[Git][cmucl/cmucl][upstream-clx] Update to sharplispers/clx commit 021f5d7

Raymond Toy gitlab at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 30 01:31:47 UTC 2018

Raymond Toy pushed to branch upstream-clx at cmucl / cmucl

640f90eb by Raymond Toy at 2018-12-30T01:29:29Z
Update to sharplispers/clx commit 021f5d7

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- src/clx/clx.asd
- src/clx/demo/clx-demos.lisp
- src/clx/demo/menu.lisp
- src/clx/dependent.lisp
- src/clx/provide.lisp


@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ Independent FOSS developers"
   ((:module "demo"
-	    ((:file "bezier")
+	    ((:file "menu")
+             (:file "bezier")
 	     (:file "beziertest" :depends-on ("bezier"))
 	     (:file "clclock")
 	     (:file "clipboard")
@@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ Independent FOSS developers"
 	     ;; deletion notes.  Find out why, and either fix or
 	     ;; workaround the problem.
 	     (:file "mandel")
-	     (:file "menu")
 	     (:file "zoid")
 	     (:file "image")
 	     (:file "trapezoid" :depends-on ("zoid"))))))

@@ -5,9 +5,15 @@
 ;;; This file should be portable to any valid Common Lisp with CLX -- DEC 88.
+;;; CMUCL MP support by Douglas Crosher 1998.
+;;; Enhancements including the CLX menu, rewrite of the greynetic
+;;; demo, and other fixes by Fred Gilham 1998.
+;;; Backported some changes found in CMUCL repository -- jd 2018-12-29.
-(defpackage #:xlib-demo/demos (:use :common-lisp)
-  (:export do-all-demos demo))
+(defpackage #:xlib-demo/demos
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:export #:demo))
 (in-package :xlib-demo/demos)
@@ -21,6 +27,7 @@
 ;;; it is running.
 (defparameter *demos* nil)
+(defparameter *delay* 0.5)
 (defvar *display* nil)
 (defvar *screen* nil)
@@ -33,105 +40,82 @@
      (defun ,fun-name ,args
-       (unless *display*
-	 #+:cmu
-	 (multiple-value-setq (*display* *screen*) (ext:open-clx-display))
-	 #+(or sbcl allegro clisp lispworks)
-	 (progn
-	   (setf *display* (xlib::open-default-display))
-	   (setf *screen* (xlib:display-default-screen *display*)))
-	 #-(or cmu sbcl allegro clisp lispworks)
-	 (progn
-	   ;; Portable method
-	   (setf *display* (xlib:open-display (machine-instance)))
-	   (setf *screen* (xlib:display-default-screen *display*)))
-	 (setf *root* (xlib:screen-root *screen*))
-	 (setf *black-pixel* (xlib:screen-black-pixel *screen*))
-	 (setf *white-pixel* (xlib:screen-white-pixel *screen*)))
-       (let ((*window* (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
-					   :x ,x :y ,y
-					   :event-mask nil
-					   :width ,width :height ,height
-					   :background *white-pixel*
-					   :border *black-pixel*
-					   :border-width 2
-					   :override-redirect :on)))
+       (let* ((*display* (or *display*
+                             (xlib:open-default-display)
+                             (xlib:open-display (machine-instance))))
+              (*screen* (xlib:display-default-screen *display*))
+              (*root* (xlib:screen-root *screen*))
+              (*black-pixel* (xlib:screen-black-pixel *screen*))
+              (*white-pixel* (xlib:screen-white-pixel *screen*))
+              (*window* (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
+                                            :x ,x :y ,y
+                                            :event-mask '(:visibility-change)
+                                            :width ,width :height ,height
+                                            :background *white-pixel*
+                                            :border *black-pixel*
+                                            :border-width 2
+                                            :override-redirect :off)))
+         (xlib:set-wm-properties *window*
+				 :name ,demo-name
+				 :icon-name ,demo-name
+				 :resource-name ,demo-name
+				 :x ,x :y ,y :width ,width :height ,height
+				 :user-specified-position-p t
+				 :user-specified-size-p t
+				 :min-width ,width :min-height ,height
+				 :width-inc nil :height-inc nil)
 	 (xlib:map-window *window*)
-	 ;; 
-	 ;; I hate to do this since this is not something any normal
-	 ;; program should do ...
