[cmucl/cmucl][master] 7 commits: Move the double-double functions and transforms to their own file.

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sun Jun 7 03:40:58 UTC 2015

Raymond Toy pushed to branch master at cmucl / cmucl

7aa4fe57 by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-06T17:26:01Z
Move the double-double functions and transforms to their own file.

* Most of the double-double implementation moved here.

* Removed most of the double-double implementation.

* Load float-tran-dd.

* Compile float-tran-dd.

* Regenerated.

- - - - -
a2f0af94 by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-06T17:42:15Z
Move more double-double items from float-tran to float-tran-dd.

- - - - -
b6a9e4dd by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-06T17:54:55Z
Actually remove the double-double stuff that was moved.

Previously only commented out, so really remove them now.

- - - - -
268309ac by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-06T17:55:27Z
Remove #+double-double conditionals.

This file should only be compiled when double-double support is

- - - - -
e6da7db1 by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-06T18:24:23Z
Wrap the entire file in double-double conditional.

This is so that we can always compile and load this file, even if
double-double isn't supported. (But all currently supported
architectures support double-doubles.)

- - - - -
fba8332d by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-06T18:24:38Z

- - - - -
b7af30bd by Raymond Toy at 2015-06-07T03:40:47Z
Merge branch 'rtoy-split-out-dd-math' into 'master'

Split out double-double math routines

Move the double-double transforms and a few other double-double methods from float-tran.lisp to float-tran-dd.lisp

See merge request !1

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- + src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
- src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
- src/compiler/loadcom.lisp
- src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
- src/tools/comcom.lisp


--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: C; Log: code.log -*-
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
+;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
+  "$Header: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp $")
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; This file contains floating-point specific transforms for
+;;; double-doubles.
+;;; The algorithms contained herein are based on the code written by
+;;; Yozo Hida.  See http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~yozo/ for more
+;;; information.
+(in-package "C")
+(intl:textdomain "cmucl")
+(defknown %double-double-float (real)
+  double-double-float
+  (movable foldable flushable))
+(deftransform float ((n prototype) (* double-double-float) * :when :both)
+  '(%double-double-float n))
+(deftransform %double-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
+  '(double-double-hi n))
+(deftransform %single-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
+  '(float (double-double-hi n) 1f0))
+(deftransform %double-double-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
+  'n)
+(defun %double-double-float (n)
+  (make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
+;; Moved to code/float.lisp, because we need this relatively early in
+;; the build process to handle float and real types.
+(defun %double-double-float (n)
+  (typecase n
+    (fixnum
+     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
+    (single-float
+     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
+    (double-float
+     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
+    (double-double-float
+     n)
+    (bignum
+     (bignum:bignum-to-float n 'double-double-float))
+    (ratio
+     (kernel::float-ratio n 'double-double-float))))
+(defknown double-double-float-p (t)
+  boolean
+  (movable foldable flushable))
+(defknown %make-double-double-float (double-float double-float)
+  double-double-float
+  (movable foldable flushable))
+(defknown double-double-hi (double-double-float)
+  double-float
+  (movable foldable flushable))
+(defknown double-double-lo (double-double-float)
+  double-float
+  (movable foldable flushable))
+(deftransform float-sign ((float &optional float2)
+			  (double-double-float &optional double-double-float) *)
+  (if float2
+      (let ((temp (gensym)))
+	`(let ((,temp (abs float2)))
+	   (if (minusp (float-sign (double-double-hi float)))
+	       (- ,temp)
+	       ,temp)))
+      '(if (minusp (float-sign (double-double-hi float))) -1w0 1w0)))
+(deftransform cis ((x) (double-double-float) *)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (s c)
+       (kernel::dd-%sincos x)
+     (complex c s)))

