[Git][cmucl/cmucl][master] 2 commits: Handle search lists in pathname-match-p.

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sun Jan 3 18:12:00 UTC 2016

Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl

521f8392 by Raymond Toy at 2015-12-31T15:38:08Z
Handle search lists in pathname-match-p.

Allow search lists in pathname-match-p.  For each arg, we enumerate
the possible values of the search list and try to find a match between
the path and the wild path.  If there's a match, return true.

Tests added for some cases of pathname-match-p with search lists.

Fix issue #16.

- - - - -
c7e71ee2 by Raymond Toy at 2016-01-03T18:11:53Z
Merge branch 'rtoy-issue-16' into 'master'

Handle search lists in pathname-match-p.

Allow search lists in pathname-match-p.  For each arg, we enumerate
the possible values of the search list and try to find a match between
the path and the wild path.  If there's a match, return true.

Tests added for some cases of pathname-match-p with search lists.

Fix issue #16.

See merge request !6
- - - - -

2 changed files:

- src/code/pathname.lisp
- + tests/pathname.lisp


--- a/src/code/pathname.lisp
+++ b/src/code/pathname.lisp
@@ -1227,18 +1227,21 @@ a host-structure or string."
 	   ;; Not path-designator because a file-stream can't have a
 	   ;; wild pathname.
 	   (type (or string pathname) in-wildname))
-  (with-pathname (pathname in-pathname)
-    (with-pathname (wildname in-wildname)
-      (macrolet ((frob (field &optional (op 'components-match ))
-		   `(or (null (,field wildname))
-			(,op (,field pathname) (,field wildname)))))
-	(and (or (null (%pathname-host wildname))
-		 (eq (%pathname-host wildname) (%pathname-host pathname)))
-	     (frob %pathname-device)
-	     (frob %pathname-directory directory-components-match)
-	     (frob %pathname-name)
-	     (frob %pathname-type)
-	     (frob %pathname-version))))))
+  (with-pathname (in-path in-pathname)
+    (enumerate-search-list (pathname in-path)
+      (with-pathname (in-wild in-wildname)
+	(enumerate-search-list (wildname in-wild)
+	  (macrolet ((frob (field &optional (op 'components-match ))
+		       `(or (null (,field wildname))
+			    (,op (,field pathname) (,field wildname)))))
+	    (when (and (or (null (%pathname-host wildname))
+			   (eq (%pathname-host wildname) (%pathname-host pathname)))
+		       (frob %pathname-device)
+		       (frob %pathname-directory directory-components-match)
+		       (frob %pathname-name)
+		       (frob %pathname-type)
+		       (frob %pathname-version))
+	      (return-from pathname-match-p pathname))))))))
 ;;; SUBSTITUTE-INTO -- Internal

--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pathname.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+;; Tests for pathnames
+(defpackage :pathname-tests
+  (:use :cl :lisp-unit))
+(in-package "PATHNAME-TESTS")
+;; Define "foo:" search list.  /tmp and /usr should exist on all unix
+;; systems.
+(setf (ext:search-list "foo:")
+      '(#p"/tmp/" #p"/usr/"))
+;; Define "bar:" search list.  The second entry should match the
+;; second entry of the "foo:" search list.
+(setf (ext:search-list "bar:")
+      '(#p"/bin/" #p"/usr/"))
+(define-test pathname-match-p.search-lists
+    (:tag :search-list)
+  ;; Basic tests where the wild path is search-list
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "/tmp/foo.lisp" "foo:*"))
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "/tmp/zot/foo.lisp" "foo:**/*"))
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "/tmp/zot/foo.lisp" "foo:**/*.lisp"))
+  ;; These match because the second entry of the "foo:" search list is
+  ;; "/usr/".
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "/usr/foo.lisp" "foo:*"))
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "/usr/bin/foo" "foo:**/*"))
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "/usr/bin/foo.lisp" "foo:**/*.lisp"))
+  ;; This fails because "/bin/" doesn't match any path of the search
+  ;; list.
+  (assert-false (pathname-match-p "/bin/foo.lisp" "foo:*"))
+  ;; Basic test where the pathname is a search-list and the wild path is not.
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "foo:foo.lisp" "/tmp/*"))
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "foo:foo" "/usr/*"))
+  (assert-true (pathname-match-p "foo:zot/foo.lisp" "/usr/**/*.lisp"))
+  (assert-false (pathname-match-p "foo:foo" "/bin/*"))
+  ;; Tests where both args are search-lists.
+  (assert-true "foo:foo.lisp" "bar:*"))

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/f3b73541a4918c50abdc17da4164113e40fa6036...c7e71ee29988185f2bfe9b32628cc4c113f7764c
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