-	 (setf (xlib:window-priority *window*) :above)
-	 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
-	 (unwind-protect
-	      (progn , at forms)
-	   (xlib:unmap-window *window*)
-	   (xlib:display-finish-output *display*))))
+	 ;; Wait until we get mapped before doing anything.
+         (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
+	 (unwind-protect (progn , at forms)
+           (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
+	   (xlib:unmap-window *window*))))
     (setf (get ',fun-name 'demo-name) ',demo-name)
     (setf (get ',fun-name 'demo-doc) ',doc)
-    (export ',fun-name)
     (pushnew ',fun-name *demos*)
-;;;; Main entry points.
-(defun do-all-demos ()
-  (loop
-   (dolist (demo *demos*)
-     (funcall demo)
-     (sleep 3))))
-;;; DEMO is a hack to get by.  It should be based on creating a menu.  At
-;;; that time, *name-to-function* should be deleted, since this mapping will
-;;; be manifested in the menu slot name cross its action.  Also the
-;;; "Shove-bounce" demo should be renamed to "Shove bounce"; likewise for
-;;; "Fast-towers-of-Hanoi" and "Slow-towers-of-hanoi".
+;;; DEMO
 (defvar *name-to-function* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
 (defvar *keyword-package* (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+(defvar *demo-names* nil)
 (defun demo ()
-  (macrolet ((read-demo ()
-	       `(let ((*package* *keyword-package*))
-		  (read))))
+  (let ((*demo-names* '("Quit")))
     (dolist (d *demos*)
       (setf (gethash (intern (string-upcase (get d 'demo-name))
-	    d))
-    (loop
-      (fresh-line)
-      (dolist (d *demos*)
-	(write-string "   ")
-	(write-line (get d 'demo-name)))
-      (write-string "   ")
-      (write-line "Help <demo name>")
-      (write-string "   ")
-      (write-line "Quit")
-      (write-string "Enter demo name: ")
-      (let ((demo (read-demo)))
-	(case demo
-	  (:help
-	   (let* ((demo (read-demo))
-		  (fun (gethash demo *name-to-function*)))
-	     (fresh-line)
-	     (if fun
-		 (format t "~&~%~A~&~%" (get fun 'demo-doc))
-		 (format t "Unknown demo name -- ~A." demo))))
-	  (:quit (return t))
-	  (t
-	   (let ((fun (gethash demo *name-to-function*)))
-	     (if fun
-		 #+mp
-		 (mp:make-process #'(lambda ()
-				      (loop
-				       (funcall fun)
-				       (sleep 2)))
-				  :name (format nil "~S" demo))
-		 #-mp
-		 (funcall fun)
-		 (format t "~&~%Unknown demo name -- ~A.~&~%" demo)))))))))
+	    d)
+      (push (get d 'demo-name) *demo-names*))
+    (let* ((display (xlib:open-default-display))
+           (screen (xlib:display-default-screen display))
+           (fg-color (xlib:screen-white-pixel screen))
+           (bg-color (xlib:screen-black-pixel screen))
+           (nice-font (xlib:open-font display "fixed")))
+      (let ((a-menu (xlib::create-menu
+                     (xlib::screen-root screen) ;the menu's parent
+                     fg-color bg-color nice-font)))
+        (setf (xlib::menu-title a-menu) "Please pick your favorite demo:")
+        (xlib::menu-set-item-list a-menu *demo-names*)
+        (ignore-errors ;; closing window is not handled properly in menu.
+          (unwind-protect
+               (do ((choice (xlib::menu-choose a-menu 100 100)
+                            (xlib::menu-choose a-menu 100 100)))
+                   ((and choice (string-equal "Quit" choice)))
+                 (let* ((demo-choice (intern (string-upcase choice)
+                                             *keyword-package*))
+                        (fun (gethash demo-choice *name-to-function*)))
+                   (setf choice nil)
+                   (when fun
+                     (ignore-errors (funcall fun)))))
+            (xlib:display-finish-output display)
+            (xlib:close-display display)))))))
 ;;;; Shared demo utilities.