+(declaim (inline quick-two-sum))
+(defun quick-two-sum (a b)
+  "Computes fl(a+b) and err(a+b), assuming |a| >= |b|"
+  (declare (double-float a b))
+  (let* ((s (+ a b))
+	 (e (- b (- s a))))
+    (values s e)))
+(declaim (inline two-sum))
+(defun two-sum (a b)
+  "Computes fl(a+b) and err(a+b)"
+  (declare (double-float a b))
+  (let* ((s (+ a b))
+	 (v (- s a))
+	 (e (+ (- a (- s v))
+	       (- b v))))
+    (locally
+	(declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+      (values s e))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline add-dd))
+(defun add-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  "Add the double-double A0,A1 to the double-double B0,B1"
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+      (two-sum a0 b0)
+    (declare (double-float s1 s2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
+      (return-from add-dd (values s1 0d0)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (t1 t2)
+	(two-sum a1 b1)
+      (declare (double-float t1 t2))
+      (incf s2 t1)
+      (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+	  (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+	(declare (double-float s1 s2))
+	(incf s2 t2)
+	(multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	    (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+	  (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b0))
+	      ;; Handle sum of signed zeroes here.
+	      (values (float-sign (+ a0 b0) 0d0)
+		      0d0)
+	      (values r1 r2)))))))
+(deftransform + ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (add-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+	       (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(declaim (inline quick-two-diff))
+(defun quick-two-diff (a b)
+  "Compute fl(a-b) and err(a-b), assuming |a| >= |b|"
+  (declare (double-float a b))
+  (let ((s (- a b)))
+    (values s (- (- a s) b))))
+(declaim (inline two-diff))
+(defun two-diff (a b)
+  "Compute fl(a-b) and err(a-b)"
+  (declare (double-float a b))
+  (let* ((s (- a b))
+	 (v (- s a))
+	 (e (- (- a (- s v))
+	       (+ b v))))
+    (locally
+	(declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+      (values s e))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline sub-dd))
+(defun sub-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  "Subtract the double-double B0,B1 from A0,A1"
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+      (two-diff a0 b0)
+    (declare (double-float s2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
+      (return-from sub-dd (values s1 0d0)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (t1 t2)
+	(two-diff a1 b1)
+      (incf s2 t1)
+      (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+	  (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+	(declare (double-float s2))
+	(incf s2 t2)
+	(multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	    (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+	  (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b0))
+	      (values (float-sign (- a0 b0) 0d0)
+		      0d0)
+	      (values r1 r2)))))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline sub-d-dd))
+(defun sub-d-dd (a b0 b1)
+  "Compute double-double = double - double-double"
+  (declare (double-float a b0 b1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+      (two-diff a b0)
+    (declare (double-float s2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
+      (return-from sub-d-dd (values s1 0d0)))
+    (decf s2 b1)
+    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	(quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+      (if (and (zerop a) (zerop b0))
+	(values (float-sign (- a b0) 0d0) 0d0)
+	(values r1 r2)))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline sub-dd-d))
+(defun sub-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
+  "Subtract the double B from the double-double A0,A1"
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
+	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+      (two-diff a0 b)
+    (declare (double-float s2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
+      (return-from sub-dd-d (values s1 0d0)))
+    (incf s2 a1)
+    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	(quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+      (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b))
+	(values (float-sign (- a0 b) 0d0) 0d0)
+	(values r1 r2)))))
+(deftransform - ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+      (sub-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+	      (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform - ((a b) (double-float vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (sub-d-dd a
+		 (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform - ((a b) (vm::double-double-float double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (sub-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+		 b)
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline split))
+;; See Listing 2.6: Mul12 in "CR-LIBM: A library of correctly rounded
+;; elementary functions in double-precision".  Also known as Dekker's
+;; algorithm.
+(defun split (a)
+  "Split the double-float number a into a-hi and a-lo such that a =
+  a-hi + a-lo and a-hi contains the upper 26 significant bits of a and
+  a-lo contains the lower 26 bits."
+  (declare (double-float a))
+  (let* ((tmp (* a (+ 1 (expt 2 27))))
+	 (a-hi (- tmp (- tmp a)))
+	 (a-lo (- a a-hi)))
+    (values a-hi a-lo)))
+;; Values used for scaling in two-prod.  These are used to determine
+;; if SPLIT might overflow so the value (and result) can be scaled to
+;; prevent overflow.
+(defconstant +two970+
+  (scale-float 1d0 970))
+(defconstant +two53+
+  (scale-float 1d0 53))
+(defconstant +two-53+
+  (scale-float 1d0 -53))
+(declaim (inline two-prod))
+;; This is essentially the algorithm given by Listing 2.7 Mul12Cond
+;; given in "CR-LIBM: A library of correctly rounded elementary
+;; functions in double-precision".
+(defun two-prod (a b)
+  _N"Compute fl(a*b) and err(a*b)"
+  (declare (double-float a b)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)))
+  ;; If the numbers are too big, scale them done so SPLIT doesn't overflow.
+  (multiple-value-bind (aa bb)
+      (values (if (> a +two970+)
+		  (* a +two-53+)
+		  a)
+	      (if (> b +two970+)
+		  (* b +two-53+)
+		  b))
+    (let ((p (* aa bb)))
+      (declare (double-float p)
+	       (inline split))
+      (multiple-value-bind (aa-hi aa-lo)
+	  (split aa)
+	;;(format t "aa-hi, aa-lo = ~S ~S~%" aa-hi aa-lo)
+	(multiple-value-bind (bb-hi bb-lo)
+	    (split bb)
+	  ;;(format t "bb-hi, bb-lo = ~S ~S~%" bb-hi bb-lo)
+	  (let ((e (+ (+ (- (* aa-hi bb-hi) p)
+			 (* aa-hi bb-lo)
+			 (* aa-lo bb-hi))
+		      (* aa-lo bb-lo))))
+	    (declare (double-float e))
+	    (locally 
+		(declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+	      ;; If the numbers was scaled down, we need to scale the
+	      ;; result back up.
+	      (when (> a +two970+)
+		(setf p (* p +two53+)
+		      e (* e +two53+)))
+	      (when (> b +two970+)
+		(setf p (* p +two53+)
+		      e (* e +two53+)))
+	      (values p e))))))))
+(defun two-prod (a b)
+  _N"Compute fl(a*b) and err(a*b)"
+  (declare (double-float a b))
+  ;; PPC has a fused multiply-subtract instruction that can be used
+  ;; here, so use it.
+  (let* ((p (* a b))
+	 (err (vm::fused-multiply-subtract a b p)))
+    (values p err)))
+(declaim (inline two-sqr))
+(defun two-sqr (a)
+  _N"Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient
+  implementation of two-prod"
+  (declare (double-float a))
+  (let ((q (* a a)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (a-hi a-lo)
+	(split a)
+      (locally
+	  (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+	(values q (+ (+ (- (* a-hi a-hi) q)
+			(* 2 a-hi a-lo))
+		     (* a-lo a-lo)))))))
+(defun two-sqr (a)
+  _N"Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient
+  implementation of two-prod"
+  (declare (double-float a))
+  (let ((aa (if (> a +two970+)
+		(* a +two-53+)
+		a)))
+    (let ((q (* aa aa)))
+      (declare (double-float q)
+	       (inline split))
+      (multiple-value-bind (a-hi a-lo)
+	  (split aa)
+	(locally
+	    (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+	  (let ((e (+ (+ (- (* a-hi a-hi) q)
+			 (* 2 a-hi a-lo))
+		      (* a-lo a-lo))))
+	    (if (> a +two970+)
+	      (values (* q +two53+)
+		      (* e +two53+))
+	      (values q e))))))))
+(defun two-sqr (a)
+  _N"Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient
+  implementation of two-prod"
+  (declare (double-float a))
+  (let ((q (* a a)))
+    (values q (vm::fused-multiply-subtract a a q))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline mul-dd-d))
+(defun mul-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
+      (two-prod a0 b)
+    (declare (double-float p2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p p1)
+      (return-from mul-dd-d (values p1 0d0)))
+    ;;(format t "mul-dd-d p1,p2 = ~A ~A~%" p1 p2)
+    (incf p2 (* a1 b))
+    ;;(format t "mul-dd-d p2 = ~A~%" p2)
+    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	(quick-two-sum p1 p2)
