[Git][cmucl/cmucl][rtoy-xoro] 2 commits: Simplify state

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sat Dec 16 16:17:40 UTC 2017

Raymond Toy pushed to branch rtoy-xoro at cmucl / cmucl

192fe3b6 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-16T08:16:46-08:00
Simplify state

Don't need an array for the cached value; (unsigned-byte 32) is a
specialized structure slot, so no consing.

Some random cleanups and comments.

- - - - -
c62e3467 by Raymond Toy at 2017-12-16T08:17:24-08:00
Add tests for xoroshiro generator

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- src/code/rand-xoroshiro.lisp
- + tests/rng.lisp


--- a/src/code/rand-xoroshiro.lisp
+++ b/src/code/rand-xoroshiro.lisp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (in-package "KERNEL")
-(export '(%xorohiro-single-float %xorohiro-double-float xoroshiro-chunk init-random-state))
+(export '(%xorohiro-single-float %xorohiro-double-float xoroshiro-chunk init-xoro-state))
 (sys:register-lisp-feature :random-xoroshiro)
@@ -80,10 +80,19 @@
 (defstruct (xoro-random-state
 	     (:constructor make-xoroshiro-object)
 	     (:make-load-form-fun :just-dump-it-normally))
+  ;; The state of the RNG.  The actual algorithm uses 2 64-bit words
+  ;; of state.  To reduce consing, we use an array of double-float's
+  ;; since a double-float is 64 bits long.  At no point do we operate
+  ;; on these as floats; they're just convenient objects to hold the
+  ;; state we need.
   (state (init-xoro-state)
    :type (simple-array double-float (2)))
-  (rand (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element 0)
-   :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (1)))
+  ;; The generator produces 64-bit results.  We separate the 64-bit
+  ;; result into two parts.  One is returned and the other is cached
+  ;; here for later use.
+  (rand 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
+  ;; Indicates if RAND holds a valid value.  If NIL, we need to
+  ;; generate a new 64-bit result.
   (cached-p nil :type (member t nil)))
 (defvar *xoro-random-state*)
@@ -92,13 +101,11 @@
   (flet ((copy-random-state (state)
 	   (let ((old-state (xoro-random-state-state state))
-		  (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float))
-		 (new-rand (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
+		  (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float)))
 	     (setf (aref new-state 0) (aref old-state 0))
 	     (setf (aref new-state 1) (aref old-state 1))
-	     (setf (aref new-rand 0) (aref (xoro-random-state-rand state) 0))
 	     (make-xoroshiro-object :state new-state
-				    :rand new-rand
+				    :rand (xoro-random-state-rand state)
 				    :cached-p (xoro-random-state-cached-p state)))))
     (cond ((not state)
 	   (copy-random-state *xoro-random-state*))
@@ -106,7 +113,7 @@
 	   (copy-random-state state))
 	  ((eq state t)
 	   (make-xoroshiro-object :state (init-xoro-state (generate-seed 4))
-				  :rand (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element 0)
+				  :rand 0
 				  :cached-p nil))
 	   (error "Argument is not a RANDOM-STATE, T, or NIL: ~S" state)))))
@@ -130,15 +137,15 @@
   (let ((cached (xoro-random-state-cached-p rng-state)))
     (cond (cached
 	   (setf (xoro-random-state-cached-p rng-state) nil)
-	   (aref (xoro-random-state-rand rng-state) 0))
+	   (xoro-random-state-rand rng-state))
 	   (let ((s (xoro-random-state-state rng-state)))
 	     (declare (type (simple-array double-float (2)) s))
 	     (multiple-value-bind (r1 r0)
 		 (vm::xoroshiro-next s)
-	       (setf (aref (xoro-random-state-rand rng-state) 0) r1)
+	       (setf (xoro-random-state-rand rng-state) r0)
 	       (setf (xoro-random-state-cached-p rng-state) t)
-	       r0))))))
+	       r1))))))
 (defun xoroshiro-next (state)
@@ -267,7 +274,7 @@
-(defun %random-double-double-float (arg state)
+(defun %xoroshiro-double-double-float (arg state)
   (declare (type (double-double-float (0w0)) arg)
 	   (type xoro-random-state state))
   ;; Generate a 31-bit integer, scale it and sum them up

--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rng.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;; Tests for RNG
+(defpackage :rng-tests
+  (:use :cl :lisp-unit))
+(in-package "RNG-TESTS")
+(defun 64-bit-rng-state (rng)
+  (let ((state (kernel::xoro-random-state-state rng)))
+    (flet ((convert (x)
+	     (multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+		 (kernel:double-float-bits x)
+	       (logior (ash (ldb (byte 32 0) hi) 32)
+		       lo))))
+      (values (convert (aref state 0)) (convert (aref state 1))))))
+(defun 64-bit-value (rng)
+  (logior (ash (kernel::xoroshiro-chunk rng) 32)
+	  (kernel::xoroshiro-chunk rng)))
+(defvar *test-state*)
+(define-test rng.initial-state
+  (setf *test-state*
+	(kernel::make-xoroshiro-object :state (kernel::init-xoro-state #x12345678)
+				       :rand 0
+				       :cached-p nil))
+  (multiple-value-bind (s0 s1)
+      (64-bit-rng-state *test-state*)
+    (assert-equal #x38f1dc39d1906b6f s0)
+    (assert-equal #xdfe4142236dd9517 s1)
+    (assert-equal 0 (kernel::xoro-random-state-rand *test-state*))
+    (assert-equal nil (kernel::xoro-random-state-cached-p *test-state*))))
+(define-test rng.values-test
+  (assert-equal (list #x38f1dc39d1906b6f #xdfe4142236dd9517)
+		(multiple-value-list (64-bit-rng-state *test-state*)))
+  (assert-equal 0 (kernel::xoro-random-state-rand *test-state*))
+  (assert-equal nil (kernel::xoro-random-state-cached-p *test-state*))
+  (dolist (item '((#x18d5f05c086e0086 (#x228f4926843b364d #x74dfe78e715c81be))
+		  (#x976f30b4f597b80b (#x5b6bd4558bd96a68 #x567b7f35650aea8f))
+		  (#xb1e7538af0e454f7 (#x13e5253e242fac52 #xed380e70d10ab60e))
+		  (#x011d33aef53a6260 (#x9d0764952ca00d8a #x5251a5cfedd2b4ef))
+		  (#xef590a651a72c279 (#xba4ef2b425bda963 #x172b965cf56c15ac))
+		  (#xd17a89111b29bf0f (#x458277a5e5f0a21b #xd1bccfad6564e8d))
+		  (#x529e44a0bc46f0a8 (#x2becb68d5a7194c7 #x3a6ec964899bb5f3))
+		  (#x665b7ff1e40d4aba (#xededfd481d0a19fe #x3ea213411827fe9d))
+		  (#x2c9010893532189b (#xd7bb59bcd8fba26f #x52de763d34fee090))
+		  (#x2a99cffa0dfa82ff (#xf96e892c62d6ff2e #xc0542ff85652f81e))))
+    (destructuring-bind (value state)
+	item
+      (assert-equal value (64-bit-value *test-state*))
+      (assert-equal state (multiple-value-list (64-bit-rng-state *test-state*))))))

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