@@ -143,60 +127,124 @@
 	    (xlib:window-map-state w))))
-;;;; Greynetic.
-;;; GREYNETIC displays random sized and shaded boxes in a window.  This is
-;;; real slow.  It needs work.
-(defun greynetic (window duration)
-  (let* ((pixmap (xlib:create-pixmap :width 32 :height 32 :depth 1
-				     :drawable window))
-	 (gcontext (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable window
-					 :background *white-pixel*
-					 :foreground *black-pixel*
-					 :tile pixmap
-					 :fill-style :tiled)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (width height) (full-window-state window)
-      (dotimes (i duration)
-	(let* ((pixmap-data (greynetic-pixmapper))
-	       (image (xlib:create-image :width 32 :height 32
-					 :depth 1 :data pixmap-data)))
-	  (xlib:put-image pixmap gcontext image :x 0 :y 0 :width 32 :height 32)
-	  (xlib:draw-rectangle window gcontext
-			       (- (random width) 5)
-			       (- (random height) 5)
-			       (+ 4 (random (truncate width 3)))
-			       (+ 4 (random (truncate height 3)))
-			       t))
-	(xlib:display-force-output *display*)))
-    (xlib:free-gcontext gcontext)
-    (xlib:free-pixmap pixmap)))
-(defvar *greynetic-pixmap-array*
-  (make-array '(32 32) :initial-element 0 :element-type 'xlib:pixel))
-(defun greynetic-pixmapper ()
-  (let ((pixmap-data *greynetic-pixmap-array*))
+(defun make-random-bitmap ()
+  (let ((bitmap-data (make-array '(32 32) :initial-element 0
+				 :element-type 'xlib::bit)))
     (dotimes (i 4)
       (declare (fixnum i))
       (let ((nibble (random 16)))
-	(setf nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 4))
-	      nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 8))
-	      nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 12))
-	      nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 16)))
-	(dotimes (j 32)
-	  (let ((bit (if (logbitp j nibble) 1 0)))
-	    (setf (aref pixmap-data i j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 4 i) j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 8 i) j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 12 i) j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 16 i) j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 20 i) j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 24 i) j) bit
-		  (aref pixmap-data (+ 28 i) j) bit)))))
-    pixmap-data))
+        (setf nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 4))
+              nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 8))
+              nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 12))
+              nibble (logior nibble (ash nibble 16)))
+        (dotimes (j 32)
+          (let ((bit (if (logbitp j nibble) 1 0)))
+            (setf (aref bitmap-data i j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 4 i) j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 8 i) j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 12 i) j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 16 i) j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 20 i) j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 24 i) j) bit
+                  (aref bitmap-data (+ 28 i) j) bit)))))
+    bitmap-data))
+(defun make-random-pixmap ()
+  (let ((image (xlib:create-image :depth 1 :data (make-random-bitmap))))
+    (make-pixmap image 32 32)))
+(defvar *pixmaps* nil)
+(defun make-pixmap (image width height)
+  (let* ((pixmap (xlib:create-pixmap :width width :height height
+				     :depth 1 :drawable *root*))
+	 (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable pixmap
+				   :background *black-pixel*
+				   :foreground *white-pixel*)))
+    (xlib:put-image pixmap gc image :x 0 :y 0 :width width :height height)
+    (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
+    pixmap))
+;;; This function returns one of the pixmaps in the *pixmaps* array.
+(defun greynetic-pixmapper ()
+  (aref *pixmaps* (random (length *pixmaps*))))
+(defun greynetic (window duration)
+  (let* ((depth (xlib:drawable-depth window))
+	 (draw-gcontext (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable window
+					      :foreground *white-pixel*
+					      :background *black-pixel*))
+	 ;; Need a random state per process.
