POINTER-P` on an array without such a slot.

`%ARRAY-DATA-VECTOR`, and `%ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT`, and the calls are
protected by `ARRAY-HEADER-P`. So don't constant-fold these either.

Maybe we could also make CONSTANT-FOLD-CALL be smarter about this?

* src/compiler/generic/objdef.lisp
  * Remove flushable from these ref-trans methods.
* src/general-info/release-21d.md
  * Update
* tests/issues.lisp
  * Add tests from the bug reports.

- - - - -
ac4b9fc8 by Raymond Toy at 2018-02-19T16:50:47+00:00
Merge branch 'rtoy-fix-61-62-not-flushable' into 'master'

Complex array accessors are not foldable

Closes #61 and #62

See merge request cmucl/cmucl!38
- - - - -

3 changed files:

- src/compiler/generic/objdef.lisp
- src/general-info/release-21d.md
- tests/issues.lisp


--- a/src/compiler/generic/objdef.lisp
+++ b/src/compiler/generic/objdef.lisp
@@ -252,29 +252,32 @@
 		:ref-known (flushable foldable)
 		:set-trans (setf %array-fill-pointer)
 		:set-known (unsafe))
+  ;; Don't let these ref-trans to be constant-folded because these
+  ;; might get called on arrays that don't have these slots. (Because
+  ;; the lisp functions might be inlined.)
   (fill-pointer-p :type (member t nil)
 		  :ref-trans %array-fill-pointer-p
-		  :ref-known (flushable foldable)
+		  :ref-known (flushable)
 		  :set-trans (setf %array-fill-pointer-p)
 		  :set-known (unsafe))
   (elements :type index
 	    :ref-trans %array-available-elements
-	    :ref-known (flushable foldable)
+	    :ref-known (flushable)
 	    :set-trans (setf %array-available-elements)
 	    :set-known (unsafe))
   (data :type array
 	:ref-trans %array-data-vector
-	:ref-known (flushable foldable)
+	:ref-known (flushable)
 	:set-trans (setf %array-data-vector)
 	:set-known (unsafe))
   (displacement :type (or index null)
 		:ref-trans %array-displacement
-		:ref-known (flushable foldable)
+		:ref-known (flushable)
 		:set-trans (setf %array-displacement)
 		:set-known (unsafe))
   (displaced-p :type (member t nil)
 	       :ref-trans %array-displaced-p
-	       :ref-known (flushable foldable)
+	       :ref-known (flushable)
 	       :set-trans (setf %array-displaced-p)
 	       :set-known (unsafe))
   (dimensions :rest-p t))

--- a/src/general-info/release-21d.md
+++ b/src/general-info/release-21d.md
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ public domain.
     * ~~#59~~ Incorrect type-derivation for `decode-float`
     * ~~#60~~ The function `C::%UNARY-FROUND` is undefined
     * ~~#58~~ Bogus type error in comparison of complex number with `THE` form
+    * ~~#61~~ Segfault when compiling call to `ARRAY-HAS-FILL-POINTER-P` on bit vector constant
+    * ~~#62~~ Segfault when compiling `ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT` on a string constant
   * Other changes:
   * Improvements to the PCL implementation of CLOS:
   * Changes to building procedure:

--- a/tests/issues.lisp
+++ b/tests/issues.lisp
@@ -521,3 +521,17 @@
   (let ((c9 (compile nil #'(lambda (x)
 			     (= (the (eql 1.0d0) x) #c(1/2 1/2))))))
     (assert-false (funcall c9 1.d0))))
+(define-test issue.61
+  (:tag :issues)
+  ;; Verifies that the compiler doesn't segfault and that we return
+  ;; the correct value.
+  (assert-false
+   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda () (array-has-fill-pointer-p #*10))))))
+(define-test issue.62
+  (:tag :issues)
+  ;; Verifies that the compiler doesn't segfault and that we return
+  ;; the correct value.
+  (assert-false
+   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda () (array-displacement "aaaaaaaa"))))))

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/771fd903423d15380c445426f72995735727f4d5...ac4b9fc8d04d3cd87f96760f281550ae6b0e6551

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/771fd903423d15380c445426f72995735727f4d5...ac4b9fc8d04d3cd87f96760f281550ae6b0e6551
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