+      (when (zerop r1)
+	(setf r1 (float-sign p1 0d0))
+	(setf r2 p1))
+      (values r1 r2))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline mul-dd))
+(defun mul-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  "Multiply the double-double A0,A1 with B0,B1"
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
+      (two-prod a0 b0)
+    (declare (double-float p1 p2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p p1)
+      (return-from mul-dd (values p1 0d0)))
+    (incf p2 (* a0 b1))
+    (incf p2 (* a1 b0))
+    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	(quick-two-sum p1 p2)
+      (if (zerop r1)
+	(values (float-sign p1 0d0) 0d0)
+	(values r1 r2)))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline add-dd-d))
+(defun add-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
+  "Add the double-double A0,A1 to the double B"
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
+      (two-sum a0 b)
+    (declare (double-float s1 s2))
+    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
+      (return-from add-dd-d (values s1 0d0)))
+    (incf s2 a1)
+    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
+	(quick-two-sum s1 s2)
+      (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b))
+	(values (float-sign (+ a0 b) 0d0) 0d0)
+	(values r1 r2)))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline sqr-dd))
+(defun sqr-dd (a0 a1)
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
+      (two-sqr a0)
+    (declare (double-float p1 p2))
+    (incf p2 (* 2 a0 a1))
+    ;; Hida's version of sqr (qd-2.1.210) has the following line for
+    ;; the sqr function.  But if you compare this with mul-dd, this
+    ;; doesn't exist there, and if you leave it in, it produces
+    ;; results that are different from using mul-dd to square a value.
+    #+nil
+    (incf p2 (* a1 a1))
+    (quick-two-sum p1 p2)))
+(deftransform + ((a b) (vm::double-double-float (or integer single-float double-float))
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (add-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+		 (float b 1d0))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform + ((a b) ((or integer single-float double-float) vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+      (add-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b)
+		(float a 1d0))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform * ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  ;; non-const-same-leaf-ref-p is stolen from two-arg-derive-type.
+  (flet ((non-const-same-leaf-ref-p (x y)
+	   ;; Just like same-leaf-ref-p, but we don't care if the
+	   ;; value of the leaf is constant or not.
+	   (declare (type continuation x y))
+	   (let ((x-use (continuation-use x))
+		 (y-use (continuation-use y)))
+	     (and (ref-p x-use)
+		  (ref-p y-use)
+		  (eq (ref-leaf x-use) (ref-leaf y-use))))))
+    (destructuring-bind (arg1 arg2)
+	(combination-args node)
+      ;; If the two args to * are the same, we square the number
+      ;; instead of multiply.  Squaring is simpler than a full
+      ;; multiply.
+      (if (non-const-same-leaf-ref-p arg1 arg2)
+	  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+	       (sqr-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
+	     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+			(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo)))
+	  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+	       (mul-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+		       (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
+	     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+			(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo)))))))
+(deftransform * ((a b) (vm::double-double-float (or integer single-float double-float))
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (mul-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+		 (float b 1d0))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform * ((a b) ((or integer single-float double-float) vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (mul-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b)
+		 (float a 1d0))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline div-dd))
+(defun div-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  "Divide the double-double A0,A1 by B0,B1"
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3))
+	   (inline sub-dd))
+  (let ((q1 (/ a0 b0)))
+    (when (float-infinity-p q1)
+      (return-from div-dd (values q1 0d0)))
+    ;; (q1b0, q1b1) = q1*(b0,b1)
+    ;;(format t "q1 = ~A~%" q1)
+    (multiple-value-bind (q1b0 q1b1)
+	(mul-dd-d b0 b1 q1)
+      ;;(format t "q1*b = ~A ~A~%" q1b0 q1b1)
+      (multiple-value-bind (r0 r1)
+	  ;; r = a - q1 * b
+	  (sub-dd a0 a1 q1b0 q1b1)
+	;;(format t "r = ~A ~A~%" r0 r1)
+	(let ((q2 (/ r0 b0)))
+	  (multiple-value-bind (q2b0 q2b1)
+	      (mul-dd-d b0 b1 q2)
+	    (multiple-value-bind (r0 r1)
+		;; r = r - (q2*b)
+		(sub-dd r0 r1 q2b0 q2b1)
+	      (declare (ignore r1))
+	      (let ((q3 (/ r0 b0)))
+		(multiple-value-bind (q1 q2)
+		    (quick-two-sum q1 q2)
+		  (add-dd-d q1 q2 q3))))))))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline div-dd-d))
+(defun div-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (let ((q1 (/ a0 b)))
+    ;; q1 = approx quotient
+    ;; Now compute a - q1 * b
+    (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
+	(two-prod q1 b)
+      (multiple-value-bind (s e)
+	  (two-diff a0 p1)
+	(declare (double-float e))
+	(incf e a1)
+	(decf e p2)
+	;; Next approx
+	(let ((q2 (/ (+ s e) b)))
+	  (quick-two-sum q1 q2))))))
+(deftransform / ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+      (div-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+	      (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform / ((a b) (vm::double-double-float (or integer single-float double-float))
+		 * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (div-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
+		 (float b 1d0))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(declaim (inline sqr-d))
+(defun sqr-d (a)
+  "Square"
+  (declare (double-float a)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (two-sqr a))
+(declaim (inline mul-d-d))
+(defun mul-d-d (a b)
+  (two-prod a b))
+(declaim (maybe-inline sqrt-dd))
+(defun sqrt-dd (a0 a1)
+  (declare (type (double-float 0d0) a0)
+	   (double-float a1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  ;; Strategy: Use Karp's trick: if x is an approximation to sqrt(a),
+  ;; then
+  ;;
+  ;; y = a*x + (a-(a*x)^2)*x/2
+  ;;
+  ;; is an approximation that is accurate to twice the accuracy of x.
+  ;; Also, the multiplication (a*x) and [-]*x can be done with only
+  ;; half the precision.
+  (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop a1))
+      (values a0 a1)
+      (let* ((x (/ (sqrt a0)))
+	     (ax (* a0 x)))
+	(multiple-value-bind (s0 s1)
+	    (sqr-d ax)
+	  (multiple-value-bind (s2)
+	      (sub-dd a0 a1 s0 s1)
+	    (multiple-value-bind (p0 p1)
+		(mul-d-d s2 (* x 0.5d0))
+	      (add-dd-d p0 p1 ax)))))))
+(deftransform sqrt ((a) ((vm::double-double-float 0w0))
+		    * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (sqrt-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(declaim (inline neg-dd))
+(defun neg-dd (a0 a1)
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (values (- a0) (- a1)))
+(declaim (inline abs-dd))
+(defun abs-dd (a0 a1)
+  (declare (double-float a0 a1)
+	   (optimize (speed 3)
+		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
+  (if (minusp a0)
+      (neg-dd a0 a1)
+      (values a0 a1)))
+(deftransform abs ((a) (vm::double-double-float)
+		   * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (abs-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(deftransform %negate ((a) (vm::double-double-float)
+		       * :node node)
+  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
+       (neg-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
+     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
+		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
+(declaim (inline dd=))
+(defun dd= (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  (and (= a0 b0)
+       (= a1 b1)))
+(declaim (inline dd<))
+(defun dd< (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  (or (< a0 b0)
+       (and (= a0 b0)
+	    (< a1 b1))))
+(declaim (inline dd>))
+(defun dd> (a0 a1 b0 b1)
+  (or (> a0 b0)
+       (and (= a0 b0)
+	    (> a1 b1))))
+(deftransform = ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float) *)
+  `(dd= (kernel:double-double-hi a)
+	(kernel:double-double-lo a)
+	(kernel:double-double-hi b)
+	(kernel:double-double-lo b)))
+(deftransform < ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float) *)
+  `(dd< (kernel:double-double-hi a)
+	(kernel:double-double-lo a)
+	(kernel:double-double-hi b)
+	(kernel:double-double-lo b)))
+(deftransform > ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float) *)
+  `(dd> (kernel:double-double-hi a)
+	(kernel:double-double-lo a)
+	(kernel:double-double-hi b)
+	(kernel:double-double-lo b)))
+) ; end progn