+	 (*random-state* (make-random-state t))
+	 (*pixmaps* (let ((pixmap-array (make-array 30)))
+		      (dotimes (i 30)
+			(setf (aref pixmap-array i) (make-random-pixmap)))
+		      pixmap-array)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(multiple-value-bind (width height) (full-window-state window)
+	  (declare (fixnum width height))
+	  (let ((border-x (truncate width 20))
+		(border-y (truncate height 20)))
+	    (declare (fixnum border-x border-y))
+	    (dotimes (i duration)
+	      (let ((pixmap (greynetic-pixmapper)))
+		(xlib:with-gcontext (draw-gcontext
+				     :foreground (random (ash 1 depth))
+				     :background (random (ash 1 depth))
+				     :stipple pixmap
+				     :fill-style
+				     :opaque-stippled)
+		   (cond ((zerop (mod i 500))
+			  (xlib:clear-area window)
+			  (sleep .1))
+			 (t
+			  (sleep *delay*)))
+		   (if (< (random 3) 2)
+		       (let* ((w (+ border-x
+				    (truncate (* (random (- width
+							    (* 2 border-x)))
+						 (random width)) width)))
+			      (h (+ border-y
+				    (truncate (* (random (- height
+							    (* 2 border-y)))
+						 (random height)) height)))
+			      (x (random (- width w)))
+			      (y (random (- height h))))
+			 (declare (fixnum w h x y))
+			 (if (zerop (random 2))
+			     (xlib:draw-rectangle window draw-gcontext
+						  x y w h t)
+			     (xlib:draw-arc window draw-gcontext
+					    x y w h 0 (* 2 pi) t)))
+		       (let ((p1-x (+ border-x
+				      (random (- width (* 2 border-x)))))
+			     (p1-y (+ border-y
+				      (random (- height (* 2 border-y)))))
+			     (p2-x (+ border-x
+				      (random (- width (* 2 border-x)))))
+			     (p2-y (+ border-y
+				      (random (- height (* 2 border-y)))))
+			     (p3-x (+ border-x
+				      (random (- width (* 2 border-x)))))
+			     (p3-y (+ border-y
+				      (random (- height (* 2 border-y))))))
+			 (declare (fixnum p1-x p1-y p2-x p2-y p3-x p3-y))
+			 (xlib:draw-lines window draw-gcontext
+					  (list p1-x p1-y p2-x p2-y p3-x p3-y)
+					  :relative-p nil
+					  :fill-p t
+					  :shape :convex)))
+		   (xlib:display-force-output *display*))))))
+      (dotimes (i (length *pixmaps*))
+	(xlib:free-pixmap (aref *pixmaps* i)))
+      (xlib:free-gcontext draw-gcontext))))
 (defdemo greynetic-demo "Greynetic" (&optional (duration 300))
   100 100 600 600
   "Displays random grey rectangles."
@@ -677,6 +725,7 @@
+  (sleep *delay*)
 ;;; Move-N-Disks moves the top N disks from START-NEEDLE to END-NEEDLE
@@ -775,27 +824,28 @@
 	  (when (= prev-neg-velocity 0) (return t))
 	  (let ((negative-velocity (minusp y-velocity)))
-	      (let ((next-y (+ y y-velocity))
-		    (next-y-velocity (+ y-velocity gravity)))
-		(declare (fixnum next-y next-y-velocity))
-		(when (> next-y top-of-window-at-bottom)
-		  (cond
-		   (number-problems
-		    (setf y-velocity (incf prev-neg-velocity)))
-		   (t
-		    (setq y-velocity
-			  (- (truncate (* elasticity y-velocity))))
-		    (when (= y-velocity prev-neg-velocity)
-		      (incf y-velocity)
-		      (setf number-problems t))
-		    (setf prev-neg-velocity y-velocity)))
-		  (setf y top-of-window-at-bottom)
-		  (setf (xlib:drawable-x window) x
-			(xlib:drawable-y window) y)
-		  (xlib:display-force-output *display*)
-		  (return))
-		(setq y-velocity next-y-velocity)
-		(setq y next-y))
+               (let ((next-y (+ y y-velocity))
+                     (next-y-velocity (+ y-velocity gravity)))
+                 (declare (fixnum next-y next-y-velocity))
+                 (when (> next-y top-of-window-at-bottom)
+                   (cond
+                     (number-problems
+                      (setf y-velocity (incf prev-neg-velocity)))
+                     (t
+                      (setq y-velocity
+                            (- (truncate (* elasticity y-velocity))))
+                      (when (= y-velocity prev-neg-velocity)
+                        (incf y-velocity)
+                        (setf number-problems t))
+                      (setf prev-neg-velocity y-velocity)))
+                   (setf y top-of-window-at-bottom)
+                   (setf (xlib:drawable-x window) x
+                         (xlib:drawable-y window) y)
+                   (xlib:display-force-output *display*)
+                   (return))
+                 (setq y-velocity next-y-velocity)
+                 (setq y next-y)
+                 (sleep (/ *delay* 100)))
 	      (when (and negative-velocity (>= y-velocity 0))
 		(setf negative-velocity nil))
 	      (let ((next-x (+ x x-velocity)))
@@ -814,7 +864,7 @@
   100 100 300 300
   "Drops the demo window with an inital X velocity which bounces off
   screen borders."
