[cmucl-cvs] [git] CMU Common Lisp branch master updated. snapshot-2012-06-1-gb0e85da

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Fri Jun 15 19:20:27 UTC 2012

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "CMU Common Lisp".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  b0e85da9332a8822dd9496a0e4a72571b6d3546b (commit)
      from  94321e988a142e938548e3be07c8cbaf3077211d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b0e85da9332a8822dd9496a0e4a72571b6d3546b
Author: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 15 12:19:47 2012 -0700

    Update to asdf 2.22.  Testsuite for asdf, using 2012-06, passes fine.

diff --git a/src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp b/src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp
index b7ad1dd..5981f67 100644
--- a/src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp
+++ b/src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; coding: utf-8 -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.21: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.22: Another System Definition Facility.
 ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
 ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel at common-lisp.net>.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
          ;; "2.345.6" would be a development version in the official upstream
          ;; "2.345.0.7" would be your seventh local modification of official release 2.345
          ;; "2.345.6.7" would be your seventh local modification of development version 2.345.6
-         (asdf-version "2.21")
+         (asdf-version "2.22")
          (existing-asdf (find-class 'component nil))
          (existing-version *asdf-version*)
          (already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ processed in order by OPERATE."))
     :initarg :if-component-dep-fails
     :accessor module-if-component-dep-fails)
-    :initform *default-component-class*
+    :initform nil
     :initarg :default-component-class
     :accessor module-default-component-class)))
@@ -2788,6 +2788,11 @@ details."
+(defun* find-class* (x &optional (errorp t) environment)
+  (etypecase x
+    ((or standard-class built-in-class) x)
+    (symbol (find-class x errorp environment))))
 (defun* class-for-type (parent type)
   (or (loop :for symbol :in (list
@@ -2799,8 +2804,10 @@ details."
                                  class (find-class 'component)))
         :return class)
       (and (eq type :file)
-           (or (and parent (module-default-component-class parent))
-               (find-class *default-component-class*)))
+           (find-class*
+            (or (loop :for module = parent :then (component-parent module) :while module
+                  :thereis (module-default-component-class module))
+                *default-component-class*) nil))
       (sysdef-error "don't recognize component type ~A" type)))
 (defun* maybe-add-tree (tree op1 op2 c)
@@ -2886,7 +2893,7 @@ Returns the new tree (which probably shares structure with the old one)"
         (type name &rest rest &key
               ;; the following list of keywords is reproduced below in the
               ;; remove-keys form.  important to keep them in sync
-              components pathname default-component-class
+              components pathname
               perform explain output-files operation-done-p
               weakly-depends-on depends-on serial in-order-to
@@ -2913,7 +2920,7 @@ Returns the new tree (which probably shares structure with the old one)"
                         :pathname pathname
                         :parent parent
-                         '(components pathname default-component-class
+                         '(components pathname
                            perform explain output-files operation-done-p
                            weakly-depends-on depends-on serial in-order-to)
@@ -2927,10 +2934,6 @@ Returns the new tree (which probably shares structure with the old one)"
           (setf ret (apply 'make-instance (class-for-type parent type) args)))
       (component-pathname ret) ; eagerly compute the absolute pathname
       (when (typep ret 'module)
-        (setf (module-default-component-class ret)
-              (or default-component-class
-                  (and (typep parent 'module)
-                       (module-default-component-class parent))))
         (let ((*serial-depends-on* nil))
           (setf (module-components ret)
@@ -3687,7 +3690,7 @@ Please remove it from your ASDF configuration"))
     #+sbcl ,(let ((h (getenv "SBCL_HOME")))
                  (when (plusp (length h)) `((,(truenamize h) ,*wild-inferiors*) ())))
     ;; The below two are not needed: no precompiled ASDF system there
-    ;; #+ecl (,(translate-logical-pathname "SYS:**;*.*") ())
+    #+ecl (,(translate-logical-pathname "SYS:**;*.*") ())
     ;; #+clozure ,(ignore-errors (list (wilden (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* #p"")) (truename #p"ccl:"))) ()))
     ;; All-import, here is where we want user stuff to be:
@@ -4011,21 +4014,24 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
 (defun* directory-files (directory &optional (pattern *wild-file*))
-  (setf directory (pathname directory))
-  (when (wild-pathname-p directory)
-    (error "Invalid wild in ~S" directory))
-  (unless (member (pathname-directory pattern) '(() (:relative)) :test 'equal)
-    (error "Invalid file pattern ~S" pattern))
-  (when (typep directory 'logical-pathname)
-    (setf pattern (make-pathname-logical pattern (pathname-host directory))))
-  (let ((entries (ignore-errors (directory* (merge-pathnames* pattern directory)))))
-    (filter-logical-directory-results
-     directory entries
-     #'(lambda (f)
-         (make-pathname :defaults directory
-                        :name (pathname-name f)
-                        :type (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-type f))
-                        :version (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-version f)))))))
+  (let ((dir (pathname directory)))
+    (when (typep dir 'logical-pathname)
+      ;; Because of the filtering we do below,
+      ;; logical pathnames have restrictions on wild patterns.
+      ;; Not that the results are very portable when you use these patterns on physical pathnames.
+      (when (wild-pathname-p dir)
+        (error "Invalid wild pattern in logical directory ~S" directory))
+      (unless (member (pathname-directory pattern) '(() (:relative)) :test 'equal)
+        (error "Invalid file pattern ~S for logical directory ~S" pattern directory))
+      (setf pattern (make-pathname-logical pattern (pathname-host dir))))
+    (let ((entries (ignore-errors (directory* (merge-pathnames* pattern dir)))))
+      (filter-logical-directory-results
+       directory entries
+       #'(lambda (f)
+           (make-pathname :defaults dir
+                          :name (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-name f))
+                          :type (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-type f))
+                          :version (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-version f))))))))
 (defun* directory-asd-files (directory)
   (directory-files directory *wild-asd*))
@@ -4399,7 +4405,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
     (let ((*verbose-out* (make-broadcast-stream))
           (system (find-system (string-downcase name) nil)))
       (when system
-        (operate *require-asdf-operator* system :verbose nil)
+        (operate *require-asdf-operator* system :verbose nil :force-not (loaded-systems))
 #+(or abcl clisp clozure cmu ecl sbcl)
diff --git a/src/general-info/release-20d.txt b/src/general-info/release-20d.txt
index e2b20e8..631fcca 100644
--- a/src/general-info/release-20d.txt
+++ b/src/general-info/release-20d.txt
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ New in this release:
     * Added external format for EUC-KR.
   * Changes
-    * ASDF2 updated to version 2.21.
+    * ASDF2 updated to version 2.22.
     * Behavior of STRING-TO-OCTETS has changed.  This is an
       incompatible change from the previous version but should be more
       useful when a buffer is given which is not large enough to hold


Summary of changes:
 src/contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp       |   62 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/general-info/release-20d.txt |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

CMU Common Lisp

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