--- a/src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+++ b/src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
@@ -38,47 +38,6 @@
 (deftransform %double-float ((n) (double-float) * :when :both)
-(defknown %double-double-float (real)
-  double-double-float
-  (movable foldable flushable))
-(deftransform float ((n prototype) (* double-double-float) * :when :both)
-  '(%double-double-float n))
-(deftransform %double-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
-  '(double-double-hi n))
-(deftransform %single-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
-  '(float (double-double-hi n) 1f0))
-(deftransform %double-double-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
-  'n)
-(defun %double-double-float (n)
-  (make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
-;; Moved to code/float.lisp, because we need this relatively early in
-;; the build process to handle float and real types.
-(defun %double-double-float (n)
-  (typecase n
-    (fixnum
-     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
-    (single-float
-     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
-    (double-float
-     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
-    (double-double-float
-     n)
-    (bignum
-     (bignum:bignum-to-float n 'double-double-float))
-    (ratio
-     (kernel::float-ratio n 'double-double-float))))
-); progn
 (defknown %complex-single-float (number) (complex single-float)
   (movable foldable flushable))
 (defknown %complex-double-float (number) (complex double-float)
@@ -364,27 +323,6 @@
   (values (signed-byte 32) (unsigned-byte 32))
   (movable foldable flushable))
-(defknown double-double-float-p (t)
-  boolean
-  (movable foldable flushable))
-(defknown %make-double-double-float (double-float double-float)
-  double-double-float
-  (movable foldable flushable))
-(defknown double-double-hi (double-double-float)
-  double-float
-  (movable foldable flushable))
-(defknown double-double-lo (double-double-float)
-  double-float
-  (movable foldable flushable))
-) ; progn
 (deftransform float-sign ((float &optional float2)
 			  (single-float &optional single-float) *)
   (if float2
@@ -401,18 +339,6 @@
 	  (if (minusp (double-float-high-bits float)) (- ,temp) ,temp)))
       '(if (minusp (double-float-high-bits float)) -1d0 1d0)))
-(deftransform float-sign ((float &optional float2)
-			  (double-double-float &optional double-double-float) *)
-  (if float2
-      (let ((temp (gensym)))
-	`(let ((,temp (abs float2)))
-	   (if (minusp (float-sign (double-double-hi float)))
-	       (- ,temp)
-	       ,temp)))
-      '(if (minusp (float-sign (double-double-hi float))) -1w0 1w0)))