-  (bounce-window *window* 30))
+  (bounce-window *window* 3))
 (defdemo bounce-demo "Bounce" ()
   100 100 300 300
@@ -846,8 +896,8 @@
     (multiple-value-bind (width height) (full-window-state window)
       (xlib:clear-area window)
       (draw-ppict window gc point-count 0.0 0.0 (* width 0.5) (* height 0.5))
-      (xlib:display-force-output display)
-      (sleep 4))
+      (xlib:display-finish-output display)
+      (sleep 1))
     (xlib:free-gcontext gc)))
 ;;; Draw points.  X assumes points are in the range of width x height,
@@ -892,8 +942,8 @@
 					:function boole-c2
 					:plane-mask (logxor *white-pixel*
-					:background *white-pixel*
-					:foreground *black-pixel*
+					:background *black-pixel*
+					:foreground *white-pixel*
 					:fill-style :solid))
 	(rectangles (make-array (* 4 num-rectangles)
 				:element-type 'number
@@ -920,6 +970,7 @@
 	      (decf y-off (ash y-dir 1))
 	      (setf y-dir (- y-dir))))
 	  (xlib:draw-rectangles window gcontext rectangles t)
+	  (sleep *delay*)
 	  (xlib:display-force-output display))))
     (xlib:free-gcontext gcontext)))
@@ -938,9 +989,12 @@
 (defvar *ball-size-x* 38)
 (defvar *ball-size-y* 34)
-(defmacro xor-ball (pixmap window gcontext x y)
-  `(xlib:copy-area ,pixmap ,gcontext 0 0 *ball-size-x* *ball-size-y*
-		   ,window ,x ,y))
+(defun xor-ball (pixmap window gcontext x y)
+  (xlib:copy-plane pixmap gcontext 1
+		  0 0
+		  *ball-size-x* *ball-size-y*
+		  window
+		  x y))
 (defconstant bball-gravity 1)
 (defconstant maximum-x-drift 7)
@@ -1016,7 +1070,7 @@
 (defun bounce-balls (display window how-many duration)
   (xlib:clear-area window)
-  (xlib:display-force-output display)
+  (xlib:display-finish-output display)
   (multiple-value-bind (*max-bball-x* *max-bball-y*) (full-window-state window)
     (let* ((balls (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
 		       (list () (cons (make-ball) list)))
@@ -1036,16 +1090,16 @@
       (xlib:free-gcontext pixmap-gc)
       (dolist (ball balls)
 	(xor-ball bounce-pixmap window gcontext (ball-x ball) (ball-y ball)))
-      (xlib:display-force-output display)
+      (xlib:display-finish-output display)
       (dotimes (i duration)
 	(dolist (ball balls)
-	  (bounce-1-ball bounce-pixmap window gcontext ball))
-	(xlib:display-force-output display))
+	  (bounce-1-ball bounce-pixmap window gcontext ball)
+          (xlib:display-finish-output display))
+	(sleep (/ *delay* 50.0)))
       (xlib:free-pixmap bounce-pixmap)
       (xlib:free-gcontext gcontext))))
 (defdemo bouncing-ball-demo "Bouncing-Ball" (&optional (how-many 5) (duration 500))
-  34 34 700 500
+  36 34 700 500
   "Bouncing balls in space."
   (bounce-balls *display*  *window* how-many duration))

@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
 ;;;                                                                                  |
+;;; Some changes are backported from CMUCL CLX source (our implementation had
+;;; errors when we tried to use menu). This one is a little shorter.
 (defstruct (menu)
   "A simple menu of text strings."
@@ -45,29 +46,27 @@
 (defun create-menu (parent-window text-color background-color text-font)
-    ;; Create menu graphics context
-    :gcontext (CREATE-GCONTEXT :drawable   parent-window
-			       :foreground text-color
-			       :background background-color
-			       :font       text-font)
-    ;; Create menu window
-    :window   (CREATE-WINDOW
-		:parent       parent-window
-		:class        :input-output
-		:x            0			;temporary value
-		:y            0			;temporary value
-		:width        16		;temporary value
-		:height       16		;temporary value		
-		:border-width 2
-		:border       text-color
-		:background   background-color
-		:save-under   :on
-		:override-redirect :on		;override window mgr when positioning
-		:event-mask   (MAKE-EVENT-MASK :leave-window					       
-					       :exposure))))
-(defun menu-set-item-list (menu &rest item-strings)
+   ;; Create menu graphics context
+   :gcontext (CREATE-GCONTEXT :drawable   parent-window
+			      :foreground text-color
+			      :background background-color
+			      :font       text-font)
+   ;; Create menu window
+   :window   (CREATE-WINDOW
+	      :parent       parent-window
+	      :class        :input-output
+	      :x            0			;temporary value
+	      :y            0			;temporary value
+	      :width        16			;temporary value
+	      :height       16			;temporary value		
+	      :border-width 2
+	      :border       text-color
+	      :background   background-color
+	      :save-under   :on
+	      ;; :override-redirect :on		;override window mgr when positioning
+	      :event-mask   (MAKE-EVENT-MASK :leave-window :exposure))))
+(defun menu-set-item-list (menu item-strings)
   ;; Assume the new items will change the menu's width and height
   (setf (menu-geometry-changed-p menu) t)
@@ -148,7 +147,11 @@
 (defun menu-refresh (menu)
- (let* ((gcontext   (menu-gcontext menu))
+  (xlib:set-wm-properties (menu-window menu)
+			  :name (menu-title menu)
+			  :icon-name (menu-title menu)
+			  :resource-name (menu-title menu))
+  (let* ((gcontext   (menu-gcontext menu))
         (baseline-y (FONT-ASCENT (GCONTEXT-FONT gcontext))))
    ;; Show title centered in "reverse-video"
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@
     ;; Erase the menu
-    (UNMAP-WINDOW mw)
+;;;    (UNMAP-WINDOW mw)
     ;; Return selected item string, if any
     (unless (eq selected-item :none) selected-item)))
@@ -272,111 +275,3 @@
     ;; Make menu visible
     (MAP-WINDOW menu-window)))
-(defun just-say-lisp (&optional (font-name "fixed"))
-  (let* ((display   (open-default-display))
-	 (screen    (first (DISPLAY-ROOTS display)))
-	 (fg-color  (SCREEN-BLACK-PIXEL screen))
-	 (bg-color  (SCREEN-WHITE-PIXEL screen))
-	 (nice-font (OPEN-FONT display font-name))
-	 (a-menu    (create-menu (screen-root screen)	;the menu's parent
-				 fg-color bg-color nice-font)))
-    (setf (menu-title a-menu) "Please pick your favorite language:")
-    (menu-set-item-list a-menu "Fortran" "APL" "Forth" "Lisp")
-    ;; Bedevil the user until he picks a nice programming language
-    (unwind-protect
-	(do (choice)
-	    ((and (setf choice (menu-choose a-menu 100 100))
-		  (string-equal "Lisp" choice))))
-      (CLOSE-DISPLAY display))))
-(defun pop-up (host strings &key (title "Pick one:") (font "fixed"))
-  (let* ((display   (OPEN-DISPLAY host))
-	 (screen    (first (DISPLAY-ROOTS display)))
-	 (fg-color  (SCREEN-BLACK-PIXEL screen))
-	 (bg-color  (SCREEN-WHITE-PIXEL screen))
-	 (font      (OPEN-FONT display font))
-	 (parent-width 400)
-	 (parent-height 400)
-	 (parent    (CREATE-WINDOW :parent (SCREEN-ROOT screen)
-				   :override-redirect :on
-				   :x 100 :y 100
-				   :width parent-width :height parent-height
-				   :background bg-color
-				   :event-mask (MAKE-EVENT-MASK :button-press
-								:exposure)))
-	 (a-menu    (create-menu parent fg-color bg-color font))
-	 (prompt    "Press a button...")	 