@@ -778,13 +704,6 @@
        (%sincos x)
      (complex c s)))
-(deftransform cis ((x) (double-double-float) *)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (s c)
-       (kernel::dd-%sincos x)
-     (complex c s)))
 ;;; The argument range is limited on the x86 FP trig. functions. A
 ;;; post-test can detect a failure (and load a suitable result), but
 ;;; this test is avoided if possible.
@@ -2170,609 +2089,3 @@
     (make-values-type :required (list f

-;;; Support for double-double floats
-;;; The algorithms contained herein are based on the code written by
-;;; Yozo Hida.  See http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~yozo/ for more
-;;; information.
-(declaim (inline quick-two-sum))
-(defun quick-two-sum (a b)
-  "Computes fl(a+b) and err(a+b), assuming |a| >= |b|"
-  (declare (double-float a b))
-  (let* ((s (+ a b))
-	 (e (- b (- s a))))
-    (values s e)))
-(declaim (inline two-sum))
-(defun two-sum (a b)
-  "Computes fl(a+b) and err(a+b)"
-  (declare (double-float a b))
-  (let* ((s (+ a b))
-	 (v (- s a))
-	 (e (+ (- a (- s v))
-	       (- b v))))
-    (locally
-	(declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-      (values s e))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline add-dd))
-(defun add-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  "Add the double-double A0,A1 to the double-double B0,B1"
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-      (two-sum a0 b0)
-    (declare (double-float s1 s2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
-      (return-from add-dd (values s1 0d0)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (t1 t2)
-	(two-sum a1 b1)
-      (declare (double-float t1 t2))
-      (incf s2 t1)
-      (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-	  (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-	(declare (double-float s1 s2))
-	(incf s2 t2)
-	(multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	    (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-	  (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b0))
-	      ;; Handle sum of signed zeroes here.
-	      (values (float-sign (+ a0 b0) 0d0)
-		      0d0)
-	      (values r1 r2)))))))
-(deftransform + ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (add-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-	       (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(declaim (inline quick-two-diff))
-(defun quick-two-diff (a b)
-  "Compute fl(a-b) and err(a-b), assuming |a| >= |b|"
-  (declare (double-float a b))
-  (let ((s (- a b)))
-    (values s (- (- a s) b))))
-(declaim (inline two-diff))
-(defun two-diff (a b)
-  "Compute fl(a-b) and err(a-b)"
-  (declare (double-float a b))
-  (let* ((s (- a b))
-	 (v (- s a))
-	 (e (- (- a (- s v))
-	       (+ b v))))
-    (locally
-	(declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-      (values s e))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline sub-dd))
-(defun sub-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  "Subtract the double-double B0,B1 from A0,A1"
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-      (two-diff a0 b0)
-    (declare (double-float s2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
-      (return-from sub-dd (values s1 0d0)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (t1 t2)
-	(two-diff a1 b1)
-      (incf s2 t1)
-      (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-	  (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-	(declare (double-float s2))
-	(incf s2 t2)
-	(multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	    (quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-	  (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b0))
-	      (values (float-sign (- a0 b0) 0d0)
-		      0d0)
-	      (values r1 r2)))))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline sub-d-dd))
-(defun sub-d-dd (a b0 b1)
-  "Compute double-double = double - double-double"
-  (declare (double-float a b0 b1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-      (two-diff a b0)
-    (declare (double-float s2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
-      (return-from sub-d-dd (values s1 0d0)))
-    (decf s2 b1)
-    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	(quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-      (if (and (zerop a) (zerop b0))
-	(values (float-sign (- a b0) 0d0) 0d0)
-	(values r1 r2)))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline sub-dd-d))
-(defun sub-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
-  "Subtract the double B from the double-double A0,A1"
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
-	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-      (two-diff a0 b)
-    (declare (double-float s2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
-      (return-from sub-dd-d (values s1 0d0)))
-    (incf s2 a1)
-    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	(quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-      (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b))
-	(values (float-sign (- a0 b) 0d0) 0d0)
-	(values r1 r2)))))
-(deftransform - ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-      (sub-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-	      (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform - ((a b) (double-float vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (sub-d-dd a
-		 (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform - ((a b) (vm::double-double-float double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (sub-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-		 b)
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline split))
-;; See Listing 2.6: Mul12 in "CR-LIBM: A library of correctly rounded
-;; elementary functions in double-precision".  Also known as Dekker's
-;; algorithm.
-(defun split (a)
-  "Split the double-float number a into a-hi and a-lo such that a =
-  a-hi + a-lo and a-hi contains the upper 26 significant bits of a and
-  a-lo contains the lower 26 bits."
-  (declare (double-float a))
-  (let* ((tmp (* a (+ 1 (expt 2 27))))
-	 (a-hi (- tmp (- tmp a)))
-	 (a-lo (- a a-hi)))
-    (values a-hi a-lo)))
-;; Values used for scaling in two-prod.  These are used to determine
-;; if SPLIT might overflow so the value (and result) can be scaled to
-;; prevent overflow.
-(defconstant +two970+