-	 (prompt-gc (CREATE-GCONTEXT :drawable parent
-				     :foreground fg-color
-				     :background bg-color
-				     :font font))
-	 (prompt-y  (FONT-ASCENT font))
-	 (ack-y     (- parent-height  (FONT-DESCENT font))))
-    (setf (menu-title a-menu) title)
-    (apply #'menu-set-item-list a-menu strings)
-    ;; Present main window
-    (MAP-WINDOW parent)
-    (flet ((display-centered-text
-	     (window string gcontext height width)	     
-	     (multiple-value-bind (w a d l r fa fd) (text-extents gcontext string)
-	       (declare (ignore a d l r))
-	       (let ((box-height (+ fa fd)))
-		 ;; Clear previous text
-		 (CLEAR-AREA window
-			     :x 0 :y (- height fa)
-			     :width width :height box-height)
-		 ;; Draw new text
-		 (DRAW-IMAGE-GLYPHS window gcontext (round (- width w) 2) height string)))))
-      (unwind-protect
-	  (loop
-	    (EVENT-CASE (display :force-output-p t)
-	      (:exposure (count)
-			 ;; Display prompt
-			 (when (zerop count)
-			   (display-centered-text
-			     parent
-			     prompt
-			     prompt-gc
-			     prompt-y
-			     parent-width))
-			 t)
-	      (:button-press (x y)
-			     ;; Pop up the menu
-			     (let ((choice (menu-choose a-menu x y)))
-			       (if choice
-				   (display-centered-text
-				     parent
-				     (format nil "You have selected ~a." choice)
-				     prompt-gc
-				     ack-y
-				     parent-width)
-				   (display-centered-text
-				     parent
-				     "No selection...try again."
-				     prompt-gc
-				     ack-y
-				     parent-width)))
-			     t)	    	    
-	      (otherwise ()
-			 ;;Ignore and discard any other event
-			 t)))
-	(CLOSE-DISPLAY display)))))

@@ -1061,36 +1061,56 @@
 ;;; :TIMEOUT if it times out, NIL otherwise.
 ;;; The default implementation
-;; Poll for input every *buffer-read-polling-time* SECONDS.
-#-(or CMU sbcl)
-(defparameter *buffer-read-polling-time* 0.5)
-#-(or CMU sbcl clisp)
+#-(or cmu sbcl clisp (and ecl serve-event))
+  ;; Issue a warning to incentivize providing better implementation.
+  (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+    (warn "XLIB::BUFFER-INPUT-WAIT-DEFAULT: timeout polling used."))
+  ;; Poll for input every *buffer-read-polling-time* SECONDS.
+  (defparameter *buffer-read-polling-time* 0.01)
+  (defun buffer-input-wait-default (display timeout)
+    (declare (type display display)
+             (type (or null (real 0 *)) timeout))
+    (declare (clx-values timeout))
+    (let ((stream (display-input-stream display)))
+      (declare (type (or null stream) stream))
+      (cond ((null stream))
+            ((listen stream) nil)
+            ((and timeout (= timeout 0)) :timeout)
+            ((not (null timeout))
+             (multiple-value-bind (npoll fraction)
+                 (truncate timeout *buffer-read-polling-time*)
+               (dotimes (i npoll)        ; Sleep for a time, then listen again
+                 (sleep *buffer-read-polling-time*)
+                 (when (listen stream)
+                   (return-from buffer-input-wait-default nil)))
+               (when (plusp fraction)
+                 (sleep fraction)        ; Sleep a fraction of a second
+                 (when (listen stream)   ; and listen one last time
+                   (return-from buffer-input-wait-default nil)))
+               :timeout))))))
+#+(and ecl serve-event)
 (defun buffer-input-wait-default (display timeout)
   (declare (type display display)
-           (type (or null (real 0 *)) timeout))
-  (declare (clx-values timeout))
+           (type (or null number) timeout))
   (let ((stream (display-input-stream display)))
     (declare (type (or null stream) stream))
     (cond ((null stream))
           ((listen stream) nil)
-          ((and timeout (= timeout 0)) :timeout)
-          ((not (null timeout))
-           (multiple-value-bind (npoll fraction)
-               (truncate timeout *buffer-read-polling-time*)
-             (dotimes (i npoll)			; Sleep for a time, then listen again
-               (sleep *buffer-read-polling-time*)
-               (when (listen stream)
-                 (return-from buffer-input-wait-default nil)))
-             (when (plusp fraction)
-               (sleep fraction)			; Sleep a fraction of a second
-               (when (listen stream)		; and listen one last time
-                 (return-from buffer-input-wait-default nil)))
-             :timeout)))))
-#+(or CMU sbcl clisp)
+          ((eql timeout 0) :timeout)
+          (T (flet ((usable! (fd)
+                      (declare (ignore fd))
+                      (return-from buffer-input-wait-default)))
+               (serve-event:with-fd-handler ((ext:file-stream-fd
+                                              (typecase stream
+                                                (two-way-stream (two-way-stream-input-stream stream))
+                                                (otherwise stream)))
+                                             :input #'usable!)