-  (scale-float 1d0 970))
-(defconstant +two53+
-  (scale-float 1d0 53))
-(defconstant +two-53+
-  (scale-float 1d0 -53))
-(declaim (inline two-prod))
-;; This is essentially the algorithm given by Listing 2.7 Mul12Cond
-;; given in "CR-LIBM: A library of correctly rounded elementary
-;; functions in double-precision".
-(defun two-prod (a b)
-  _N"Compute fl(a*b) and err(a*b)"
-  (declare (double-float a b)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)))
-  ;; If the numbers are too big, scale them done so SPLIT doesn't overflow.
-  (multiple-value-bind (aa bb)
-      (values (if (> a +two970+)
-		  (* a +two-53+)
-		  a)
-	      (if (> b +two970+)
-		  (* b +two-53+)
-		  b))
-    (let ((p (* aa bb)))
-      (declare (double-float p)
-	       (inline split))
-      (multiple-value-bind (aa-hi aa-lo)
-	  (split aa)
-	;;(format t "aa-hi, aa-lo = ~S ~S~%" aa-hi aa-lo)
-	(multiple-value-bind (bb-hi bb-lo)
-	    (split bb)
-	  ;;(format t "bb-hi, bb-lo = ~S ~S~%" bb-hi bb-lo)
-	  (let ((e (+ (+ (- (* aa-hi bb-hi) p)
-			 (* aa-hi bb-lo)
-			 (* aa-lo bb-hi))
-		      (* aa-lo bb-lo))))
-	    (declare (double-float e))
-	    (locally 
-		(declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-	      ;; If the numbers was scaled down, we need to scale the
-	      ;; result back up.
-	      (when (> a +two970+)
-		(setf p (* p +two53+)
-		      e (* e +two53+)))
-	      (when (> b +two970+)
-		(setf p (* p +two53+)
-		      e (* e +two53+)))
-	      (values p e))))))))
-(defun two-prod (a b)
-  _N"Compute fl(a*b) and err(a*b)"
-  (declare (double-float a b))
-  ;; PPC has a fused multiply-subtract instruction that can be used
-  ;; here, so use it.
-  (let* ((p (* a b))
-	 (err (vm::fused-multiply-subtract a b p)))
-    (values p err)))
-(declaim (inline two-sqr))
-(defun two-sqr (a)
-  _N"Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient
-  implementation of two-prod"
-  (declare (double-float a))
-  (let ((q (* a a)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (a-hi a-lo)
-	(split a)
-      (locally
-	  (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-	(values q (+ (+ (- (* a-hi a-hi) q)
-			(* 2 a-hi a-lo))
-		     (* a-lo a-lo)))))))
-(defun two-sqr (a)
-  _N"Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient
-  implementation of two-prod"
-  (declare (double-float a))
-  (let ((aa (if (> a +two970+)
-		(* a +two-53+)
-		a)))
-    (let ((q (* aa aa)))
-      (declare (double-float q)
-	       (inline split))
-      (multiple-value-bind (a-hi a-lo)
-	  (split aa)
-	(locally
-	    (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-	  (let ((e (+ (+ (- (* a-hi a-hi) q)
-			 (* 2 a-hi a-lo))
-		      (* a-lo a-lo))))
-	    (if (> a +two970+)
-	      (values (* q +two53+)
-		      (* e +two53+))
-	      (values q e))))))))
-(defun two-sqr (a)
-  _N"Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient
-  implementation of two-prod"
-  (declare (double-float a))
-  (let ((q (* a a)))
-    (values q (vm::fused-multiply-subtract a a q))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline mul-dd-d))
-(defun mul-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
-      (two-prod a0 b)
-    (declare (double-float p2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p p1)
-      (return-from mul-dd-d (values p1 0d0)))
-    ;;(format t "mul-dd-d p1,p2 = ~A ~A~%" p1 p2)
-    (incf p2 (* a1 b))
-    ;;(format t "mul-dd-d p2 = ~A~%" p2)
-    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	(quick-two-sum p1 p2)
-      (when (zerop r1)
-	(setf r1 (float-sign p1 0d0))
-	(setf r2 p1))
-      (values r1 r2))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline mul-dd))
-(defun mul-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  "Multiply the double-double A0,A1 with B0,B1"
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
-      (two-prod a0 b0)
-    (declare (double-float p1 p2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p p1)
-      (return-from mul-dd (values p1 0d0)))
-    (incf p2 (* a0 b1))
-    (incf p2 (* a1 b0))
-    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	(quick-two-sum p1 p2)
-      (if (zerop r1)
-	(values (float-sign p1 0d0) 0d0)
-	(values r1 r2)))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline add-dd-d))
-(defun add-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
-  "Add the double-double A0,A1 to the double B"
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2)
-      (two-sum a0 b)
-    (declare (double-float s1 s2))
-    (when (float-infinity-p s1)
-      (return-from add-dd-d (values s1 0d0)))
-    (incf s2 a1)
-    (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2)
-	(quick-two-sum s1 s2)
-      (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop b))
-	(values (float-sign (+ a0 b) 0d0) 0d0)
-	(values r1 r2)))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline sqr-dd))
-(defun sqr-dd (a0 a1)
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
-      (two-sqr a0)
-    (declare (double-float p1 p2))
-    (incf p2 (* 2 a0 a1))
-    ;; Hida's version of sqr (qd-2.1.210) has the following line for
-    ;; the sqr function.  But if you compare this with mul-dd, this
-    ;; doesn't exist there, and if you leave it in, it produces
-    ;; results that are different from using mul-dd to square a value.
-    #+nil
-    (incf p2 (* a1 a1))
-    (quick-two-sum p1 p2)))
-(deftransform + ((a b) (vm::double-double-float (or integer single-float double-float))
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (add-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-		 (float b 1d0))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform + ((a b) ((or integer single-float double-float) vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-      (add-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b)
-		(float a 1d0))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform * ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  ;; non-const-same-leaf-ref-p is stolen from two-arg-derive-type.
-  (flet ((non-const-same-leaf-ref-p (x y)
-	   ;; Just like same-leaf-ref-p, but we don't care if the
-	   ;; value of the leaf is constant or not.
-	   (declare (type continuation x y))
-	   (let ((x-use (continuation-use x))
-		 (y-use (continuation-use y)))
-	     (and (ref-p x-use)
-		  (ref-p y-use)
-		  (eq (ref-leaf x-use) (ref-leaf y-use))))))
-    (destructuring-bind (arg1 arg2)
-	(combination-args node)
-      ;; If the two args to * are the same, we square the number
-      ;; instead of multiply.  Squaring is simpler than a full
-      ;; multiply.
-      (if (non-const-same-leaf-ref-p arg1 arg2)
-	  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-	       (sqr-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
-	     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-			(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo)))
-	  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-	       (mul-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-		       (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
-	     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-			(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo)))))))
-(deftransform * ((a b) (vm::double-double-float (or integer single-float double-float))
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (mul-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-		 (float b 1d0))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform * ((a b) ((or integer single-float double-float) vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (mul-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b)
-		 (float a 1d0))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline div-dd))
-(defun div-dd (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  "Divide the double-double A0,A1 by B0,B1"
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b0 b1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3))
-	   (inline sub-dd))
-  (let ((q1 (/ a0 b0)))
-    (when (float-infinity-p q1)
-      (return-from div-dd (values q1 0d0)))
-    ;; (q1b0, q1b1) = q1*(b0,b1)
-    ;;(format t "q1 = ~A~%" q1)
-    (multiple-value-bind (q1b0 q1b1)
-	(mul-dd-d b0 b1 q1)
-      ;;(format t "q1*b = ~A ~A~%" q1b0 q1b1)
-      (multiple-value-bind (r0 r1)
-	  ;; r = a - q1 * b
-	  (sub-dd a0 a1 q1b0 q1b1)
-	;;(format t "r = ~A ~A~%" r0 r1)
-	(let ((q2 (/ r0 b0)))
-	  (multiple-value-bind (q2b0 q2b1)
-	      (mul-dd-d b0 b1 q2)
-	    (multiple-value-bind (r0 r1)
-		;; r = r - (q2*b)
-		(sub-dd r0 r1 q2b0 q2b1)
-	      (declare (ignore r1))
-	      (let ((q3 (/ r0 b0)))
-		(multiple-value-bind (q1 q2)
-		    (quick-two-sum q1 q2)
-		  (add-dd-d q1 q2 q3))))))))))
-(declaim (maybe-inline div-dd-d))
-(defun div-dd-d (a0 a1 b)
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1 b)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (let ((q1 (/ a0 b)))
-    ;; q1 = approx quotient
-    ;; Now compute a - q1 * b
-    (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
-	(two-prod q1 b)
-      (multiple-value-bind (s e)
-	  (two-diff a0 p1)
-	(declare (double-float e))
-	(incf e a1)
-	(decf e p2)
-	;; Next approx
-	(let ((q2 (/ (+ s e) b)))
-	  (quick-two-sum q1 q2))))))
-(deftransform / ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float)
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-      (div-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-	      (kernel:double-double-hi b) (kernel:double-double-lo b))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform / ((a b) (vm::double-double-float (or integer single-float double-float))
-		 * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (div-dd-d (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a)
-		 (float b 1d0))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(declaim (inline sqr-d))
-(defun sqr-d (a)
-  "Square"
-  (declare (double-float a)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (two-sqr a))
-(declaim (inline mul-d-d))
-(defun mul-d-d (a b)
-  (two-prod a b))
-(declaim (maybe-inline sqrt-dd))
-(defun sqrt-dd (a0 a1)
-  (declare (type (double-float 0d0) a0)
-	   (double-float a1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  ;; Strategy: Use Karp's trick: if x is an approximation to sqrt(a),
-  ;; then
-  ;;
-  ;; y = a*x + (a-(a*x)^2)*x/2
-  ;;
-  ;; is an approximation that is accurate to twice the accuracy of x.
-  ;; Also, the multiplication (a*x) and [-]*x can be done with only
-  ;; half the precision.
-  (if (and (zerop a0) (zerop a1))
-      (values a0 a1)
-      (let* ((x (/ (sqrt a0)))
-	     (ax (* a0 x)))
-	(multiple-value-bind (s0 s1)
-	    (sqr-d ax)
-	  (multiple-value-bind (s2)
-	      (sub-dd a0 a1 s0 s1)
-	    (multiple-value-bind (p0 p1)
-		(mul-d-d s2 (* x 0.5d0))
-	      (add-dd-d p0 p1 ax)))))))
-(deftransform sqrt ((a) ((vm::double-double-float 0w0))
-		    * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (sqrt-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(declaim (inline neg-dd))
-(defun neg-dd (a0 a1)
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (values (- a0) (- a1)))
-(declaim (inline abs-dd))
-(defun abs-dd (a0 a1)
-  (declare (double-float a0 a1)
-	   (optimize (speed 3)
-		     (inhibit-warnings 3)))
-  (if (minusp a0)
-      (neg-dd a0 a1)
-      (values a0 a1)))
-(deftransform abs ((a) (vm::double-double-float)
-		   * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (abs-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(deftransform %negate ((a) (vm::double-double-float)
-		       * :node node)
-  `(multiple-value-bind (hi lo)
-       (neg-dd (kernel:double-double-hi a) (kernel:double-double-lo a))
-     (truly-the ,(type-specifier (node-derived-type node))
-		(kernel:%make-double-double-float hi lo))))
-(declaim (inline dd=))
-(defun dd= (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  (and (= a0 b0)
-       (= a1 b1)))
-(declaim (inline dd<))
-(defun dd< (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  (or (< a0 b0)
-       (and (= a0 b0)
-	    (< a1 b1))))
-(declaim (inline dd>))
-(defun dd> (a0 a1 b0 b1)
-  (or (> a0 b0)
-       (and (= a0 b0)
-	    (> a1 b1))))
-(deftransform = ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float) *)
-  `(dd= (kernel:double-double-hi a)
-	(kernel:double-double-lo a)
-	(kernel:double-double-hi b)
-	(kernel:double-double-lo b)))
-(deftransform < ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float) *)
-  `(dd< (kernel:double-double-hi a)
-	(kernel:double-double-lo a)
-	(kernel:double-double-hi b)
-	(kernel:double-double-lo b)))
-(deftransform > ((a b) (vm::double-double-float vm::double-double-float) *)
-  `(dd> (kernel:double-double-hi a)
-	(kernel:double-double-lo a)
-	(kernel:double-double-hi b)
-	(kernel:double-double-lo b)))
-) ; progn double-double