+                 (serve-event:serve-event timeout)))
+             :timeout))))
+#+(or cmu sbcl clisp)
 (defun buffer-input-wait-default (display timeout)
   (declare (type display display)
            (type (or null number) timeout))
@@ -1099,18 +1119,14 @@
     (cond ((null stream))
           ((listen stream) nil)
           ((eql timeout 0) :timeout)
-          (t
-           (if #+sbcl (sb-sys:wait-until-fd-usable (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd stream)
-                                                   :input timeout)
-               #+mp (mp:process-wait-until-fd-usable
-                     (system:fd-stream-fd stream) :input timeout)
+          ;; MP package protocol may be shared between clisp and cmu.
+          ((or #+sbcl (sb-sys:wait-until-fd-usable (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd stream) :input timeout)
+               #+mp (mp:process-wait-until-fd-usable (system:fd-stream-fd stream) :input timeout)
                #+clisp (multiple-value-bind (sec usec) (floor (or timeout 0))
-                         (ext:socket-status stream (and timeout sec)
-                                            (round usec 1d-6)))
-               #-(or sbcl mp clisp) (system:wait-until-fd-usable
-                                     (system:fd-stream-fd stream) :input timeout)
-               nil
-               :timeout)))))
+                         (ext:socket-status stream (and timeout sec) (round usec 1d-6)))
+               #+cmu (system:wait-until-fd-usable (system:fd-stream-fd stream) :input timeout))
+           nil)
+          (T :timeout))))
 ;;; BUFFER-LISTEN-DEFAULT - returns T if there is input available for the
 ;;; buffer. This should never block, so it can be called from the scheduler.

@@ -17,35 +17,3 @@
 (in-package :common-lisp-user)
 (provide :clx)
-(defvar *clx-source-pathname*
-	(pathname "/src/local/clx/*.l"))
-(defvar *clx-binary-pathname*
-	(let ((lisp
-		(or #+lucid "lucid"
-		    #+akcl  "akcl"
-		    #+kcl   "kcl"
-		    #+ibcl  "ibcl"
-		    (error "Can't provide CLX for this lisp.")))
-	      (architecture
-		(or #+(or sun3 (and sun (or mc68000 mc68020))) "sun3"
-		    #+(or sun4 sparc) "sparc"
-		    #+(and hp (or mc68000 mc68020)) "hp9000s300"
-		    #+vax "vax"
-		    #+prime "prime"
-		    #+sunrise "sunrise"
-		    #+ibm-rt-pc "ibm-rt-pc"
-		    #+mips "mips"
-		    #+prism "prism"
-		    (error "Can't provide CLX for this architecture."))))
-	  (pathname (format nil "/src/local/clx/~A.~A/" lisp architecture))))
-(defvar *compile-clx*
-	nil)
-(load (merge-pathnames "defsystem" *clx-source-pathname*))
-(if *compile-clx*
-    (compile-clx *clx-source-pathname* *clx-binary-pathname*)
-  (load-clx *clx-binary-pathname*))

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