--- a/src/compiler/loadcom.lisp
+++ b/src/compiler/loadcom.lisp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 (load "vm:vm-typetran")
 (load "vm:vm-tran")
 (load "c:float-tran")
+(load "c:float-tran-dd")
 (load "c:saptran")
 (load "c:srctran")
 (load "c:locall")

--- a/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
+++ b/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
@@ -18776,68 +18776,68 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Float zero bound ~s not correctly canonicalised?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Compute fl(a*b) and err(a*b)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid ""
 "Compute fl(a*a) and err(a*b).  This is a more efficient\n"
 "  implementation of two-prod"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Computes fl(a+b) and err(a+b), assuming |a| >= |b|"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Computes fl(a+b) and err(a+b)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Add the double-double A0,A1 to the double-double B0,B1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Compute fl(a-b) and err(a-b), assuming |a| >= |b|"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Compute fl(a-b) and err(a-b)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Subtract the double-double B0,B1 from A0,A1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Compute double-double = double - double-double"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Subtract the double B from the double-double A0,A1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid ""
 "Split the double-float number a into a-hi and a-lo such that a =\n"
 "  a-hi + a-lo and a-hi contains the upper 26 significant bits of a and\n"
 "  a-lo contains the lower 26 bits."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Multiply the double-double A0,A1 with B0,B1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Add the double-double A0,A1 to the double B"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Divide the double-double A0,A1 by B0,B1"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp
+#: src/compiler/float-tran-dd.lisp
 msgid "Square"
 msgstr ""

--- a/src/tools/comcom.lisp
+++ b/src/tools/comcom.lisp
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
 (comf "target:compiler/typetran" :byte-compile *byte-compile*)
 (comf "target:compiler/generic/vm-typetran" :byte-compile *byte-compile*)
 (comf "target:compiler/float-tran" :byte-compile *byte-compile*)
+(comf "target:compiler/float-tran-dd" :byte-compile *byte-compile*)
 (comf "target:compiler/saptran" :byte-compile *byte-compile*)
 (comf "target:compiler/srctran") ;; try
 (comf "target:compiler/locall")

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/65a61bdbf178b151a633825e27761e25fa45442e...b7af30bd57a3ab56e0d1d9c398df3200f9cc45d6
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